From 09aa713e04434e1f6f9c8a3b7416ac0b0655cce0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lyn Perrine Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 10:35:29 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add advance tab of pcmanfm-qt prefrences --- source/2/2.4/2.4.4/pcmanfm-qt.rst | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/source/2/2.4/2.4.4/pcmanfm-qt.rst b/source/2/2.4/2.4.4/pcmanfm-qt.rst index 9cbba532..e9b20df3 100644 --- a/source/2/2.4/2.4.4/pcmanfm-qt.rst +++ b/source/2/2.4/2.4.4/pcmanfm-qt.rst @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ The tab :guilabel:`Thumbnail` tab has settings for thumbnails on files in pcmanf The tab :guilabel:`Volume` manages flash drives other partions on external disks and other external meida. The :guilabel:`Auto Mount` section is settings for atuomatically mounting removable media. The :guilabel:`Mount mountable volumens automatically on program startup` mounts removable media when you start pcmanfm-qt. To automount removeable media when you insert them into your computer check the :guilabel:`Mount removeable media automatically when they are inserted`. To show a menu for removeable media when inserted check/uncheck the :guilabel:`Show available options for removable media when they are inserted`. To choose when you unmount a a removable volum you can choose to :guilabel:`Close tab containing removeable medium` or :guilabel:`Change folder in the tab to home folder`. +The :guilabel:`Advanced` tab shows integration with other programs and advanced settings. To change your default terminal emulator from pcmanfm-qt prefrences drop down change the :guilabel:`Terminal emulator` drop down menu. To change your Archiver integration change the :guilabel:`Archiver integration` drop down. Version -------