Manually nuke obsolete packages.

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Simon Quigley 2019-10-17 14:11:48 -05:00
parent bd76ce0e76
commit 357eee20df

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ After the codename is announced and `base-files` is uploaded:
1. Run [jobgenerator]( and then look over the builds triggered. Did you miss a step?
1. Add the new release to [the Britney job]( so builds can migrate.
1. SSH into the Jenkins container, `su` to the `jenkins` user, go to `~/jobs` and remove old jobs (e.g. from an old release), and in the Jenkins settings, `Reload Configuration from Disk`.
1. Manually review and clean up packages in the PPAs.
1. If `lintian` and `devscripts` have not been updated, cherry-pick the `lintian` patch adding the new release as known if there is one, and no-change rebuild `devscripts`.
1. Lintian needs a patch because all of the Ubuntu releases are hardcoded in `vendors/ubuntu/main/data/changes-file/known-dists`.
1. `devscripts` needs a no-change rebuild because it gets the value grabbed by `dch -r` on build time. This is in line 47 of `scripts/Makefile`.