Chapter 3.1.2: Pidgin ============================== Description --------------- Pidgin is a chat program which lets you log in to accounts on multiple chat networks simultaneously. For example, you can chat with friends on MSN, talk to a friend on Google Talk, and sit in a Yahoo chat room all at the same time. Pidgin has diverse features such as: - Allow connection to multiple chat networks simultaneously - File transfer - Away messages - Numerous plugins - System integration with GNOME 2, KDE 3, KDE 4, Windows - Translations Usage/Screenshots ---------------------- .. image:: pidgin-screenshot.png :width: 80% Version ---------- Lubuntu currently ships with Pidgin 2.12.0. How to launch ---------------- To open Pidgin, click on the Pidgin icon (light purple face of a bird) in the Lubuntu Menu. You can also type and run `pidgin` in the terminal to open it.