@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ To move between cells press the arrow keys. To enter data into cells type in the
To save your spreadsheet you need to press the button that looks like a floppy disk, press the keyboard shortcut or go to file menu -> save. To open a file press the button that looks like a brown folder and add selct the file you want from the dialog.
To save your spreadsheet you need to press the button that looks like a floppy disk, press the keyboard shortcut or go to file menu -> save. To open a file press the button that looks like a brown folder and add selct the file you want from the dialog.
To copy data you can right click copy, press the button with two pieces of paper or press control + c. To paste data press control control +v, edit paste, right click paste or press the botton that is a clipboard with a piece of paper on it.
To copy data you can right click copy, press the button with two pieces of paper or press control + c. To paste data press control control +v, edit paste, right click paste or press the botton that is a clipboard with a piece of paper on it. To cut text press control+x or press the sciors button to cut text.