To check the health of your hard drive or solid state drive on the :menuselection:`Device --> SMART Status` or by right clicking on the device in the side pane :menuselection:`Smart Status`. The field :guilabel:`SMART status` shows the overall health of your drive or if it has detected any problems. The field :guilabel:`Model` shows the model number of your particular drive.
To check the health of your hard drive or solid state drive on the :menuselection:`Device --> SMART Status` or by right clicking on the device in the side pane :menuselection:`Smart Status`. The field :guilabel:`SMART status` shows the overall health of your drive or if it has detected any problems. The field :guilabel:`Model` shows the model number of your particular drive. The field :guilabel:`Temperture` shows the temperture of your drive but it is bad for it to be too hot. The field :guilabel:`Bad sectors` show how many sectors on your drive are no longer functioning.