2019-07-30 19:12:08 -07:00
nm-tray (0.4.1-0ubuntu3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Reverted previous commit 1bc4f5406954
-- Hans P Möller <hmollercl@lubuntu.me> Tue, 30 Jul 2019 21:19:07 -0400
2019-07-04 12:10:44 -07:00
nm-tray (0.4.1-0ubuntu2) eoan; urgency=medium
* Changed connection editor to nm-connnection-editor
-- Hans P Möller <hmollercl@lubuntu.me> Mon, 01 Jul 2019 10:28:06 -0400
2018-10-06 16:59:14 -05:00
nm-tray (0.4.1-0ubuntu1) cosmic; urgency=medium
2018-10-06 16:53:21 -05:00
* New upstream bugfix release.
2018-10-06 16:53:45 -05:00
* Bump Standards-version to 4.2.1, no changes needed.
2018-10-06 16:54:54 -05:00
* Remove the reverse-applicable fix-internal-version.patch.
2018-10-06 16:53:21 -05:00
2018-10-06 16:59:14 -05:00
-- Simon Quigley <tsimonq2@ubuntu.com> Sat, 06 Oct 2018 16:59:03 -0500
2018-10-06 16:53:21 -05:00
2018-09-22 14:51:09 -05:00
nm-tray (0.4.0-0ubuntu3) cosmic; urgency=medium
2018-09-22 14:51:45 -05:00
* Blacklist from menus.
2018-09-22 14:51:09 -05:00
-- Walter Lapchynski <wxl@ubuntu.com> Tue, 18 Sep 2018 23:15:13 -0700
2018-08-16 01:11:19 -05:00
nm-tray (0.4.0-0ubuntu2) cosmic; urgency=medium
2018-07-05 17:48:32 -05:00
2018-08-16 01:08:23 -05:00
[ Simon Quigley ]
2018-07-05 17:48:32 -05:00
* Update Vcs-* for the new location.
2018-08-16 01:08:23 -05:00
[ Walter Lapchynski ]
* generalize-terminal-for-edits.patch: Use x-terminal-emulator in lieu of
xterm for connection editing. (LP: #1786978)
2018-08-16 01:11:19 -05:00
-- Simon Quigley <tsimonq2@ubuntu.com> Thu, 16 Aug 2018 01:11:08 -0500
2018-07-05 17:48:32 -05:00
2018-07-05 17:46:26 -05:00
nm-tray (0.4.0-0ubuntu1) cosmic; urgency=medium
2018-07-05 17:34:33 -05:00
* New upstream release.
2018-07-05 17:35:08 -05:00
* Bump Standards-version to 4.1.5, no changes needed.
2018-07-05 17:35:29 -05:00
* Remove gilir as an uploader as he has left the team.
2018-07-05 17:37:11 -05:00
* Bump KF5 dependencies to 5.36.0.
2018-07-05 17:37:50 -05:00
* Update copyright.
2018-07-05 17:40:30 -05:00
* Remove upstream-applicable fix-xdg-install-dir.patch.
2018-07-05 17:44:05 -05:00
* Bump internal version which was missed upstream.
2018-07-05 17:34:33 -05:00
2018-07-05 17:46:26 -05:00
-- Simon Quigley <tsimonq2@ubuntu.com> Thu, 05 Jul 2018 17:46:18 -0500
2018-07-05 17:34:33 -05:00
2018-02-10 20:56:34 -06:00
nm-tray (0.3.0-0ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium
2018-02-10 19:50:41 -06:00
* Initial release.
2018-02-10 20:56:34 -06:00
-- Simon Quigley <tsimonq2@ubuntu.com> Sat, 10 Feb 2018 20:56:10 -0600