Chapter 4.2.2 Customize Look and Feel ===================================== Description ----------- Customize look and feel changes the look and feel of LXDE lets you customize the way checkboxes buttons and menus are drawn by changing the widget, The color of windows for themes that support it, icon themes which make icons look different in the menu and on your desktop, your mouse cursor, font antialiasing and hinting, the style of your toolbar and the size of icons an wheter to show buttons and sounds and a checkbox to enable accesbility. Version ------- Lubuntu 18.04 ships with version 0.6.3 of the customize look and feel tool. Useage ------ You can preview the new theme cusomizations on the cusomize look and feel tools own window and if you like how that particular element looks you hit apply if you do not like it you can try another option or hit close to close the application and many elements have tabs on the application to select what to customize. Screenshot ---------- .. image::customize_look_and_feel.png :width:80% How to Launch ------------- In the menu> prefrences> customize look and feel or run lxappearance from the command line.