@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ Chapter 2.5.2 Pulse Audio Volume Control
Pulse Audio volume control is the the default volume mixer for Lubuntu.
Lubuntu ships with version 0.4.0 Pulse Audio Volume Control.
How to launch
To launch pulse audio volume Control from the menu -> Sound and video -> Pulse Audio Volume control or run pavucontrol-qt from the command line. Another way to launch Pulse audoio volume control is to click on the volume applet in the panel and click the mixer button.
To open media stored locally on your system click media open file and navigate your local files or press control +o on the keyboard to open files stored locally on your machine. If you wish to open media from somewhere on the internet on media press open network stream or press control n. To pause playback of a file press the button that look like two verical lines. To resume playback press the right playback button.
Lubuntu ships with version 3.0.4 of VLC.
How to launch
to launch vlc in the menu go to Sound and video --> VLC media player or run vlc from the command line.