Chapter 3.3.7: Archive Manager ============================== Description ----------- Archive Manager (File-roller) for the GNOME environment. Currently, Archive Manager has the following features: - Create and modify archives. - View the content of an archive. - View a file contained in an archive. - Extract files from the archive. File-roller supports the following formats: - Tar (.tar) archives, including those compressed with gzip (.tar.gz, .tgz), bzip (, .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2, .tbz2), compress (.tar.Z, .taz), lzip (.tar.lz, .tlz), lzop (.tar.lzo, .tzo), lzma (.tar.lzma) and xz (.tar.xz) - Zip archives (.zip) - Jar archives (.jar, .ear, .war) - 7z archives (.7z) - iso9660 CD images (.iso) - Lha archives (.lzh) - Archiver archives (.ar) - Comic book archives (.cbz) - Single files compressed with gzip (.gz), bzip (.bz), bzip2 (.bz2), compress (.Z), lzip (.lz), lzop (.lzo), lzma (.lzma) and xz (.xz) File-roller can extract following formats: - Cabinet archives (.cab) - Debian binary packages (.deb) - Xar archives (.xar) File-roller doesn't perform archive operations by itself, but relies on standard tools for this. Screenshots ----------- .. image:: archivemanager-screenshot.png :width: 80% Version ------- Lubuntu currently ships with v3.26.1. How to Launch ------------- To open Archive Manager on a archive, double click on the archive and it archive manager will show the archive contents You can also go to the Applications Menu > Accessories > Archive Manager