@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ If you try to open the screensaver settings without having the screensaver daemo
To change to get even more settings on your screensaver use the :guilabel:`Advanced` tab. To change images in your screensaver change settings in :guilabel:`Image Manipulation` heading.
To change to get even more settings on your screensaver use the :guilabel:`Advanced` tab. To change images in your screensaver change settings in :guilabel:`Image Manipulation` heading.
To change turrning the screen off and if to enter standby or suspend use the settings in :guilabel:`Display Power Management`. To enable xscreensaver to have power management check the :guilabel:`Power Management Enabled` checkbox. To change how fast to turn the computer into standby change the :guilabel:`Stanby After` field. To change how fast to suspend when idle change the :guilabel:`Suspend After` field. To turn the computer off after an amount of time change the :guilabel:`Off After` field.
To change turrning the screen off and if to enter standby or suspend use the settings in :guilabel:`Display Power Management`. To enable xscreensaver to have power management check the :guilabel:`Power Management Enabled` checkbox. To change how fast to turn the computer into standby change the :guilabel:`Stanby After` field. To change how fast to suspend when idle change the :guilabel:`Suspend After` field. To turn the monitor off after an amount of time change the :guilabel:`Off After` field. To turn the screen off when blanking the screen check the :guilabel:`Quick Power-off in Blank Only Mode` chackbox.