diff --git a/source/2/2.3/2.3.1/lximage.rst b/source/2/2.3/2.3.1/lximage.rst index 792bf892..935b5033 100644 --- a/source/2/2.3/2.3.1/lximage.rst +++ b/source/2/2.3/2.3.1/lximage.rst @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ To use lximage use the arrow to the right to view the next file in the folder an If you wish to print a picture after viewing it from the :menuselection:`File --> Pint` or press :kbd:`control+ p` to bring up a print dialog. -To rotate an image to the right press the circular arrrow that points to the right or go to :menuselection:`Edit --> Rotate Clockwise`. To rotate conterclockwise use the circular arrow pointing to the left or :menuselection:`Edit -->Rotate Conterclockwise`. To zoom in on a picture press the icon with a magnifying glass with a + symobol on it, :menuselection:`View --> Zoom In`, or press :kbd:`control + +`. To zoom out press the button of a magnifying glass with a - symbol in it, :menuselection:`View --> Zoom Out` or press :kbd:`control + -`. +To rotate an image to the right press the circular arrrow that points to the right, press :kbd:`R`, or go to :menuselection:`Edit --> Rotate Clockwise`. To rotate conterclockwise use the circular arrow pointing to the left, press :kbd:`L`, or :menuselection:`Edit -->Rotate Conterclockwise`. To zoom in on a picture press the icon with a magnifying glass with a + symobol on it, :menuselection:`View --> Zoom In`, or press :kbd:`control + +`. To zoom out press the button of a magnifying glass with a - symbol in it, :menuselection:`View --> Zoom Out` or press :kbd:`control + -`. To flip your image on the vertical axis :menuselection:`Edit --> Flip Vertically`. To flip your image on the horizontal axis :menuselection:`Edit --> Flip Horizonatally`.