capitlize PDF in some places
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Usage
To open a PDF file use :menuselection:`File --> Open` or press :kbd:`Control + O` on the keyboard. If you have a PDF open use :menuselection:`File --> Open in new tab` from the menu, click the Open in new tab button or press :kbd:`Control + T`. To refresh a PDF click the Refresh button, :menuselection:`File --> Refresh`, or press :kbd:`F5` just like most web browsers. To switch between tabs on the keyboard you can press control :kbd:`control + tab` or :menuselection:`Tabs --> Next Tab` to go the next tab or :kbd:`control + shift + tab` or :menuselection:`Tabs --> Previous Tab` to cycle through your tabs in the opposite direction. At the bottom of the tab menu will be a list of all your tabs you have open with the title of each document. To close the tab press the red X button on the tab or press :kbd:`Control +W`. To close all tabs on qpdfview press :kbd:`Control + Shift +W`. To restore the most recently closed tabs press :kbd:`Alt+Shift+W` or :menuselection:`Restore most recently closed tab`. To view a menu with your recently closed tab :menuselection:`Tabs --> Recently Closed` and select the file you want. To see a list of all your tabs in a menu they are at the bottom of the :menuselection:`Tabs` menu.
If you want a second copy of a PDF file open right click on the tab and :menuselection:`Open copy in new tab`. If you want a copy of the current PDF on the tab and select :menuselection:`Open copy in new window`. To open your file manager in the current directory right click on the tab and :menuselection:`Open containing folder`. To one pdf file on the left and another on the right click on the tab bar and select :menuselection:`Split view horizontally` and then select the pdf you want to open beside the other tab. To have one pdf file on top of another right click and select :menuselection:`Split view vertically` and select which pdf you want one of top of the other. To switch between which pdf you are able to change pages of simply move the mouse over that pdf. To close go back to only one pdf file per tab right click on the tab and select :menuselection:`Close current view`.
If you want a second copy of a PDF file open right click on the tab and :menuselection:`Open copy in new tab`. If you want a copy of the current PDF on the tab and select :menuselection:`Open copy in new window`. To open your file manager in the current directory right click on the tab and :menuselection:`Open containing folder`. To one PDF file on the left and another on the right click on the tab bar and select :menuselection:`Split view horizontally` and then select the PDF you want to open beside the other tab. To have one PDF file on top of another right click and select :menuselection:`Split view vertically` and select which PDF you want one of top of the other. To switch between which PDF you are able to change pages of simply move the mouse over that PDF. To close go back to only one PDF file per tab right click on the tab and select :menuselection:`Close current view`.
To close all tabs right click on the tab bar and :menuselection:`Close all tabs`. To Close all tabs but that one you right click on right click on a tab and :menuselection:`Close all tabs but this one`. To close all tabs to the right of the one you right click right click on a tab and :menuselection:`Close all tabs to right`. To close all tabs to the left right click on a tab and :menuselection:`Close all tabs to left`. To reorder your tabs left click and drag the tab where you want it in the order.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ If you want to view a particular page select the box (e.g. page 1/3) in towards
To select text or an image from qpdfview press :kbd:`control+c` or :menuselection:`Edit --> Copy to clipboard`. Then the cursor will turn into a crosshair and you will be able to expand a box to select either text or an image and a menu to select copying the text, selecting the text, copying the image, or saving the image to file. Another way to copy text is to press :kbd:`Shift + Left Click`.
To save your PDF file is to :menuselection:`File --> Save` or you can press :kbd:`Control + s`. You can save the file with a different name with :menuselection:`File --> Save as`. To save a copy of the document click :menuselection:`File --> Save a copy`. If the next time you want to open a pdf to a specific page as first page right click :menuselection:`Set first page`. :menuselection:` If you want to quit qpdfview press :kbd:`Control+Q`.
To save your PDF file is to :menuselection:`File --> Save` or you can press :kbd:`Control + s`. You can save the file with a different name with :menuselection:`File --> Save as`. To save a copy of the document click :menuselection:`File --> Save a copy`. If the next time you want to open a PDF to a specific page as first page right click :menuselection:`Set first page`. :menuselection:` If you want to quit qpdfview press :kbd:`Control+Q`.
To view both the bottom of one page and the top of another page press :kbd:`Control+7` or :menuselection:`View --> Continuous`. To view two pages at once like if you want to see a two page spread of an illustration in a PDF of a book press :kbd:`Control + 6` or :menuselection:`View --> Two pages`. To get your view back to normal press :kbd:`Control +6` again or :menuselection:`View --> Two pages` again. To view the first page as a separate title page and then two pages side by side press :kbd:`Control+5` or :menuselection:`View --> Two pages with title page`. To toggle the view of three pages at a time press :kbd:`Control +4` or :menuselection:`View --> Multiple pages`. To view right to left languages on qpdfview press :kbd:`Control +Shift +R` or :menuselection:`View --> Right to left`. To view the fonts embedded in the PDF :menuselection:`View --> Fonts`.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ To make an annotation press :kbd:`Control +A` or :menuselection:`Edit --> Add an
To select page width in zoom in qpdfview is a drop down menu with page width to show the width of the page on qpdfview, :menuselection:`View --> Fit to page width`, or press :kbd:`Control +9`. To view the whole page on qpdfview in this drop down menu select whole page, :menuselection:`View --> fit to page size`, or press :kbd:`Control + 8`. To return to the original zoom press :kbd:`Control + 0` or :menuselection:`View --> Original size`. To zoom in is press the magnifying glass with a + in it or press :kbd:`Control + +` or :menuselection:`View --> Zoom in`. To zoom out press the magnifying glass button with a - in it or press :kbd:`Control + -` or :menuselection:`View --> Zoom out`. To rotate the file to the left is press :kbd:`Control + Left arrow` or :menuselection:`View --> Rotate Left`. To rotate the file to the right is press :kbd:`Control + Right arrow` or :menuselection:`View --> Rotate Right`. Another way to rotate is to hold :kbd:`Shift` and then use the mousewheel. Another way to zoom with the scrollwheel is to hold :kbd:`Control` and zoom with the mousewheel.
To view a list of all tabs you have open you can select them by the title of the pdf by the bottom of the :guilabel:`Tabs` menu.
To view a list of all tabs you have open you can select them by the title of the PDF by the bottom of the :guilabel:`Tabs` menu.
If you have a particularly long PDF file you might want to make a bookmark to find a specific thing easily. To create a bookmark press :kbd:`control +b` or :menuselection:`Bookmarks --> Add Bookmark` and give the bookmark a memorable title and description so you can find it in this document again easily. If you later want to remove the bookmark go :menuselection:`Bookmarks --> Remove bookmark` or press :kbd:`control+ shift+ B`.
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