# Copyright (C) 2016-2020, Lubuntu Team. This work is licensed under a
# Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Lubuntu Manual
# package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Lubuntu Manual 20.10\n"
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"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-26 14:54-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:2
msgid "Chapter 2.4.2 Featherpad"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:4
msgid "Featherpad is Lubuntu's default lightweight text editor."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:14
msgid "It supports:"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:7
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:8
msgid "Syntax highlighting"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:9
msgid "Autoindent"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:10
msgid "Autobracket"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:11
msgid "Line numbers"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:12
msgid "Search with find/replace"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:13
msgid "Undo and redo"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:14
#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:66
msgid "Spellcheck"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:17
msgid "Usage"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:18
msgid ""
"If you wish to open a text file press the button that looks like a "
"folder, :menuselection:`File --> Open`, or press :kbd:`control + o` to "
"open a file. To open your recently modified files :menuselection:`File "
"--> Recently modified`. To open a new file press the button that looks "
"like a piece of paper with a plus sign, press :kbd:`Control+N`, or "
":menuselection:`File --> New`. To save your file after typing in the main"
" part of the window press the button that looks like a floppy disk, "
":menuselection:`File --> Save`, or press :kbd:`control +s`. To save a "
"file with a different file name press :kbd:`Control+Shift+S` or "
":menuselection:`File --> Save As`. To show your  To reload a file if "
"something else has changed that file in Featherpad press the arrow that "
"loops back on itself to reload the page, :kbd:`Control +Shift + R`, the "
"button that looks like a browser refresh button, or :menuselection:`File "
"--> Reload`. If you have unsaved changes to a file an :guilabel:`*` will "
"show in the tab bar if you have unsaved changes."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:20
msgid ""
"To type things into your text file the main part of the window similar to"
" a word processor. If you are programming with Featherpad the file "
"extension will probably automatically select the correct syntax "
"highlighting. To toggle syntax highlighing press :kbd:`Control+Shift+H` "
"or :menuselection:`Options --> Syntax Highlighiting`. To view line "
"numbers of the file press :kbd:`control +l` or :menuselection:`Options "
"--> Line Numbers` and press the same thing to turn it off. The line "
"numbers will show the current line highlighted in yellow on the current "
"line. To enable word wrap press :kbd:`Control +W` or "
":menuselection:`Options --> Wrap Lines` and then press the same thing "
"again to turn word wrapping off. To automatically indent lines press "
":kbd:`Control +I` or :menuselection:`Options --> Auto-Indentation`. To "
"toggle document properties press :kbd:`Control + Shift +D` or "
":menuselection:`File --> Document Properties`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:22
msgid ""
"To open a new tab and empty text file press the button with a piece of "
"paper with a plus symbol on it, or press :kbd:`Control + N`. If you wish "
"to close a tab press the red x button. To switch between tabs click on "
"the tab is not the close button. To switch to the next tab press "
":kbd:`Alt + Right arrow` or :menuselection:`File --> Next Tab`. Another "
"way to open a new document in a new tab double click to the right of all "
"open tabs. To switch to the previous tab press :kbd:`Alt + Left arrow` or"
" :menuselection:`File --> Previous Tab`. To close a tab press the "
":guilabel:`X` button. To move a tab into a new window press :kbd:`Control"
" + T` or :menuselection:`File --> Detach Tab`. To open a side pane that "
"replaces the tab bar press :kbd:`Control +Alt +P` or :menuselection:`File"
" --> Side-Pane`. If have so many tabs they don't all fit in the window "
"press the right and left arrows on the tab bar to move the tab bar that "
"way or use the mousewheel to move the visible tabs in the tab bar. To "
"move to the last text file you had visited press :kbd:`F1` or "
":menuselection:`File --> Last Active Tab`. To change to your last tab "
"press :kbd:`Alt+ Up arrow` or :menuselection:`File --> Last Tab`. To "
"change to your first tab press :kbd:`Alt+ Down arrow` or "
":menuselection:`File --> First Tab`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:26
msgid ""
"If you have multiple copies of the same file open in Featherpad it will "
"be open read only and shown in yellow. If you want to edit the file even "
"though you have it open you will need to press :kbd:`Control+Shift+E`, "
":menuselection:`Edit --> Edit`, or press the button that looks like a "
"pencil to actually edit the file. You should be careful as the file may "
"not have the contents you expect when editing it in two tabs or editors."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:28
msgid ""
"To make text in featherpad bigger press :kbd:`Control+Up arrow` or hold "
":kbd:`Control` and move the mousewheel up. To make text in featherpad "
"smaller press :kbd:`Control+Down arrow` or hold :kbd:`Control` and move "
"the mousewheel down."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:30
msgid ""
"If you want to close all tabs to the left right click on the tab bar "
":menuselection:`Close Previous Tabs`. To close all tabs to the right "
"right click on the tab bar :menuselection:`Close Next Tabs`. To only "
"leave open the tab you right clicked on right click and select "
":menuselection:`Close other tabs`. To copy the path to the file you have "
"open right click on the tab bar and select :menuselection:`Copy File "
"Path`. To copy the file name right click on the tab bar and select "
":menuselection:`Copy File Name`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:34
msgid ""
"If you make a mistake and want to undo it press :kbd:`control + z`, "
":menuselection:`Edit --> Undo`, or press the button that looks like a "
"curved arrow pointing towards the left. To redo a change you have undone "
"press the button with a curved arrow pointing towards the right, "
":menuselection:`Edit --> Redo`, or press :kbd:`Control +Shift +Z`. To "
"input a number of spaces equal to a tab press :kbd:`Control +Tab`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:36
msgid ""
"To select all text in the text file press :kbd:`Control +A`, right click "
":menuselection:`Select All`,  or :menuselection:`Edit --> Select All`. To"
" copy text from Featherpad press :kbd:`Control +C` or "
":menuselection:`Edit --> Copy`. To paste text press :kbd:`Control+ V` or "
":menuselection:`Edit --> Paste`. To Cut text press :kbd:`Control+X` or "
":menuselection:`Edit --> Cut`. If you have text selected you can delete "
"it by pressing :kbd:`Delete` or :menuselection:`Edit --> Delete`.  To "
"paste  in the date and time press :kbd:`Control + Shift +V` or "
":menuselection:`Edit --> Paste Date and Time`. To go to the end of the "
"current line in the editor press the :kbd:`End` key. To move to the start"
" of the current line press the :kbd:`Home` key."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:38
msgid ""
"To search your text file press :kbd:`Control + f` or "
":menuselection:`Search --> Find` from the menu. Then in the bar on the "
"bottom search for the text you want. Press the down arrow to move to the "
"next result and the up arrow to move for the previous result in the text "
"file. To not make the search case sensitive press the :guilabel:`Aa` "
"button or press :kbd:`F5`. To only match whole words press the "
":guilabel:`...` button or press :kbd:`F6`. To use a regular express press"
" the :guilabel:`Rx` button or press :kbd:`F7`. To make the search not "
"case sensitive, whole word, or use a regular expression press the same "
"button to turn that off."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:42
msgid ""
"To jump to a particular line in a file press :kbd:`control +j` or "
":menuselection:`Search --> Jump to` or the button that looks like >>. To "
"select the text you jump to press the :guilabel:`Select Text` button. "
"Then in the bar at the bottom type in what line you want to jump to."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:46
msgid ""
"To find and replace text press :kbd:`control +r` or "
":menuselection:`Search --> Replace`. Type the text you want to Find in "
"the find field and type what you want to put in with the Replace with "
"field and then press enter to finish the finding and replacing through "
"the whole file."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:50
msgid ""
"To change what font you want select :menuselection:`Options --> Font` to "
"change your font sizes. To change each font on the on the font level. To "
"change the size type the size you or select it from the :guilabel:`Size` "
"drop down menu. To select a font style simply use the :guilabel:`Font "
"style` menu of italic or oblique. To add an underlined font check the "
":guilabel:`Underline` checkbox. To view a sample of your font "
":guilabel:`Sample` and will preview your text. To see what the font looks"
" like look  in the box under :guilabel:`Sample`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:54
msgid ""
"To save a file with a different encoding use the :menuselection:`Options "
"--> Encoding` submenu. To save with the current encoding "
":menuselection:`File --> Save with Encoding`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:56
msgid ""
"To make the text all lowercase first select it with the mouse press then "
":kbd:`Control + Shift +L` or :menuselection:`Edit --> To Lowercase`. To "
"make the text all uppercase select it first then  press :kbd:`Control + "
"Shift +U` or :menuselection:`Edit --> To Uppercase`. To alphabetize your "
"lines first select it then :menuselection:`Edit --> Sort Lines`. To sort "
"the opposite way first select the lines then :menuselection:`Edit --> "
"Sort Lines Reversely`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:58
msgid ""
"To print a text :menuselection:`File --> Print` or press :kbd:`control + "
"p`. To change which printer you use have use the :guilabel:`Name` field. "
"To get more options for printing press the :guilabel:`Options` button. To"
" change how many copies to print change the number in the "
":guilabel:`Copies` field. To print on a certain range of pages use the "
":guilabel:`Pages From` field to choose a range of pages."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:60
msgid ""
"To run an executable script press :kbd:`Control+E`. To quit Featherpad "
"press :kbd:`Control+Q`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:68
msgid ""
"To open a spell check window press :kbd:`F2` or :menuselection:`Edit --> "
"Check Spelling`. If the spell check does not find a what you typed that "
"spellcheck does not recognize will be shown from :guilabel:`Unknown word`"
" followed by what is typed. If this is correct press the :guilabel:`Add "
"To Dictionary` button to never have to deal with spellcheck marking this "
"wrong again. To see what is wanted as a replacement for a typo see "
":guilabel:`Replace with` for the first suggestion and beneath this is a "
"list of things to replace with. To choose a different suggestion left "
"click on the suggestion to switch to it. To correct this typo just once "
"press the :guilabel:`Correct Once` button. To correct this spell check "
"every single time in your file press the :guilabel:`Correct All` button. "
"To not change what you have typed in just this case press the "
":guilabel:`Ignore Once` button. To ignore what you have typed press in "
"the entire file press the  :guilabel:`Ignore All` button. If you do not "
"have a spelling error on the bottom will appear a red bar saying "
":guilabel:`No misspelling from text cursor`."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:73
msgid "Customizing"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:74
msgid ""
"To view the preferences for Featherpad press :kbd:`control +Shift +P` or "
":menuselection:`Options --> Preferences`. To change settings on how  "
"Featherpad handles the window use the :guilabel:`Window` tab. To have "
"Featherpad be the same size as when you last closed it check the "
":guilabel:`Remember window size on Closing` checkbox. If you choose for "
"Featherpad not to remember size you can change :guilabel:`Start with this"
" size` field for height and width to start Featherpad. To start with the "
"side-pane on Featherpad check the :guilabel:`Start with side-pane mode`. "
"To toggle Featherpad using its own icons rather than your icon theme "
"check/uncheck the :guilabel:`Use own icons` checkbox.  To hide the "
"toolbar you can press the :guilabel:`Do not show toolbar` checkbox. To "
"not show the menubar by default check the :guilabel:`Do not show menubar`"
" checkbox. The :guilabel:`Tab position` moves where the tab around on the"
" screen. To hide the tabbar with only one tab check the :guilabel:`Do not"
" show a single tab` checkbox. To have the searchbar hidden by default "
"check the :guilabel:`Hide search bar by default` checkbox. To have the "
"window close after closing the last tab check the :guilabel:`Close window"
" on closing its last tab`. To have Featherpad open a new window when you "
"are on a different virtual desktop check the :guilabel:`Always open in "
"separate windows` checkbox. The checkbox :guilabel:`Native file dialog` "
"uses the systems file dialog to integrate with the system."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:78
msgid ""
"To change preferences on how text is displayed choose the "
":guilabel:`Text` Tab. To have Featherpad remember what font you want "
"press the :guilabel:`Remember Font` checkbox.To have your Featherpad wrap"
" lines if your line is too long by default check the :guilabel:`Wrap "
"lines by default` checkbox. To have Featherpad automatically indent new "
"lines by default check the :guilabel:`Auto-indent by default` checkbox. "
"To have Featherpad automatically insert closing brackets check the "
":guilabel:`Auto-bracket` checkbox. To have Featherpad replace triple "
"periods and double hyphens with other characters representing the same "
"thing check the :guilabel:`Replace triple periods and double hyphens "
"while typing` checkbox. The checkbox for :guilabel:`Always show line "
"numbers` always shows line numbers."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:80
msgid ""
"If you do not want Featherpad to highlight syntax by default uncheck the "
":guilabel:`Highlight syntax by default` checkbox. If you want to change "
"the be able to change the syntax highlight check the checkbox for "
":guilabel:`Support Syntax override`. To have Featherpad not highlight "
"overly large text files change the :guilabel:`Never highlight syntax for "
"files >` field. To have a dark color scheme for Featherpad check the "
":guilabel:`Dark Color Scheme` checkbox. To change exactly how dark the "
"value of this color is change the :guilabel:`Background color value` "
"field. After changing the dark theme settings you will need to restart "
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:82
msgid ""
"The field for :guilabel:`Text tab size` is how wide to make the tab "
"character. The checkbox for :guilabel:`Ensure an empty last line on "
"saving` leaves a blank line whenever you save your document. The checkbox"
" for :guilabel:`Remove trailing spaces on Saving` removes whitespace at "
"the end of lines that is not needed. The checkbox for :guilabel:`Thick "
"text Cursor` makes the text cursor wider so it much easier to see. To "
"have your scrolling have inertia to keep scrolling the faster you scroll "
"check the :guilabel:`Inertial scrolling with mouse wheel` checkbox. To "
"change where Featherpad looks for a dictionary for spell checking change "
"the :guilabel:`Hunspell dictionary path` field. To start spell checking "
"from your current text cursor check the :guilabel:`Start spell checking "
"from text cursor` checkbox."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:86
msgid ""
"To modify changes to your files from the preferences dialog on "
":guilabel:`Files` tab. The :guilabel:`Number of recent files` field lets "
"you change how many files show in recent files. The set of radio buttons "
"for either :guilabel:`Show recently modified files` or :guilabel:`Show "
"recently opened files` for recent files in the menu. To clear your list "
"of recent files :menuselection:`File --> Recently Modified --> Clear`.  "
"If you want to reopen the files you had last time the next time you open "
"Featherpad check the :guilabel:`Start with files of last window`. If you "
"want Featherpad to run executable scripts check the :guilabel:`Run "
"executable scripts` checkbox. If you want your executable commands to "
"start with something such as an interpreter type the command in the "
":guilabel:`Start with this command` field. If you want to autosave files "
"check the :guilabel:`Save changes to files every` checkbox and then enter"
" how often you want your files to be automatically saved. If you do not "
"want to be able to open non text files in Featherpad check the "
":guilabel:`Do not permit opening of non-text files` checkbox."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:90
msgid ""
"To view all keyboard shortcuts of Featherpad switch to the "
":guilabel:`Shortcuts` tab. The :guilabel:`Action` column is what the "
"shortcut does and the :guilabel:`Shortcut` column is the keyboard "
"shortcut to change that shortcut. To change a shortcut double click on "
"the shortcut column and press what you want the shortcut to become. If "
"you changed a shortcut you can change it back to the default by pressing "
"the :guilabel:`Default` button."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:95
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:96
msgid "Lubuntu ships with version 0.12.1 of Featherpad."
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:99
msgid "How to Launch"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:100
msgid ""
"To launch Featherpad from the menu go to :menuselection:`Accessories --> "
"Featherpad` or run"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/2/2.4/2.4.2/Featherpad.rst:106
msgid ""
"from the command line. The icon for Featherpad looks like a blue circle "
"for with a pencil on it."
msgstr ""