diff --git a/source/2/2.4/2.4.7/QtPass.rst b/source/2/2.4/2.4.7/QtPass.rst index 099905cb..25b5b00a 100644 --- a/source/2/2.4/2.4.7/QtPass.rst +++ b/source/2/2.4/2.4.7/QtPass.rst @@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ Cusotmizing To change your settings for QtPass press the :guilabel:`Gear Button`. To change if QtPass will copy passwords change the drop down under the :guilabel:`Clipboard behavior` drop down. To copy the password into primary selection check the :guilabel:`Use primary selection` checkbox. To have your password cleared from your clipboard after a while to not accidently paste it anywhere check the :guilabel:`Autoclear after` checkbox and select how long in the field in the right. To hide everything on the right when you click on your password press the :guilabel:`Hide content` checkbox. To have the password hidden when you click on a password check the :guilabel:`Hide password` checkbox. To have the panel automatically clear itself check the :guilabel:`Autoclear panel after` checkbox and change how long on the right. -To change how long to make generated passwords change the :guilabel:`Password Length` field. To change what characters to use use the :guilabel:`Use characters` drop down message. To use a custom set of characters type in what characters in the :guilabel:`Use characters` and type in what characters you want to use. To toggle using the pwgen command line program check/uncheck the :guilabel:`Use pwgen` checkbox. To have autogenerated passowerds not have capital letters check the :guilabel:`Exclude capital letters` checkbox. To have your generated passwords not have numbers check the :guilabel:`Exclude numbers` checkbox. To generate eeasier to memorize passwords check the :guilabel:`Generate easy to memorize but less secure passwords` checkbox. +To change how long to make generated passwords change the :guilabel:`Password Length` field. To change what characters to use use the :guilabel:`Use characters` drop down message. To use a custom set of characters type in what characters in the :guilabel:`Use characters` and type in what characters you want to use. To toggle using the pwgen command line program check/uncheck the :guilabel:`Use pwgen` checkbox. To have autogenerated passowerds not have capital letters check the :guilabel:`Exclude capital letters` checkbox. To have your generated passwords not have numbers check the :guilabel:`Exclude numbers` checkbox. To generate eeasier to memorize passwords check the :guilabel:`Generate easy to memorize but less secure passwords` checkbox. To have generated passwords include specail symbols check the :guilabel:`Include specail symbols` checkbox. + +.. image:: qtpass-settings.png + Version ------- diff --git a/source/2/2.4/2.4.7/qtpass-settings.png b/source/2/2.4/2.4.7/qtpass-settings.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8cdc70ad Binary files /dev/null and b/source/2/2.4/2.4.7/qtpass-settings.png differ