* Bumped Standards to 4.3.0, no changes needed
* Dropped d/compat, use debhelper-compat = 12, no changes needed
* Fixed years in d/copyright
* Bumped minimum version libfm-qt-dev (>= 0.14.0~)
* Bumped minimum version lxqt-build-tools (>= 0.6.0~)
* Depend now on libfm-qt6 (>= 0.14.0~)
* Removed obsolete PULL_TRANSLATIONS= OFF from dh_auto_configure
* Added Build-Depends-Package field to symbols
* Added l10n-package, moved from lxqt-l10n
* Added d/upstream/metadata
* Bumped build dependency libfm-qt-dev to >= 0.13.0~
* Bumped build dependency lxqt-build-tools to >= 0.5.0~
* Added papirus-icon-theme as default alternative for icon-themes
* Bumped year in copyright
* Removed ported back upstream patches.
* Moved debian/.gitignore -> ./.gitignore
* Bumped compat to 11
* Bumped debhelper to >= 11~
* Bumped Standards to 4.1.4, no changes needed
* Fixed a glitch in VCS fields
* Changed Homepage, Source and watch to lxqt
* Bumped year in copyright
* Bumped Standards to 4.0.0
* Depend on lxqt-sudo | gksu we need at least one UI for sudo
* Added Recommends: lximage-qt, lxqt-policykit, lxqt-qtplugin (Closes: #866347)
* pcmanfm-qt allow multiple file selections with mouse, the implementation is
horrible in some places, but it works. (Closes: #853201)
* Added versioned dependency libfm-qt3 (>= 0.11.1), dh detect only
a minimum version of 0.11.0 - false because some symbols are added
which are needed for pcmanfm-qt (>= 0.11.1) (Closes: #842080)
* Removed build dependencies
- libqt5xdg-dev
- pkg-config,
- qttools5-dev,
- qttools5-dev-tools
* Added build dependency lxqt-build-tools
Fix years in copyright
Add hardending=+all
simplify rules
make pcmanfm-qt reproducible again, thanks to Eduard Sanou for the
bugreport and the patch, but it was fixed before (Closes: #815818)
* debian/experimental:
Update gbp.conf
Update Vcs-* fields
Cherry-picking upstream version 0.10.0.
Cherry-picking upstream version 0.9.0+20151031.
Cherry-picking upstream version 0.9.0+20150929.
Cherry-picking upstream version 0.9.0+20150927. Solves: - apply-button for desktop preferences - close the desktop painting process by incident
Cherry-picked upstream version 0.9.0+20150925.