Small fixes #1

tsimonq2 wants to merge 0 commits from tsimonq2/small-fixes into master

Just some minor fixes for your consideration. You're welcome to take whatever you find useful from this and reject what isn't useful. I'm leaving the final call to you, after all, I'm pretty hands-off on the Lubuntu Manual. 😄

Just some minor fixes for your consideration. **You're welcome to take whatever you find useful from this and reject what isn't useful.** I'm leaving the final call to you, after all, I'm pretty hands-off on the Lubuntu Manual. 😄
tsimonq2 added 4 commits 2024-01-25 20:16:19 +00:00
lynorian closed this pull request 2024-01-29 07:07:38 +00:00

Pull request closed

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