Bluetooth Manager ================= Bluetooth Manager connects to your machine to other device via bluetooth. Usage ----- To search for bluetooth devices press the :guilabel:`Search` button. The bluetooth devices you will have foudn will be shown in the center of the window. To pair with a device press the :guilabel:`Key` button. .. image:: bluetooth_manager.png To change settings on wheter your bluetooth is visible to other devices or your name on bluetooth select :menuselection:`Adapter --> Prefrences`. To make your bluetooth not show up when other people are selecting bluetooth devices to connect to select :guilabel:`Hidden`. To have your bluetooth adapter show up whenever anyone searches select :guilabel:`Always visible`. To have your bluetooth appear for a short amount of time select :guilabel:`Temporarily Visible` and then use the slider to select the amount of time to make the adapter visible. To change the name you show up on wifi type your name in the :guilabel:`Name` field. To transfer a file over bluetooth press the :guilabel:`Send file` button. Then a file picker will pop up to select the file. The recipent of the file may be prompted to need to accept the file. To connect to a saved bluetooth device left click to select the device and :menuselection:`Device --> Connect`. To view info on a paired device :menuselection:`Device --> Info`. Version ------- Lubutnu ships with version 2.3.5 of Bluetooth Manager. How To Launch ------------- To luanch Bluetooth Manager :menuselection:`Prefrences --> Bluetooth Manager` or run .. code:: blueman-manager from the command line.