To change options for a torrent file use the :guilabel:`Options` tab. To have the torrent not effected by global torrent speed uncheck the :guilabel:`Honor global limits` checkbox. To limit how much of your internet a torrent will use of your download on the internet check the :guilabel:`Limit Download speed` checkbox and set the cop for how much it downloads. To limit how much upload your torrent uses check the :guilabel:`Limit upload speed` and set the limit. To change how much of a priority the torrent is change the :guilabel:`Torrent priority` menu.
To change options for a torrent file use the :guilabel:`Options` tab. To have the torrent not effected by global torrent speed uncheck the :guilabel:`Honor global limits` checkbox. To limit how much of your internet a torrent will use of your download on the internet check the :guilabel:`Limit Download speed` checkbox and set the cop for how much it downloads. To limit how much upload your torrent uses check the :guilabel:`Limit upload speed` and set the limit. To change how much of a priority the torrent is change the :guilabel:`Torrent priority` menu. To change the maximum number of other people this torrent will peer with change the :guilabel:`Maximum peers` field.