diff --git a/source/2/2.1/2.1.2/qtransmission.rst b/source/2/2.1/2.1.2/qtransmission.rst index 8ca5f25b..05769b98 100644 --- a/source/2/2.1/2.1.2/qtransmission.rst +++ b/source/2/2.1/2.1.2/qtransmission.rst @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ To open your preferences for Transmission :menuselection:`Edit --> Preferences`. .. image:: qtransmission-speed-pref.png -The :guilabel:`Downloading` tab of your preferences has settings for downloading torrents. To automatically have transission open the torrent files in a directory check the :guilabel:`Automatically add .torrent files from` checkbox and chose a path to have automatically added. To start the added torrents automatically check the :guilabel:`Start added torrents` checkbox. To choose where to save torrents is in the :guilabel:`Save to Location:` button to bring up a dialog to show where to save the torrent. To set a maximum number of torrents downloading at the same time change the :guilabel:`Maximum active downloads:` field. To stop trying to download a file after no more file to download change the :guilabel:`Download is inactive if data sharing stopped` and choose how many minutes to choose if it is inactive. To add .part to the end of incomplete downloaded files check the :guilabel:`Append ".part" to incomplete files' names` checkbox. To choose if you want a different file to choose the incomplete files check the :guilabel:`Keep incomplete files in:` checkbox and bring a dialog to choose it where to be on the button to the right. +The :guilabel:`Downloading` tab of your preferences has settings for downloading torrents. To automatically have transmission open the torrent files in a directory check the :guilabel:`Automatically add .torrent files from` checkbox and chose a path to have automatically added. To start the added torrents automatically check the :guilabel:`Start added torrents` checkbox. To choose where to save torrents is in the :guilabel:`Save to Location:` button to bring up a dialog to show where to save the torrent. To set a maximum number of torrents downloading at the same time change the :guilabel:`Maximum active downloads:` field. To stop trying to download a file after no more file to download change the :guilabel:`Download is inactive if data sharing stopped` and choose how many minutes to choose if it is inactive. To add .part to the end of incomplete downloaded files check the :guilabel:`Append ".part" to incomplete files' names` checkbox. To choose if you want a different file to choose the incomplete files check the :guilabel:`Keep incomplete files in:` checkbox and bring a dialog to choose it where to be on the button to the right. .. image:: transmissionprefrences.png