fix load link

This commit is contained in:
Lyn Perrine 2018-11-07 22:33:56 -08:00
parent 8fa6f15be6
commit 974f580329

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Useage
To view how much RAM is being used on your system is under mem and then a [ number based on how many Gigabytes of memory. The Swap line lists how much swap is used. The numbers going down with a bar with a percentage next to them display useage on each of your cpu cores.
Load average shows your system laod over the past one five and fiften minute is why there are three numbers see `` for more infmormation. Uptime shows how long your computer has been booted.
Load average shows your system laod over the past one five and fiften minute is why there are three numbers see `wikipedia load (computing) <>`_ for more infmormation. Uptime shows how long your computer has been booted.
After the bottom there is a green bar that says PID for the Process ID of a user, The user the process responds to, RES is how much RAM the process is currently using. CPU% shows how much as a percent of CPU time the process is using, mem% is a precent of the RAM your proess is using. TIme shows how long the process has been running. COmmand shows the command line command of the process.