If you have a particularly long PDF file you might want to make a bookmark to find a specific thing easily. To create a bookmark press :kbd:`control +b` or :menuselection:`Bookmarks --> Add Bookmark` and give the bookmark a memorable title and description so you can find it in this document again easily. If you later want to remove the bookmark go :menuselection:`Bookmarks --> Remove bookmark` or press :kbd:`control+ shift+ B`.
If you have a particularly long PDF file you might want to make a bookmark to find a specific thing easily. To create a bookmark press :kbd:`control +b` or :menuselection:`Bookmarks --> Add Bookmark` and give the bookmark a memorable title and description so you can find it in this document again easily. If you later want to remove the bookmark go :menuselection:`Bookmarks --> Remove bookmark` or press :kbd:`control+ shift+ B`.