Remove arcanist from

Lyn Perrine 1 year ago
parent f5b66f545c
commit 5652ab923c

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The documentation is powered by [Sphinx]( a
Run the following command to install the needed dependencies: Run the following command to install the needed dependencies:
``` ```
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-sphinx latexmk texlive texlive-formats-extra arcanist python3-sphinx-rtd-theme python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme sudo apt install python3-pip python3-sphinx latexmk texlive texlive-formats-extra python3-sphinx-rtd-theme python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme
``` ```
You can see the options for building the documentation by running `make help`. You can make the html version by running `make html`. You can make a pdf version of the lubuntu manual with `make latexpdf`. If you just want to check for warnings or errors building run `make dummy`. You can see the options for building the documentation by running `make help`. You can make the html version by running `make html`. You can make a pdf version of the lubuntu manual with `make latexpdf`. If you just want to check for warnings or errors building run `make dummy`.
