# PCManFM-Qt ## Overview PCManFM-Qt is the Qt port of PCManFM, the file manager of [LXDE](https://lxde.org). In LXQt sessions it is in addition used to handle the desktop. Nevertheless it can be used independently of LXQt as well. PCManFM-Qt is licensed under the terms of the [GPLv2](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html) or any later version. See file LICENSE for its full text. ## Installation ### Compiling source code Runtime dependencies are qtx11extras, lxmenu-data, [liblxqt](https://github.com/lxqt/liblxqt) and [libfm-qt](https://github.com/lxqt/libfm-qt). Additional build dependencies are CMake and optionally Git to pull latest VCS checkouts. The localization files were outsourced to repository [lxqt-l10n](https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-l10n) so the corresponding dependencies are needed, too. Please refer to this repository's `README.md` for further information. Code configuration is handled by CMake. CMake variable `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` has to be set to `/usr` on most operating systems, depending on the way library paths are dealt with on 64bit systems variables like `CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR` may have to be set as well. To build run `make`, to install `make install` which accepts variable `DESTDIR` as usual. ### Binary packages Official binary packages are available in Arch Linux, Debian (as of Debian stretch), Fedora (version 0.10.0 only so far) and openSUSE (Leap 42.1 and Tumbleweed). ## Usage The file manager functionality should be self-explanatory, handling of the desktop deserves some notes: To handle the desktop binary `pcmanfm-qt` has to be launched with switch `--desktop` set. Optionally switch `--profile` can be used to safe settings specific to certain session types like the different desktop environments. In LXQt sessions, PCManFM-Qt is launched with theses switches set as [LXQt Module](https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-session#lxqt-modules). To configure the desktop there's a dialogue "Desktop Preferences". Technically it corresponds with launching `pcmanfm-qt` with switch `--desktop-pref` set. It is available in the desktop's context menu and included as topic "Desktop" in sub-menu Preferences - LXQt settings of the panel's main menu as well as the [Configuration Center](https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-config#configuration-center) of lxqt-config. All switches (command line options) mentioned above are explained in detail in `man 1 pcmanfm-qt`. ## Development Issues should go to the tracker of PCManFM-Qt at https://github.com/lxqt/pcmanfm-qt/issues.