/* Copyright (C) 2013 Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "desktopwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "./application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xdgdir.h" #include "bulkrename.h" #include #include #include #include #define WORK_AREA_MARGIN 12 // margin of the work area #define MIN_SLIDE_INTERVAL 5*60000 // 5 min #define MAX_SLIDE_INTERVAL (24*60+55)*60000 // 24 h and 55 min namespace PCManFM { DesktopWindow::DesktopWindow(int screenNum): View(Fm::FolderView::IconMode), proxyModel_(nullptr), model_(nullptr), wallpaperMode_(WallpaperNone), slideShowInterval_(0), wallpaperTimer_(nullptr), wallpaperRandomize_(false), fileLauncher_(nullptr), showWmMenu_(false), desktopHideItems_(false), screenNum_(screenNum), relayoutTimer_(nullptr), selectionTimer_(nullptr), trashUpdateTimer_(nullptr), trashMonitor_(nullptr) { setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint); setAttribute(Qt::WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDesktop); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); // set our custom file launcher View::setFileLauncher(&fileLauncher_); listView_ = static_cast(childView()); listView_->setMovement(QListView::Snap); listView_->setResizeMode(QListView::Adjust); listView_->setFlow(QListView::TopToBottom); listView_->setDropIndicatorShown(false); // we draw the drop indicator ourself // This is to workaround Qt bug 54384 which affects Qt >= 5.6 // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-54384 // Setting a QPixmap larger then the screen resolution to desktop's QPalette won't work. // So we make the viewport transparent by preventing its backround from being filled automatically. // Then we paint desktop's background ourselves by using its paint event handling method. listView_->viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); // NOTE: When XRandR is in use, the all screens are actually combined to form a // large virtual desktop and only one DesktopWindow needs to be created and screenNum is -1. // In some older multihead setups, such as xinerama, every physical screen // is treated as a separate desktop so many instances of DesktopWindow may be created. // In this case we only want to show desktop icons on the primary screen. if((screenNum_ == 0 || qApp->primaryScreen()->virtualSiblings().size() > 1)) { loadItemPositions(); setShadowHidden(settings.shadowHidden()); auto desktopPath = Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(XdgDir::readDesktopDir().toStdString().c_str()); model_ = Fm::CachedFolderModel::modelFromPath(desktopPath); folder_ = model_->folder(); connect(folder_.get(), &Fm::Folder::startLoading, this, &DesktopWindow::onFolderStartLoading); connect(folder_.get(), &Fm::Folder::finishLoading, this, &DesktopWindow::onFolderFinishLoading); proxyModel_ = new Fm::ProxyFolderModel(); proxyModel_->setSourceModel(model_); proxyModel_->setShowThumbnails(settings.showThumbnails()); proxyModel_->sort(settings.desktopSortColumn(), settings.desktopSortOrder()); proxyModel_->setFolderFirst(settings.desktopSortFolderFirst()); setModel(proxyModel_); connect(proxyModel_, &Fm::ProxyFolderModel::rowsInserted, this, &DesktopWindow::onRowsInserted); connect(proxyModel_, &Fm::ProxyFolderModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &DesktopWindow::onRowsAboutToBeRemoved); connect(proxyModel_, &Fm::ProxyFolderModel::layoutChanged, this, &DesktopWindow::onLayoutChanged); connect(proxyModel_, &Fm::ProxyFolderModel::sortFilterChanged, this, &DesktopWindow::onModelSortFilterChanged); connect(proxyModel_, &Fm::ProxyFolderModel::dataChanged, this, &DesktopWindow::onDataChanged); } // remove frame listView_->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); // inhibit scrollbars FIXME: this should be optional in the future listView_->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); listView_->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); connect(this, &DesktopWindow::openDirRequested, this, &DesktopWindow::onOpenDirRequested); listView_->installEventFilter(this); listView_->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); // setup shortcuts QShortcut* shortcut; shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_X), this); // cut connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onCutActivated); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_C), this); // copy connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onCopyActivated); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_C), this); // copy full path connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onCopyFullPathActivated); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_V), this); // paste connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onPasteActivated); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_A), this); // select all connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::selectAll); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Delete), this); // delete connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onDeleteActivated); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F2), this); // rename connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onRenameActivated); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F2), this); // bulk rename connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onBulkRenameActivated); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Return), this); // properties connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onFilePropertiesActivated); shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Delete), this); // force delete connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &DesktopWindow::onDeleteActivated); } DesktopWindow::~DesktopWindow() { if(trashMonitor_) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(trashMonitor_, (gpointer)G_CALLBACK(onTrashChanged), this); g_object_unref(trashMonitor_); trashMonitor_ = nullptr; } listView_->viewport()->removeEventFilter(this); listView_->removeEventFilter(this); disconnect(folder_.get(), nullptr, this, nullptr); if(relayoutTimer_) { relayoutTimer_->stop(); delete relayoutTimer_; } if(wallpaperTimer_) { wallpaperTimer_->stop(); delete wallpaperTimer_; } if(proxyModel_) { delete proxyModel_; } if(model_) { disconnect(model_, &Fm::FolderModel::filesAdded, this, &DesktopWindow::onFilesAdded); model_->unref(); } } void DesktopWindow::updateShortcutsFromSettings(Settings& settings) { // Shortcuts should be deleted only when the user removes them // in the Preferences dialog, not when the desktop is created. static bool firstCall = true; const QStringList ds = settings.desktopShortcuts(); Fm::FilePathList paths; // Trash if(ds.contains(QLatin1String("Trash")) && settings.useTrash()) { createTrash(); } else { if(trashUpdateTimer_) { trashUpdateTimer_->stop(); delete trashUpdateTimer_; trashUpdateTimer_ = nullptr; } if(trashMonitor_) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(trashMonitor_, (gpointer)G_CALLBACK(onTrashChanged), this); g_object_unref(trashMonitor_); trashMonitor_ = nullptr; } if(!firstCall) { QString trash = XdgDir::readDesktopDir() + QLatin1String("/trash-can.desktop"); if(QFile::exists(trash)) { paths.push_back(Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(trash.toStdString().c_str())); } } } // Home if(ds.contains(QLatin1String("Home"))) { createHomeShortcut(); } else if(!firstCall) { QString home = XdgDir::readDesktopDir() + QLatin1String("/user-home.desktop"); if(QFile::exists(home)) { paths.push_back(Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(home.toStdString().c_str())); } } // Computer if(ds.contains(QLatin1String("Computer"))) { createComputerShortcut(); } else if(!firstCall) { QString computer = XdgDir::readDesktopDir() + QLatin1String("/computer.desktop"); if(QFile::exists(computer)) { paths.push_back(Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(computer.toStdString().c_str())); } } // Network if(ds.contains(QLatin1String("Network"))) { createNetworkShortcut(); } else if(!firstCall) { QString network = XdgDir::readDesktopDir() + QLatin1String("/network.desktop"); if(QFile::exists(network)) { paths.push_back(Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(network.toStdString().c_str())); } } // WARNING: QFile::remove() is not compatible with libfm-qt and should not be used. if(!paths.empty()) { Fm::FileOperation::deleteFiles(paths, false); } firstCall = false; // desktop is created } void DesktopWindow::createTrashShortcut(int items) { GKeyFile* kf = g_key_file_new(); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Type", "Application"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", "pcmanfm-qt trash:///"); // icon const char* icon_name = items > 0 ? "user-trash-full" : "user-trash"; g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", icon_name); // name QString name; if(items > 0) { if (items == 1) { name = tr("Trash (One item)"); } else { name = tr("Trash (%Ln items)", "", items); } } else { name = tr("Trash (Empty)"); } g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Name", name.toStdString().c_str()); auto path = Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(XdgDir::readDesktopDir().toStdString().c_str()).localPath(); auto trash_can = Fm::CStrPtr{g_build_filename(path.get(), "trash-can.desktop", nullptr)}; g_key_file_save_to_file(kf, trash_can.get(), nullptr); g_key_file_free(kf); } void DesktopWindow::createHomeShortcut() { GKeyFile* kf = g_key_file_new(); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Type", "Application"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", "pcmanfm-qt"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", "user-home"); const QString name = tr("Home"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Name", name.toStdString().c_str()); auto path = Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(XdgDir::readDesktopDir().toStdString().c_str()).localPath(); auto trash_can = Fm::CStrPtr{g_build_filename(path.get(), "user-home.desktop", nullptr)}; g_key_file_save_to_file(kf, trash_can.get(), nullptr); g_key_file_free(kf); } void DesktopWindow::createComputerShortcut() { GKeyFile* kf = g_key_file_new(); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Type", "Application"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", "pcmanfm-qt computer:///"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", "computer"); const QString name = tr("Computer"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Name", name.toStdString().c_str()); auto path = Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(XdgDir::readDesktopDir().toStdString().c_str()).localPath(); auto trash_can = Fm::CStrPtr{g_build_filename(path.get(), "computer.desktop", nullptr)}; g_key_file_save_to_file(kf, trash_can.get(), nullptr); g_key_file_free(kf); } void DesktopWindow::createNetworkShortcut() { GKeyFile* kf = g_key_file_new(); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Type", "Application"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", "pcmanfm-qt network:///"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", "folder-network"); const QString name = tr("Network"); g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Name", name.toStdString().c_str()); auto path = Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(XdgDir::readDesktopDir().toStdString().c_str()).localPath(); auto trash_can = Fm::CStrPtr{g_build_filename(path.get(), "network.desktop", nullptr)}; g_key_file_save_to_file(kf, trash_can.get(), nullptr); g_key_file_free(kf); } void DesktopWindow::createTrash() { if(trashMonitor_) { return; } Fm::FilePath trashPath = Fm::FilePath::fromUri("trash:///"); // check if trash is supported by the current vfs // if gvfs is not installed, this can be unavailable. if(!g_file_query_exists(trashPath.gfile().get(), nullptr)) { trashMonitor_ = nullptr; return; } trashMonitor_ = g_file_monitor_directory(trashPath.gfile().get(), G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE, nullptr, nullptr); if(trashMonitor_) { if(trashUpdateTimer_ == nullptr) { trashUpdateTimer_ = new QTimer(this); trashUpdateTimer_->setSingleShot(true); connect(trashUpdateTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DesktopWindow::updateTrashIcon); } updateTrashIcon(); g_signal_connect(trashMonitor_, "changed", G_CALLBACK(onTrashChanged), this); } } // static void DesktopWindow::onTrashChanged(GFileMonitor* /*monitor*/, GFile* /*gf*/, GFile* /*other*/, GFileMonitorEvent /*evt*/, DesktopWindow* pThis) { if(pThis->trashUpdateTimer_ != nullptr && !pThis->trashUpdateTimer_->isActive()) { pThis->trashUpdateTimer_->start(250); // don't update trash very fast } } void DesktopWindow::updateTrashIcon() { struct UpdateTrashData { QPointer desktop; Fm::FilePath trashPath; UpdateTrashData(DesktopWindow* _desktop) : desktop(_desktop) { trashPath = Fm::FilePath::fromUri("trash:///"); } }; UpdateTrashData* data = new UpdateTrashData(this); g_file_query_info_async(data->trashPath.gfile().get(), G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TRASH_ITEM_COUNT, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, G_PRIORITY_LOW, nullptr, [](GObject * /*source_object*/, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data) { // the callback lambda function is called when the asyn query operation is finished UpdateTrashData* data = reinterpret_cast(user_data); DesktopWindow* _this = data->desktop.data(); if(_this != nullptr) { Fm::GFileInfoPtr inf{g_file_query_info_finish(data->trashPath.gfile().get(), res, nullptr), false}; if(inf) { guint32 n = g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32(inf.get(), G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TRASH_ITEM_COUNT); _this->createTrashShortcut(static_cast(n)); } } delete data; // free the data used for this async operation. }, data); } bool DesktopWindow::isTrashCan(std::shared_ptr file) { bool ret(false); if(file && (file->isDesktopEntry() || file->isShortcut()) && trashMonitor_) { const QString fileName = QString::fromStdString(file->name()); const char* execStr = fileName == QLatin1String("trash-can.desktop") ? "pcmanfm-qt trash:///" : nullptr; if(execStr) { GKeyFile* kf = g_key_file_new(); if(g_key_file_load_from_file(kf, file->path().toString().get(), G_KEY_FILE_NONE, nullptr)) { Fm::CStrPtr str{g_key_file_get_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", nullptr)}; if(str && strcmp(str.get(), execStr) == 0) { ret = true; } } g_key_file_free(kf); } } return ret; } void DesktopWindow::setBackground(const QColor& color) { bgColor_ = color; } void DesktopWindow::setForeground(const QColor& color) { QPalette p = listView_->palette(); p.setBrush(QPalette::Text, color); listView_->setPalette(p); fgColor_ = color; } void DesktopWindow::setShadow(const QColor& color) { shadowColor_ = color; auto delegate = static_cast(listView_->itemDelegateForColumn(Fm::FolderModel::ColumnFileName)); delegate->setShadowColor(color); } void DesktopWindow::onOpenDirRequested(const Fm::FilePath& path, int target) { Q_UNUSED(target); // open in new window unconditionally. Application* app = static_cast(qApp); MainWindow* newWin = new MainWindow(path); // apply window size from app->settings newWin->resize(app->settings().windowWidth(), app->settings().windowHeight()); newWin->show(); } void DesktopWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { QWidget::resizeEvent(event); // resize wall paper if needed if(isVisible() && wallpaperMode_ != WallpaperNone && wallpaperMode_ != WallpaperTile) { updateWallpaper(); update(); } queueRelayout(100); // Qt use a 100 msec delay for relayout internally so we use it, too. } void DesktopWindow::setDesktopFolder() { if(folder_) { // free the previous model and folder if(model_) { disconnect(model_, &Fm::FolderModel::filesAdded, this, &DesktopWindow::onFilesAdded); proxyModel_->setSourceModel(nullptr); model_->unref(); // unref the cached model model_ = nullptr; } disconnect(folder_.get(), nullptr, this, nullptr); folder_ = nullptr; } auto path = Fm::FilePath::fromLocalPath(XdgDir::readDesktopDir().toStdString().c_str()); model_ = Fm::CachedFolderModel::modelFromPath(path); folder_ = model_->folder(); connect(folder_.get(), &Fm::Folder::startLoading, this, &DesktopWindow::onFolderStartLoading); connect(folder_.get(), &Fm::Folder::finishLoading, this, &DesktopWindow::onFolderFinishLoading); proxyModel_->setSourceModel(model_); if(folder_->isLoaded()) { onFolderStartLoading(); onFolderFinishLoading(); } else { onFolderStartLoading(); } } void DesktopWindow::setWallpaperFile(QString filename) { wallpaperFile_ = filename; } void DesktopWindow::setWallpaperMode(WallpaperMode mode) { wallpaperMode_ = mode; } void DesktopWindow::setLastSlide(QString filename) { lastSlide_ = filename; } void DesktopWindow::setWallpaperDir(QString dirname) { wallpaperDir_ = dirname; } void DesktopWindow::setSlideShowInterval(int interval) { slideShowInterval_ = interval; } void DesktopWindow::setWallpaperRandomize(bool randomize) { wallpaperRandomize_ = randomize; } QImage DesktopWindow::loadWallpaperFile(QSize requiredSize) { // NOTE: for ease of programming, we only use the cache for the primary screen. bool useCache = (screenNum_ == -1 || screenNum_ == 0); QFile info; QString cacheFileName; if(useCache) { // see if we have a scaled version cached on disk cacheFileName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")); if(cacheFileName.isEmpty()) { cacheFileName = QDir::homePath() % QLatin1String("/.cache"); } Application* app = static_cast(qApp); cacheFileName += QLatin1String("/pcmanfm-qt/") % app->profileName(); QDir().mkpath(cacheFileName); // ensure that the cache dir exists cacheFileName += QLatin1String("/wallpaper.cache"); // read info file QString origin; info.setFileName(cacheFileName % ".info"); if(info.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // FIXME: we need to compare mtime to see if the cache is out of date origin = QString::fromLocal8Bit(info.readLine()); info.close(); if(!origin.isEmpty()) { // try to see if we can get the size of the cached image. QImageReader reader(cacheFileName); reader.setAutoDetectImageFormat(true); QSize cachedSize = reader.size(); qDebug() << "size of cached file" << cachedSize << ", requiredSize:" << requiredSize; if(cachedSize.isValid()) { if(cachedSize == requiredSize) { // see if the cached wallpaper has the size we want QImage image = reader.read(); // return the loaded image qDebug() << "origin" << origin; if(origin == wallpaperFile_) { return image; } } } } } qDebug() << "no cached wallpaper. generate a new one!"; } // we don't have a cached scaled image, load the original file QImage image(wallpaperFile_); qDebug() << "size of original image" << image.size(); if(image.isNull() || image.size() == requiredSize) { // if the original size is what we want return image; } // scale the original image QImage scaled = image.scaled(requiredSize.width(), requiredSize.height(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); // FIXME: should we save the scaled image if its size is larger than the original image? if(useCache) { // write the path of the original image to the .info file if(info.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { info.write(wallpaperFile_.toLocal8Bit()); info.close(); // write the scaled cache image to disk const char* format; // we keep jpg format for *.jpg files, and use png format for others. if(wallpaperFile_.endsWith(QLatin1String(".jpg"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || wallpaperFile_.endsWith(QLatin1String(".jpeg"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { format = "JPG"; } else { format = "PNG"; } scaled.save(cacheFileName, format); } qDebug() << "wallpaper cached saved to " << cacheFileName; // FIXME: we might delay the write of the cached image? } return scaled; } // really generate the background pixmap according to current settings and apply it. void DesktopWindow::updateWallpaper() { if(wallpaperMode_ != WallpaperNone) { // use wallpaper QPixmap pixmap; QImage image; if(wallpaperMode_ == WallpaperTile) { // use the original size image = QImage(wallpaperFile_); // Note: We can't use the QPainter::drawTiledPixmap(), because it doesn't tile // correctly for background pixmaps bigger than the current screen size. const QSize s = size(); pixmap = QPixmap{s}; QPainter painter{&pixmap}; for (int x = 0; x < s.width(); x += image.width()) { for (int y = 0; y < s.height(); y += image.height()) { painter.drawImage(x, y, image); } } } else if(wallpaperMode_ == WallpaperStretch) { image = loadWallpaperFile(size()); pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image); } else { // WallpaperCenter || WallpaperFit if(wallpaperMode_ == WallpaperCenter) { image = QImage(wallpaperFile_); // load original image } else if(wallpaperMode_ == WallpaperFit || wallpaperMode_ == WallpaperZoom) { // calculate the desired size QSize origSize = QImageReader(wallpaperFile_).size(); // get the size of the original file if(origSize.isValid()) { QSize desiredSize = origSize; Qt::AspectRatioMode mode = (wallpaperMode_ == WallpaperFit ? Qt::KeepAspectRatio : Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding); desiredSize.scale(width(), height(), mode); image = loadWallpaperFile(desiredSize); // load the scaled image } } if(!image.isNull()) { pixmap = QPixmap(size()); QPainter painter(&pixmap); pixmap.fill(bgColor_); int x = (width() - image.width()) / 2; int y = (height() - image.height()) / 2; painter.drawImage(x, y, image); } } wallpaperPixmap_ = pixmap; } } bool DesktopWindow::pickWallpaper() { if(slideShowInterval_ <= 0 || !QFileInfo(wallpaperDir_).isDir()) { return false; } QList formats = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); QStringList formatsFilters; for (const QByteArray& format: formats) formatsFilters << QString("*.") + format; QDir folder(wallpaperDir_); QStringList files = folder.entryList(formatsFilters, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name); if(!files.isEmpty()) { QString dir = wallpaperDir_ + QLatin1Char('/'); if(!wallpaperRandomize_) { if(!lastSlide_.startsWith(dir)) { // not in the directory wallpaperFile_ = dir + files.first(); } else { QString ls = lastSlide_.remove(0, dir.size()); if(ls.isEmpty() // invalid || ls.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) { // in a subdirectory or invalid wallpaperFile_ = dir + files.first(); } else { int index = files.indexOf(ls); if(index == -1) { // removed or invalid wallpaperFile_ = dir + files.first(); } else { wallpaperFile_ = dir + (index + 1 < files.size() ? files.at(index + 1) : files.first()); } } } } else { if(files.size() > 1) { if(lastSlide_.startsWith(dir)) { QString ls = lastSlide_.remove(0, dir.size()); if(!ls.isEmpty() && !ls.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) files.removeOne(ls); // choose from other images } // this is needed for the randomness, especially when choosing the first wallpaper qsrand((uint)QTime::currentTime().msec()); int randomValue = qrand() % files.size(); wallpaperFile_ = dir + files.at(randomValue); } else { wallpaperFile_ = dir + files.first(); } } if (lastSlide_ != wallpaperFile_) { lastSlide_ = wallpaperFile_; Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); settings.setLastSlide(lastSlide_); return true; } } return false; } void DesktopWindow::nextWallpaper() { if(pickWallpaper()) { updateWallpaper(); update(); } } void DesktopWindow::updateFromSettings(Settings& settings, bool changeSlide) { setDesktopFolder(); setWallpaperFile(settings.wallpaper()); setWallpaperMode(settings.wallpaperMode()); setLastSlide(settings.lastSlide()); QString wallpaperDir = settings.wallpaperDir(); if(wallpaperDir_ != wallpaperDir) { changeSlide = true; // another wallpapaer directory; change slide! } setWallpaperDir(wallpaperDir); int interval = settings.slideShowInterval(); if(interval > 0 && (interval < MIN_SLIDE_INTERVAL || interval > MAX_SLIDE_INTERVAL)) { interval = qBound(MIN_SLIDE_INTERVAL, interval, MAX_SLIDE_INTERVAL); settings.setSlideShowInterval(interval); } setSlideShowInterval(interval); setWallpaperRandomize(settings.wallpaperRandomize()); setFont(settings.desktopFont()); setIconSize(Fm::FolderView::IconMode, QSize(settings.desktopIconSize(), settings.desktopIconSize())); setMargins(settings.desktopCellMargins()); updateShortcutsFromSettings(settings); // setIconSize and setMargins may trigger relayout of items by QListView, so we need to do the layout again. queueRelayout(); setForeground(settings.desktopFgColor()); setBackground(settings.desktopBgColor()); setShadow(settings.desktopShadowColor()); showWmMenu_ = settings.showWmMenu(); desktopHideItems_ = settings.desktopHideItems(); if(desktopHideItems_) { // hide all items by hiding the list view and also // prevent the current item from being changed by arrow keys listView_->clearFocus(); listView_->setVisible(false); } if(slideShowInterval_ > 0 && QFileInfo(wallpaperDir_).isDir()) { if(!wallpaperTimer_) { changeSlide = true; // slideshow activated; change slide! wallpaperTimer_ = new QTimer(); connect(wallpaperTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DesktopWindow::nextWallpaper); } else { wallpaperTimer_->stop(); // restart the timer after updating wallpaper } if(changeSlide) { pickWallpaper(); } else if(QFile::exists(lastSlide_)) { /* show the last slide if it still exists, otherwise show the wallpaper until timeout */ wallpaperFile_ = lastSlide_; } } else if(wallpaperTimer_) { wallpaperTimer_->stop(); delete wallpaperTimer_; wallpaperTimer_ = nullptr; } updateWallpaper(); update(); if(wallpaperTimer_) { wallpaperTimer_->start(slideShowInterval_); } } void DesktopWindow::onFileClicked(int type, const std::shared_ptr& fileInfo) { if(!fileInfo && showWmMenu_) { return; // do not show the popup if we want to use the desktop menu provided by the WM. } if(desktopHideItems_) { // only a context menu with desktop actions if(type == Fm::FolderView::ActivatedClick) { return; } QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this); addDesktopActions(menu); menu->exec(QCursor::pos()); delete menu; } else { // special right-click menus for our desktop shortcuts if(fileInfo && (fileInfo->isDesktopEntry() || fileInfo->isShortcut()) && type == Fm::FolderView::ContextMenuClick) { Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); const QStringList ds = settings.desktopShortcuts(); if(!ds.isEmpty()) { const QString fileName = QString::fromStdString(fileInfo->name()); if((fileName == QLatin1String("trash-can.desktop") && ds.contains(QLatin1String("Trash"))) || (fileName == QLatin1String("user-home.desktop") && ds.contains(QLatin1String("Home"))) || (fileName == QLatin1String("computer.desktop") && ds.contains(QLatin1String("Computer"))) || (fileName == QLatin1String("network.desktop") && ds.contains(QLatin1String("Network")))) { QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this); // "Open" action for all QAction* action = menu->addAction(tr("Open")); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, fileInfo] { onFileClicked(Fm::FolderView::ActivatedClick, fileInfo); }); // "Stick" action for all action = menu->addAction(tr("Stic&k to Current Position")); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(customItemPos_.find(fileInfo->name()) != customItemPos_.cend()); connect(action, &QAction::toggled, this, &DesktopWindow::onStickToCurrentPos); // "Empty Trash" action for Trash shortcut if(fileName == QLatin1String("trash-can.desktop")) { menu->addSeparator(); action = menu->addAction(tr("Empty Trash")); // disable the item is Trash is empty GKeyFile* kf = g_key_file_new(); if(g_key_file_load_from_file(kf, fileInfo->path().toString().get(), G_KEY_FILE_NONE, nullptr)) { Fm::CStrPtr str{g_key_file_get_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", nullptr)}; if(str && strcmp(str.get(), "user-trash") == 0) { action->setEnabled(false); } } g_key_file_free(kf); // empty Trash on clicking the item connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [] { Fm::FilePathList files; files.push_back(Fm::FilePath::fromUri("trash:///")); Fm::FileOperation::deleteFiles(std::move(files)); }); } menu->exec(QCursor::pos()); delete menu; return; } } } View::onFileClicked(type, fileInfo); } } void DesktopWindow::prepareFileMenu(Fm::FileMenu* menu) { // qDebug("DesktopWindow::prepareFileMenu"); PCManFM::View::prepareFileMenu(menu); QAction* action = new QAction(tr("Stic&k to Current Position"), menu); action->setCheckable(true); menu->insertSeparator(menu->separator2()); menu->insertAction(menu->separator2(), action); bool checked(true); auto files = menu->files(); for(const auto& file : files) { if(customItemPos_.find(file->name()) == customItemPos_.cend()) { checked = false; break; } } action->setChecked(checked); connect(action, &QAction::toggled, this, &DesktopWindow::onStickToCurrentPos); } void DesktopWindow::prepareFolderMenu(Fm::FolderMenu* menu) { PCManFM::View::prepareFolderMenu(menu); // remove file properties action menu->removeAction(menu->propertiesAction()); // add desktop actions instead addDesktopActions(menu); } void DesktopWindow::addDesktopActions(QMenu* menu) { QAction* action = menu->addAction(tr("Hide Desktop Items")); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(desktopHideItems_); menu->addSeparator(); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DesktopWindow::toggleDesktop); action = menu->addAction(tr("Desktop Preferences")); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DesktopWindow::onDesktopPreferences); } void DesktopWindow::toggleDesktop() { desktopHideItems_ = !desktopHideItems_; Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); settings.setDesktopHideItems(desktopHideItems_); listView_->setVisible(!desktopHideItems_); // a relayout is needed on showing the items for the first time // because the positions aren't updated while the view is hidden if(!desktopHideItems_) { listView_->setFocus(); // refocus the view queueRelayout(); } else { // prevent the current item from being changed by arrow keys listView_->clearFocus(); } } void DesktopWindow::selectAll() { if(!desktopHideItems_) { FolderView::selectAll(); } } void DesktopWindow::onDesktopPreferences() { static_cast(qApp)->desktopPrefrences(QString()); } void DesktopWindow::onRowsInserted(const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end) { Q_UNUSED(parent); Q_UNUSED(start); Q_UNUSED(end); // disable view updates temporarily and delay relayout to prevent items from shaking listView_->setUpdatesEnabled(false); queueRelayout(100); } void DesktopWindow::onRowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end) { Q_UNUSED(parent); Q_UNUSED(start); Q_UNUSED(end); if(!customItemPos_.empty()) { // also delete stored custom item positions for the items currently being removed. // Here we can't rely on ProxyFolderModel::fileInfoFromIndex() because, although rows // aren't removed yet, files are already removed. bool changed = false; QString desktopDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation); desktopDir += '/'; for(auto it = customItemPos_.cbegin(); it != customItemPos_.cend();) { auto& name = it->first; if(!QFile::exists(desktopDir + QString::fromStdString(name))) { it = customItemPos_.erase(it); changed = true; } else { ++it; } } if(changed) { saveItemPositions(); } } listView_->setUpdatesEnabled(false); queueRelayout(100); } void DesktopWindow::onLayoutChanged() { queueRelayout(); } void DesktopWindow::onModelSortFilterChanged() { Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); settings.setDesktopSortColumn(static_cast(proxyModel_->sortColumn())); settings.setDesktopSortOrder(proxyModel_->sortOrder()); settings.setDesktopSortFolderFirst(proxyModel_->folderFirst()); } void DesktopWindow::onDataChanged(const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight) { /**************************************************************************** NOTE: The display names of desktop entries and shortcuts may change without their files being renamed and, on such occasions, a relayout will be needed. Since there is no signal for that, we use the signal dataChanged() and the QHash displayNames_, which remembers such display names with every relayout. ****************************************************************************/ if(topLeft.column() == 0) { bool relayout(false); for(int i = topLeft.row(); i <= bottomRight.row(); ++i) { QModelIndex index = topLeft.sibling(i, 0); if(index.isValid() && displayNames_.contains(index)) { auto file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(index); if(displayNames_[index] != file->displayName()) { relayout = true; break; } } } if(relayout) { queueRelayout(); // parts of the old display name might still be visible if it's long listView_->viewport()->update(); } } } void DesktopWindow::onFolderStartLoading() { // desktop may be reloaded if(model_) { disconnect(model_, &Fm::FolderModel::filesAdded, this, &DesktopWindow::onFilesAdded); } } void DesktopWindow::onFolderFinishLoading() { QTimer::singleShot(10, [this]() { // Qt delays the UI update (as in TabPage::onFolderFinishLoading) if(model_) { connect(model_, &Fm::FolderModel::filesAdded, this, &DesktopWindow::onFilesAdded); } }); } void DesktopWindow::onFilesAdded(const Fm::FileInfoList files) { if(static_cast(qApp)->settings().selectNewFiles()) { if(!selectionTimer_) { selectFiles(files, false); selectionTimer_ = new QTimer (this); selectionTimer_->setSingleShot(true); selectionTimer_->start(200); } else { selectFiles(files, selectionTimer_->isActive()); selectionTimer_->start(200); } } } void DesktopWindow::removeBottomGap() { auto screen = getDesktopScreen(); if(screen == nullptr) { return; } /************************************************************ NOTE: Desktop is an area bounded from below while icons snap to its grid srarting from above. Therefore, we try to adjust the vertical cell margin to prevent relatively large gaps from taking shape at the desktop bottom. ************************************************************/ auto delegate = static_cast(listView_->itemDelegateForColumn(0)); auto itemSize = delegate->itemSize(); //qDebug() << "delegate:" << delegate->itemSize(); QSize cellMargins = getMargins(); int workAreaHeight = screen->availableVirtualGeometry().height() - 2 * WORK_AREA_MARGIN; int cellHeight = itemSize.height() + listView_->spacing(); int iconNumber = workAreaHeight / cellHeight; int bottomGap = workAreaHeight % cellHeight; /******************************************* First try to make room for an extra icon... *******************************************/ // If one pixel is subtracted from the vertical margin, cellHeight // will decrease by 2 while bottomGap will increase by 2*iconNumber. // So, we can add an icon to the bottom once this inequality holds: // bottomGap + 2*n*iconNumber >= cellHeight - 2*n // From here, we get our "subtrahend": qreal exactNumber = ((qreal)cellHeight - (qreal)bottomGap) / (2.0 * (qreal)iconNumber + 2.0); int subtrahend = (int)exactNumber + ((int)exactNumber == exactNumber ? 0 : 1); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); int minCellHeight = settings.desktopCellMargins().height(); if(subtrahend > 0 && cellMargins.height() - subtrahend >= minCellHeight) { cellMargins -= QSize(0, subtrahend); } /*************************************************** ... but if that can't be done, try to spread icons! ***************************************************/ else { cellMargins += QSize(0, (bottomGap / iconNumber) / 2); } // set the new margins (if they're changed) delegate->setMargins(cellMargins); setMargins(cellMargins); // in case the text shadow is reset to (0,0,0,0) setShadow(settings.desktopShadowColor()); } void DesktopWindow::paintBackground(QPaintEvent* event) { // This is to workaround Qt bug 54384 which affects Qt >= 5.6 // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-54384 QPainter painter(this); if(wallpaperMode_ == WallpaperNone || wallpaperPixmap_.isNull()) { painter.fillRect(event->rect(), QBrush(bgColor_)); } else { painter.drawPixmap(event->rect(), wallpaperPixmap_, event->rect()); } } void DesktopWindow::trustOurDesktopShortcut(std::shared_ptr file) { if(file->isTrustable()) { return; } Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); const QStringList ds = settings.desktopShortcuts(); if(ds.isEmpty()) { return; } const QString fileName = QString::fromStdString(file->name()); const char* execStr = fileName == QLatin1String("trash-can.desktop") && ds.contains(QLatin1String("Trash")) ? "pcmanfm-qt trash:///" : fileName == QLatin1String("user-home.desktop") && ds.contains(QLatin1String("Home")) ? "pcmanfm-qt" : fileName == QLatin1String("computer.desktop") && ds.contains(QLatin1String("Computer")) ? "pcmanfm-qt computer:///" : fileName == QLatin1String("network.desktop") && ds.contains(QLatin1String("Network")) ? "pcmanfm-qt network:///" : nullptr; if(execStr) { GKeyFile* kf = g_key_file_new(); if(g_key_file_load_from_file(kf, file->path().toString().get(), G_KEY_FILE_NONE, nullptr)) { Fm::CStrPtr str{g_key_file_get_string(kf, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", nullptr)}; if(str && strcmp(str.get(), execStr) == 0) { file->setTrustable(true); } } g_key_file_free(kf); } } // QListView does item layout in a very inflexible way, so let's do our custom layout again. // FIXME: this is very inefficient, but due to the design flaw of QListView, this is currently the only workaround. void DesktopWindow::relayoutItems() { auto screen = getDesktopScreen(); if(screen == nullptr) { return; } displayNames_.clear(); loadItemPositions(); // something may have changed // qDebug("relayoutItems()"); if(relayoutTimer_) { // this slot might be called from the timer, so we cannot delete it directly here. relayoutTimer_->deleteLater(); relayoutTimer_ = nullptr; } int row = 0; int rowCount = proxyModel_->rowCount(); auto delegate = static_cast(listView_->itemDelegateForColumn(0)); auto itemSize = delegate->itemSize(); QRect workArea = screen->availableVirtualGeometry(); workArea.adjust(WORK_AREA_MARGIN, WORK_AREA_MARGIN, -WORK_AREA_MARGIN, -WORK_AREA_MARGIN); // qDebug() << "workArea" << screenNum_ << workArea; // FIXME: we use an internal class declared in a private header here, which is pretty bad. QPoint pos = workArea.topLeft(); for(; row < rowCount; ++row) { QModelIndex index = proxyModel_->index(row, 0); int itemWidth = delegate->sizeHint(listView_->getViewOptions(), index).width(); auto file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(index); // remember display names of desktop entries and shortcuts if(file->isDesktopEntry() || file->isShortcut()) { displayNames_[index] = file->displayName(); trustOurDesktopShortcut(file); } auto name = file->name(); auto find_it = customItemPos_.find(name); if(find_it != customItemPos_.cend()) { // the item has a custom position QPoint customPos = find_it->second; // center the contents vertically listView_->setPositionForIndex(customPos + QPoint((itemSize.width() - itemWidth) / 2, 0), index); // qDebug() << "set custom pos:" << name << row << index << customPos; continue; } // check if the current pos is already occupied by a custom item bool used = false; for(auto it = customItemPos_.cbegin(); it != customItemPos_.cend(); ++it) { QPoint customPos = it->second; if(QRect(customPos, itemSize).contains(pos)) { used = true; break; } } if(used) { // go to next pos --row; } else { // center the contents vertically listView_->setPositionForIndex(pos + QPoint((itemSize.width() - itemWidth) / 2, 0), index); // qDebug() << "set pos" << name << row << index << pos; } // move to next cell in the column pos.setY(pos.y() + itemSize.height() + listView_->spacing()); if(pos.y() + itemSize.height() > workArea.bottom() + 1) { // if the next position may exceed the bottom of work area, go to the top of next column pos.setX(pos.x() + itemSize.width() + listView_->spacing()); pos.setY(workArea.top()); } } if(!listView_->updatesEnabled()) { listView_->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } } void DesktopWindow::loadItemPositions() { auto screen = getDesktopScreen(); if(screen == nullptr) { return; } // load custom item positions customItemPos_.clear(); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); QString configFile = QString("%1/desktop-items-%2.conf").arg(settings.profileDir(settings.profileName())).arg(screenNum_); QSettings file(configFile, QSettings::IniFormat); auto delegate = static_cast(listView_->itemDelegateForColumn(0)); auto grid = delegate->itemSize(); QRect workArea = screen->availableVirtualGeometry(); workArea.adjust(WORK_AREA_MARGIN, WORK_AREA_MARGIN, -WORK_AREA_MARGIN, -WORK_AREA_MARGIN); QString desktopDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation); desktopDir += '/'; std::vector usedPos; for(auto& item: customItemPos_) { usedPos.push_back(item.second); } // FIXME: this is inefficient const auto names = file.childGroups(); for(const QString& name : names) { if(!QFile::exists(desktopDir + name.toUtf8())) { // the file may have been removed from outside LXQT continue; } file.beginGroup(name); QVariant var = file.value("pos"); if(var.isValid()) { QPoint customPos = var.toPoint(); if(customPos.x() >= workArea.x() && customPos.y() >= workArea.y() && customPos.x() + grid.width() <= workArea.right() + 1 && customPos.y() + grid.height() <= workArea.bottom() + 1) { // correct positions that are't aligned to the grid alignToGrid(customPos, workArea.topLeft(), grid, listView_->spacing()); // FIXME: this is very inefficient while(std::find(usedPos.cbegin(), usedPos.cend(), customPos) != usedPos.cend()) { customPos.setY(customPos.y() + grid.height() + listView_->spacing()); if(customPos.y() + grid.height() > workArea.bottom() + 1) { customPos.setX(customPos.x() + grid.width() + listView_->spacing()); customPos.setY(workArea.top()); } } customItemPos_[name.toStdString()] = customPos; usedPos.push_back(customPos); } } file.endGroup(); } } void DesktopWindow::saveItemPositions() { Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); // store custom item positions QString configFile = QString("%1/desktop-items-%2.conf").arg(settings.profileDir(settings.profileName())).arg(screenNum_); // FIXME: using QSettings here is inefficient and it's not friendly to UTF-8. QSettings file(configFile, QSettings::IniFormat); file.clear(); // remove all existing entries // FIXME: we have to remove dead entries not associated to any files? for(auto it = customItemPos_.cbegin(); it != customItemPos_.cend(); ++it) { auto& name = it->first; auto& pos = it->second; file.beginGroup(QString::fromStdString(name)); file.setValue("pos", pos); file.endGroup(); } } void DesktopWindow::onStickToCurrentPos(bool toggled) { QModelIndexList indexes = listView_->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if(!indexes.isEmpty()) { bool relayout(false); QModelIndexList::const_iterator it; for(it = indexes.constBegin(); it != indexes.constEnd(); ++it) { auto file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(*it); auto name = file->name(); if(toggled) { // remember the current custom position QRect itemRect = listView_->rectForIndex(*it); customItemPos_[name] = itemRect.topLeft(); } else { // cancel custom position and perform relayout auto item = customItemPos_.find(name); if(item != customItemPos_.end()) { customItemPos_.erase(item); relayout = true; } } } saveItemPositions(); if(relayout) { relayoutItems(); } } } void DesktopWindow::queueRelayout(int delay) { // qDebug() << "queueRelayout"; removeBottomGap(); if(!relayoutTimer_) { relayoutTimer_ = new QTimer(); relayoutTimer_->setSingleShot(true); connect(relayoutTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DesktopWindow::relayoutItems); relayoutTimer_->start(delay); } } // slots for file operations void DesktopWindow::onCutActivated() { if(desktopHideItems_) { return; } auto paths = selectedFilePaths(); if(!paths.empty()) { Fm::cutFilesToClipboard(paths); } } void DesktopWindow::onCopyActivated() { if(desktopHideItems_) { return; } auto paths = selectedFilePaths(); if(!paths.empty()) { Fm::copyFilesToClipboard(paths); } } void DesktopWindow::onCopyFullPathActivated() { if(desktopHideItems_) { return; } auto paths = selectedFilePaths(); if(paths.size() == 1) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString(paths.front().toString().get()), QClipboard::Clipboard); } } void DesktopWindow::onPasteActivated() { if(desktopHideItems_) { return; } Fm::pasteFilesFromClipboard(path()); } void DesktopWindow::onDeleteActivated() { if(desktopHideItems_) { return; } auto paths = selectedFilePaths(); if(!paths.empty()) { Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); bool shiftPressed = (qApp->keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ? true : false); if(settings.useTrash() && !shiftPressed) { Fm::FileOperation::trashFiles(paths, settings.confirmTrash()); } else { Fm::FileOperation::deleteFiles(paths, settings.confirmDelete()); } } } void DesktopWindow::onRenameActivated() { if(desktopHideItems_) { return; } // do inline renaming if only one item is selected, // otherwise use the renaming dialog if(selectedIndexes().size() == 1) { QModelIndex cur = listView_->currentIndex(); if (cur.isValid()) { listView_->edit(cur); return; } } auto files = selectedFiles(); if(!files.empty()) { for(auto& info: files) { if(!Fm::renameFile(info, nullptr)) { break; } } } } void DesktopWindow::onBulkRenameActivated() { if(desktopHideItems_) { return; } BulkRenamer(selectedFiles(), this); } void DesktopWindow::onFilePropertiesActivated() { if(desktopHideItems_) { return; } auto files = selectedFiles(); if(!files.empty()) { Fm::FilePropsDialog::showForFiles(std::move(files)); } } static void forwardMouseEventToRoot(QMouseEvent* event) { xcb_ungrab_pointer(QX11Info::connection(), event->timestamp()); // forward the event to the root window xcb_button_press_event_t xcb_event; uint32_t mask = 0; xcb_event.state = 0; switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: xcb_event.response_type = XCB_BUTTON_PRESS; mask = XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS; break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: xcb_event.response_type = XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE; mask = XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_RELEASE; break; default: return; } // convert Qt button to XCB button switch(event->button()) { case Qt::LeftButton: xcb_event.detail = 1; xcb_event.state |= XCB_BUTTON_MASK_1; break; case Qt::MiddleButton: xcb_event.detail = 2; xcb_event.state |= XCB_BUTTON_MASK_2; break; case Qt::RightButton: xcb_event.detail = 3; xcb_event.state |= XCB_BUTTON_MASK_3; break; default: xcb_event.detail = 0; } // convert Qt modifiers to XCB states if(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { xcb_event.state |= XCB_MOD_MASK_SHIFT; } if(event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { xcb_event.state |= XCB_MOD_MASK_SHIFT; } if(event->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) { xcb_event.state |= XCB_MOD_MASK_1; } xcb_event.sequence = 0; xcb_event.time = event->timestamp(); WId root = QX11Info::appRootWindow(QX11Info::appScreen()); xcb_event.event = root; xcb_event.root = root; xcb_event.child = 0; xcb_event.root_x = event->globalX(); xcb_event.root_y = event->globalY(); xcb_event.event_x = event->x(); xcb_event.event_y = event->y(); xcb_event.same_screen = 1; xcb_send_event(QX11Info::connection(), 0, root, mask, (char*)&xcb_event); xcb_flush(QX11Info::connection()); } bool DesktopWindow::event(QEvent* event) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::WinIdChange: { //qDebug() << "winid change:" << effectiveWinId(); if(effectiveWinId() == 0) { break; } // set freedesktop.org EWMH hints properly if(QX11Info::isPlatformX11() && QX11Info::connection()) { xcb_connection_t* con = QX11Info::connection(); const char* atom_name = "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP"; xcb_atom_t atom = xcb_intern_atom_reply(con, xcb_intern_atom(con, 0, strlen(atom_name), atom_name), nullptr)->atom; const char* prop_atom_name = "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE"; xcb_atom_t prop_atom = xcb_intern_atom_reply(con, xcb_intern_atom(con, 0, strlen(prop_atom_name), prop_atom_name), nullptr)->atom; xcb_atom_t XA_ATOM = 4; xcb_change_property(con, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, effectiveWinId(), prop_atom, XA_ATOM, 32, 1, &atom); } break; } #undef FontChange // FontChange is defined in the headers of XLib and clashes with Qt, let's undefine it. case QEvent::StyleChange: case QEvent::FontChange: queueRelayout(); break; default: break; } return QWidget::event(event); } #undef FontChange // this seems to be defined in Xlib headers as a macro, undef it! bool DesktopWindow::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) { if(watched == listView_) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::StyleChange: case QEvent::FontChange: if(model_) { queueRelayout(); } break; default: break; } } else if(watched == listView_->viewport()) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: if(showWmMenu_) { QMouseEvent* e = static_cast(event); // If we want to show the desktop menus provided by the window manager instead of ours, // we have to forward the mouse events we received to the root window. // check if the user click on blank area QModelIndex index = listView_->indexAt(e->pos()); if(!index.isValid() && e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { forwardMouseEventToRoot(e); } } break; case QEvent::Paint: // NOTE: The drop indicator isn't drawn/updated automatically, perhaps, // because we paint desktop ourself. So, we draw it here. paintDropIndicator(); break; case QEvent::Wheel: // removal of scrollbars is not enough to prevent scrolling return true; default: break; } } return Fm::FolderView::eventFilter(watched, event); } void DesktopWindow::childDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* e) { // see DesktopWindow::eventFilter for an explanation QRect oldDropRect = dropRect_; dropRect_ = QRect(); QModelIndex dropIndex = listView_->indexAt(e->pos()); if(dropIndex.isValid()) { bool dragOnSelf = false; if(e->source() == listView_ && e->keyboardModifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { // drag source is desktop QModelIndex curIndx = listView_->currentIndex(); if(curIndx.isValid() && curIndx == dropIndex) { dragOnSelf = true; } } if(!dragOnSelf && dropIndex.model()) { QVariant data = dropIndex.model()->data(dropIndex, Fm::FolderModel::Role::FileInfoRole); auto info = data.value>(); if(info && (info->isDir() || isTrashCan(info))) { dropRect_ = listView_->rectForIndex(dropIndex); } } } if(oldDropRect != dropRect_) { listView_->viewport()->update(); } } void DesktopWindow::paintDropIndicator() { if(!dropRect_.isNull()) { QPainter painter(listView_->viewport()); QStyleOption opt; opt.init(listView_->viewport()); opt.rect = dropRect_; style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorItemViewItemDrop, &opt, &painter, listView_); } } void DesktopWindow::childDropEvent(QDropEvent* e) { const QMimeData* mimeData = e->mimeData(); bool moveItem = false; QModelIndex curIndx = listView_->currentIndex(); if(e->source() == listView_ && e->keyboardModifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { // drag source is our list view, and no other modifier keys are pressed // => we're dragging desktop items if(mimeData->hasFormat("application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist")) { QModelIndex dropIndex = listView_->indexAt(e->pos()); if(dropIndex.isValid() // drop on an item && curIndx.isValid() && curIndx != dropIndex) { // not a drop on self if(auto file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(dropIndex)) { if(!file->isDir()) { // drop on a non-directory file // if the files are dropped on our Trash shortcut item, // move them to Trash instead of moving them on desktop if(isTrashCan(file)) { auto paths = selectedFilePaths(); if(!paths.empty()) { e->accept(); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); Fm::FileOperation::trashFiles(paths, settings.confirmTrash()); // remove the drop indicator dropRect_ = QRect(); listView_->viewport()->update(); return; } } moveItem = true; } } } else { // drop on a blank area (maybe, between other items) moveItem = true; } } } if(moveItem) { auto screen = getDesktopScreen(); if(screen == nullptr) { return; } e->accept(); // move selected items to the drop position, preserving their relative positions const QPoint dropPos = e->pos(); if(curIndx.isValid()) { auto delegate = static_cast(listView_->itemDelegateForColumn(0)); auto grid = delegate->itemSize(); QRect workArea = screen->availableVirtualGeometry(); workArea.adjust(WORK_AREA_MARGIN, WORK_AREA_MARGIN, -WORK_AREA_MARGIN, -WORK_AREA_MARGIN); QPoint curPoint = listView_->visualRect(curIndx).topLeft(); // first move the current item to the drop position auto file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(curIndx); if(file) { QPoint pos = dropPos; stickToPosition(file->name(), pos, workArea, grid); } // then move the other items so that their relative postions are preserved const QModelIndexList selected = selectedIndexes(); for(const QModelIndex& indx : selected) { if(indx == curIndx) { continue; } file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(indx); if(file) { QPoint nxtDropPos = dropPos + listView_->visualRect(indx).topLeft() - curPoint; nxtDropPos.setX(qBound(workArea.left(), nxtDropPos.x(), workArea.right() + 1)); nxtDropPos.setY(qBound(workArea.top(), nxtDropPos.y(), workArea.bottom() + 1)); stickToPosition(file->name(), nxtDropPos, workArea, grid); } } } saveItemPositions(); queueRelayout(); } else { // remove the drop indicator dropRect_ = QRect(); listView_->viewport()->update(); // move items to Trash if they are dropped on Trash shortcut QModelIndex dropIndex = listView_->indexAt(e->pos()); if(dropIndex.isValid()) { if(auto file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(dropIndex)) { if(isTrashCan(file)) { if(mimeData->hasUrls()) { Fm::FilePathList paths; const QList urlList = mimeData->urls(); for(const QUrl& url : urlList) { QString uri = url.toDisplayString(); if(!uri.isEmpty()) { paths.push_back(Fm::FilePath::fromUri(uri.toStdString().c_str())); } } if(!paths.empty()) { e->accept(); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); Fm::FileOperation::trashFiles(paths, settings.confirmTrash()); return; } } } } } Fm::FolderView::childDropEvent(e); // position dropped items successively, starting with the drop rectangle if(mimeData->hasUrls() && (e->dropAction() == Qt::CopyAction || e->dropAction() == Qt::MoveAction || e->dropAction() == Qt::LinkAction)) { auto screen = getDesktopScreen(); if(screen == nullptr) { return; } auto delegate = static_cast(listView_->itemDelegateForColumn(0)); auto grid = delegate->itemSize(); QRect workArea = screen->availableVirtualGeometry(); workArea.adjust(WORK_AREA_MARGIN, WORK_AREA_MARGIN, -WORK_AREA_MARGIN, -WORK_AREA_MARGIN); const QString desktopDir = XdgDir::readDesktopDir() + QString(QLatin1String("/")); QPoint dropPos = e->pos(); const QList urlList = mimeData->urls(); bool reachedLastCell = false; for(const QUrl& url : urlList) { QString name = url.fileName(); if(!name.isEmpty() // don't stick to the position if there is an overwrite prompt && !QFile::exists(desktopDir + name)) { reachedLastCell = stickToPosition(name.toStdString(), dropPos, workArea, grid, reachedLastCell); } } saveItemPositions(); } } } // NOTE: This function positions items from top to bottom and left to right, // starting from the drop point, and carries the existing sticky items with them, // until it reaches the last cell and then puts the remaining items in the opposite // direction. In this way, it creates a natural DND, especially with multiple files. bool DesktopWindow::stickToPosition(const std::string& file, QPoint& pos, const QRect& workArea, const QSize& grid, bool reachedLastCell) { // normalize the position, depending on the positioning direction if(!reachedLastCell) { // default direction: top -> bottom, left -> right // put the drop point inside the work area to prevent unnatural jumps if(pos.y() + grid.height() > workArea.bottom() + 1) { pos.setY(workArea.bottom() + 1 - grid.height()); } if(pos.x() + grid.width() > workArea.right() + 1) { pos.setX(workArea.right() + 1 - grid.width()); } pos.setX(qMax(workArea.left(), pos.x())); pos.setY(qMax(workArea.top(), pos.y())); alignToGrid(pos, workArea.topLeft(), grid, listView_->spacing()); } else { // backward direction: bottom -> top, right -> left if(pos.y() < workArea.top()) { // reached the top; go to the left bottom pos.setY(workArea.bottom() + 1 - grid.height()); pos.setX(pos.x() - grid.width() - listView_->spacing()); } alignToGrid(pos, workArea.topLeft(), grid, listView_->spacing()); if (pos.x() < workArea.left()) { // there's no space to the left, which means that // the work area is exhausted, so ignore stickiness return reachedLastCell; } } // find if there is a sticky item at this position std::string otherFile; auto oldItem = std::find_if(customItemPos_.cbegin(), customItemPos_.cend(), [pos](const std::pair& elem) { return elem.second == pos; }); if(oldItem != customItemPos_.cend()) { otherFile = oldItem->first; } // stick to the position customItemPos_[file] = pos; // check whether we are in the last visible cell if it isn't reached already if(!reachedLastCell && pos.y() + 2 * grid.height() + listView_->spacing() > workArea.bottom() + 1 && pos.x() + 2 * grid.width() + listView_->spacing() > workArea.right() + 1) { reachedLastCell = true; } // find the next position if(reachedLastCell) { // when this is the last visible cell, reverse the positioning direction // to avoid off-screen items later pos.setY(pos.y() - grid.height() - listView_->spacing()); } else { // the last visible cell is not reached yet; go forward if(pos.y() + 2 * grid.height() + listView_->spacing() > workArea.bottom() + 1) { pos.setY(workArea.top()); pos.setX(pos.x() + grid.width() + listView_->spacing()); } else { pos.setY(pos.y() + grid.height() + listView_->spacing()); } } // if there was another sticky item at the same position, move it to the next position if(!otherFile.empty() && otherFile != file) { reachedLastCell = stickToPosition(otherFile, pos, workArea, grid, reachedLastCell); } return reachedLastCell; } void DesktopWindow::alignToGrid(QPoint& pos, const QPoint& topLeft, const QSize& grid, const int spacing) { int w = (pos.x() - topLeft.x()) / (grid.width() + spacing); // can be negative with DND int h = (pos.y() - topLeft.y()) / (grid.height() + spacing); // can be negative with DND pos.setX(topLeft.x() + w * (grid.width() + spacing)); pos.setY(topLeft.y() + h * (grid.height() + spacing)); } void DesktopWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { // prevent the desktop window from being closed. event->ignore(); } void DesktopWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { paintBackground(event); QWidget::paintEvent(event); } void DesktopWindow::setScreenNum(int num) { if(screenNum_ != num) { screenNum_ = num; queueRelayout(); } } QScreen* DesktopWindow::getDesktopScreen() const { QScreen* desktopScreen = nullptr; if(screenNum_ == -1) { desktopScreen = qApp->primaryScreen(); } else { const auto allScreens = qApp->screens(); if(allScreens.size() > screenNum_) { desktopScreen = allScreens.at(screenNum_); } if(desktopScreen == nullptr && windowHandle()) { desktopScreen = windowHandle()->screen(); } } return desktopScreen; } } // namespace PCManFM