To set a name for what to call this preinstalled system you are installing to ship to someone enter that in the :guilabel:`Batch` field. To move to the next part press :guilabel:`Next` To go back to welcome press the :guilabel:`Back` button. Then the :guilabel:`Location`, :guilabel:`Keyboard`, :guilabel:`Customize`, and :guilabel:`Partitions` sections are the same as a normal installation.
To set a name for what to call this preinstalled system you are installing to ship to someone enter that in the :guilabel:`Batch` field. To move to the next part press :guilabel:`Next` To go back to welcome press the :guilabel:`Back` button. Then the :guilabel:`Location`, :guilabel:`Keyboard`, :guilabel:`Customize`, and :guilabel:`Partitions` sections are the same as a normal installation. Then for the oem install you will not be able to make a username as the end user you ship to will use that. To choose a hostname enter in the :guilabel:`What is the name of this computer?` field. Then you will enter a password twice with :guilabel:`Choose a Password to kepp your accoutn safe` field.