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Chapter 3.2.11 Openbox Settings
Openbox settings changes configuration of openbox which is the default window manager of Lubuntu 18.10.
Lubuntu ships with version 0.13.0-1 of openbox settings.
To change the theme of the titlebar select the theme on the arcieve on the and see how it looks by left clicking on the theme name.
The appearance tab lets you change where the buttons are so for is you want and the order of the buttons on the title bar. Lubuntu ships with the abilitiy to have two additional buttons on the titlebar one for shading or rolling up with the window so you can put this in the left to right order of the letters where you want the button. To make a window show on all desktop you can add D button in box for the window order. If you want to change the window titlebar button order to have the iconifiy (minimize), maximize, and close buttons on the left then move the letters IMC to the left of L for window label or the title of the window. If you want to have the close maximize and iconify buttons first the box labled window titles should read CMI Then L for the window label which will always be in the center. if you wanted the buttons on the right with close Maximize, iconify the window title L and then shade the window, all desktops and the window icon in the far right it should read CMILSDN. The checkbox for animate iconify and restore shows an animation when you iconify (minimize) a window and then restore it and uncheck if you really don't want theese animations.
The font tab changes the font of your window titlebars you can select several different fonts for different conditions of the window. To change the style of the font you can under the style make the font inactive. For example if you have trouble telling which window you are in you can make the font italic for the titlebar of inactive windows to make it even more obvious.
The mouse tab use the focus follow mouse tab is if you move the mouse over the window it will automatically focus on that window.
On the desktop tab to change number of desktops press the up arrow to add an additional desktop or the down arrow to reduce the number of virtual desktops.
.. image:: openbox-config.png
How to launch
To launch openbox settings from the menu -> Prefrences -> LXQt settings -> openbox settings. From LXQt settings press the openbox settings button with the wrench and screwdriver on a computer window or run
.. code::
from the command line.