/* Copyright (C) 2013 Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "desktopwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "applicationadaptor.h" #include "preferencesdialog.h" #include "desktoppreferencesdialog.h" #include "autorundialog.h" #include "launcher.h" #include "xdgdir.h" #include "connectserverdialog.h" #include namespace PCManFM { static const char* serviceName = "org.pcmanfm.PCManFM"; static const char* ifaceName = "org.pcmanfm.Application"; int ProxyStyle::styleHint(StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* widget, QStyleHintReturn* returnData) const { Application* app = static_cast(qApp); if(hint == QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick) return app->settings().singleClick(); return QProxyStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, returnData); } Application::Application(int& argc, char** argv): QApplication(argc, argv), libFm_(), settings_(), profileName_("default"), daemonMode_(false), enableDesktopManager_(false), desktopWindows_(), preferencesDialog_(), editBookmarksialog_(), volumeMonitor_(NULL), userDirsWatcher_(NULL), lxqtRunning_(false) { argc_ = argc; argv_ = argv; setApplicationVersion(PCMANFM_QT_VERSION); // QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/org/pcmanfm/Application", this); QDBusConnection dbus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); if(dbus.registerService(serviceName)) { // we successfully registered the service isPrimaryInstance = true; setStyle(new ProxyStyle()); desktop()->installEventFilter(this); new ApplicationAdaptor(this); dbus.registerObject("/Application", this); connect(this, &Application::aboutToQuit, this, &Application::onAboutToQuit); // aboutToQuit() is not signalled on SIGTERM, install signal handler installSigtermHandler(); settings_.load(profileName_); // decrease the cache size to reduce memory usage QPixmapCache::setCacheLimit(2048); if(settings_.useFallbackIconTheme()) { QIcon::setThemeName(settings_.fallbackIconThemeName()); Fm::IconTheme::checkChanged(); } // Check if LXQt Session is running. LXQt has it's own Desktop Folder // editor. We just hide our editor when LXQt is running. QDBusInterface* lxqtSessionIface = new QDBusInterface( QStringLiteral("org.lxqt.session"), QStringLiteral("/LXQtSession")); if (lxqtSessionIface) { if (lxqtSessionIface->isValid()) { lxqtRunning_ = true; userDesktopFolder_ = XdgDir::readDesktopDir(); initWatch(); } delete lxqtSessionIface; lxqtSessionIface = 0; } } else { // an service of the same name is already registered. // we're not the first instance isPrimaryInstance = false; } } Application::~Application() { desktop()->removeEventFilter(this); if(volumeMonitor_) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(volumeMonitor_, gpointer(onVolumeAdded), this); g_object_unref(volumeMonitor_); } // if(enableDesktopManager_) // removeNativeEventFilter(this); } void Application::initWatch() { QFile file_ (QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation) + QStringLiteral("/user-dirs.dirs")); if(! file_.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Could not read: " << userDirsFile_; userDirsFile_ = QString(); } else { userDirsFile_ = file_.fileName(); } userDirsWatcher_ = new QFileSystemWatcher(this); userDirsWatcher_->addPath(userDirsFile_); connect(userDirsWatcher_, &QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &Application::onUserDirsChanged); } bool Application::parseCommandLineArgs() { bool keepRunning = false; QCommandLineParser parser; parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption profileOption(QStringList() << "p" << "profile", tr("Name of configuration profile"), tr("PROFILE")); parser.addOption(profileOption); QCommandLineOption daemonOption(QStringList() << "d" << "daemon-mode", tr("Run PCManFM as a daemon")); parser.addOption(daemonOption); QCommandLineOption quitOption(QStringList() << "q" << "quit", tr("Quit PCManFM")); parser.addOption(quitOption); QCommandLineOption desktopOption("desktop", tr("Launch desktop manager")); parser.addOption(desktopOption); QCommandLineOption desktopOffOption("desktop-off", tr("Turn off desktop manager if it's running")); parser.addOption(desktopOffOption); QCommandLineOption desktopPrefOption("desktop-pref", tr("Open desktop preference dialog on the page with the specified name"), tr("NAME")); parser.addOption(desktopPrefOption); QCommandLineOption newWindowOption(QStringList() << "n" << "new-window", tr("Open new window")); parser.addOption(newWindowOption); QCommandLineOption findFilesOption(QStringList() << "f" << "find-files", tr("Open Find Files utility")); parser.addOption(findFilesOption); QCommandLineOption setWallpaperOption(QStringList() << "w" << "set-wallpaper", tr("Set desktop wallpaper from image FILE"), tr("FILE")); parser.addOption(setWallpaperOption); QCommandLineOption wallpaperModeOption("wallpaper-mode", tr("Set mode of desktop wallpaper. MODE=(%1)").arg("color|stretch|fit|center|tile|zoom"), tr("MODE")); parser.addOption(wallpaperModeOption); QCommandLineOption showPrefOption("show-pref", tr("Open Preferences dialog on the page with the specified name"), tr("NAME")); parser.addOption(showPrefOption); parser.addPositionalArgument("files", tr("Files or directories to open"), tr("[FILE1, FILE2,...]")); parser.process(arguments()); if(isPrimaryInstance) { qDebug("isPrimaryInstance"); if(parser.isSet(daemonOption)) daemonMode_ = true; if(parser.isSet(profileOption)) profileName_ = parser.value(profileOption); // load settings settings_.load(profileName_); // desktop icon management if(parser.isSet(desktopOption)) { desktopManager(true); keepRunning = true; } else if(parser.isSet(desktopOffOption)) desktopManager(false); if(parser.isSet(desktopPrefOption)) { // desktop preference dialog desktopPrefrences(parser.value(desktopPrefOption)); keepRunning = true; } else if(parser.isSet(findFilesOption)) { // file searching utility findFiles(parser.positionalArguments()); keepRunning = true; } else if(parser.isSet(showPrefOption)) { // preferences dialog preferences(parser.value(showPrefOption)); keepRunning = true; } else if(parser.isSet(setWallpaperOption) || parser.isSet(wallpaperModeOption)) // set wall paper setWallpaper(parser.value(setWallpaperOption), parser.value(wallpaperModeOption)); else { if(!parser.isSet(desktopOption) && !parser.isSet(desktopOffOption)) { QStringList paths = parser.positionalArguments(); if(paths.isEmpty()) { // if no path is specified and we're using daemon mode, // don't open current working directory if(!daemonMode_) paths.push_back(QDir::currentPath()); } if(!paths.isEmpty()) launchFiles(QDir::currentPath(), paths, parser.isSet(newWindowOption)); keepRunning = true; } } } else { QDBusConnection dbus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); QDBusInterface iface(serviceName, "/Application", ifaceName, dbus, this); if(parser.isSet(quitOption)) { iface.call("quit"); return false; } if(parser.isSet(desktopOption)) iface.call("desktopManager", true); else if(parser.isSet(desktopOffOption)) iface.call("desktopManager", false); if(parser.isSet(desktopPrefOption)) { // desktop preference dialog iface.call("desktopPrefrences", parser.value(desktopPrefOption)); } else if(parser.isSet(findFilesOption)) { // file searching utility iface.call("findFiles", parser.positionalArguments()); } else if(parser.isSet(showPrefOption)) { // preferences dialog iface.call("preferences", parser.value(showPrefOption)); } else if(parser.isSet(setWallpaperOption) || parser.isSet(wallpaperModeOption)) { // set wall paper iface.call("setWallpaper", parser.value(setWallpaperOption), parser.value(wallpaperModeOption)); } else { if(!parser.isSet(desktopOption) && !parser.isSet(desktopOffOption)) { QStringList paths = parser.positionalArguments(); if(paths.isEmpty()) { paths.push_back(QDir::currentPath()); } iface.call("launchFiles", QDir::currentPath(), paths, parser.isSet(newWindowOption)); } } } return keepRunning; } void Application::init() { // install the translations built-into Qt itself qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)); installTranslator(&qtTranslator); // install libfm-qt translator installTranslator(libFm_.translator()); // install our own tranlations translator.load("pcmanfm-qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), PCMANFM_DATA_DIR "/translations"); installTranslator(&translator); } int Application::exec() { if(!parseCommandLineArgs()) return 0; if(daemonMode_) // keep running even when there is no window opened. setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); volumeMonitor_ = g_volume_monitor_get(); // delay the volume manager a little because in newer versions of glib/gio there's a problem. // when the first volume monitor object is created, it discovers volumes asynchonously. // g_volume_monitor_get() immediately returns while the monitor is still discovering devices. // So initially g_volume_monitor_get_volumes() returns nothing, but shortly after that // we get volume-added signals for all of the volumes. This is not what we want. // So, we wait for 3 seconds here to let it finish device discovery. QTimer::singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(initVolumeManager())); return QCoreApplication::exec(); } void Application::onUserDirsChanged() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; bool file_deleted = !userDirsWatcher_->files().contains(userDirsFile_); if(file_deleted) { // if our config file is already deleted, reinstall a new watcher userDirsWatcher_->addPath(userDirsFile_); } const QString d = XdgDir::readDesktopDir(); if (d != userDesktopFolder_) { userDesktopFolder_ = d; const QDir dir(d); if (dir.exists()) { const int N = desktopWindows_.size(); for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { desktopWindows_.at(i)->setDesktopFolder(); } } else { qWarning("Application::onUserDirsChanged: %s doesn't exist", userDesktopFolder_.toUtf8().constData()); } } } void Application::onAboutToQuit() { qDebug("aboutToQuit"); settings_.save(); } bool Application::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) { if(watched == desktop()) { if (event->type() == QEvent::StyleChange || event->type() == QEvent::ThemeChange) { setStyle(new ProxyStyle()); } } return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event); } void Application::onLastWindowClosed() { } void Application::onSaveStateRequest(QSessionManager& manager) { } void Application::desktopManager(bool enabled) { // TODO: turn on or turn off desktpo management (desktop icons & wallpaper) qDebug("desktopManager: %d", enabled); QDesktopWidget* desktopWidget = desktop(); if(enabled) { if(!enableDesktopManager_) { // installNativeEventFilter(this); Q_FOREACH(QScreen* screen, screens()) { connect(screen, &QScreen::virtualGeometryChanged, this, &Application::onVirtualGeometryChanged); connect(screen, &QObject::destroyed, this, &Application::onScreenDestroyed); } connect(this, &QApplication::screenAdded, this, &Application::onScreenAdded); connect(desktopWidget, &QDesktopWidget::resized, this, &Application::onScreenResized); connect(desktopWidget, &QDesktopWidget::screenCountChanged, this, &Application::onScreenCountChanged); // NOTE: there are two modes // When virtual desktop is used (all screens are combined to form a large virtual desktop), // we only create one DesktopWindow. Otherwise, we create one for each screen. if(desktopWidget->isVirtualDesktop()) { DesktopWindow* window = createDesktopWindow(-1); desktopWindows_.push_back(window); } else { int n = desktopWidget->numScreens(); desktopWindows_.reserve(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { DesktopWindow* window = createDesktopWindow(i); desktopWindows_.push_back(window); } } } } else { if(enableDesktopManager_) { disconnect(desktopWidget, &QDesktopWidget::resized, this, &Application::onScreenResized); disconnect(desktopWidget, &QDesktopWidget::screenCountChanged, this, &Application::onScreenCountChanged); int n = desktopWindows_.size(); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { DesktopWindow* window = desktopWindows_.at(i); delete window; } desktopWindows_.clear(); Q_FOREACH(QScreen* screen, screens()) { disconnect(screen, &QScreen::virtualGeometryChanged, this, &Application::onVirtualGeometryChanged); disconnect(screen, &QObject::destroyed, this, &Application::onScreenDestroyed); } disconnect(this, &QApplication::screenAdded, this, &Application::onScreenAdded); // removeNativeEventFilter(this); } } enableDesktopManager_ = enabled; } void Application::desktopPrefrences(QString page) { // show desktop preference window if(!desktopPreferencesDialog_) { desktopPreferencesDialog_ = new DesktopPreferencesDialog(); // Should be used only one time desktopPreferencesDialog_->setEditDesktopFolder(!lxqtRunning_); } desktopPreferencesDialog_.data()->selectPage(page); desktopPreferencesDialog_.data()->show(); desktopPreferencesDialog_.data()->raise(); desktopPreferencesDialog_.data()->activateWindow(); } void Application::onFindFileAccepted() { Fm::FileSearchDialog* dlg = static_cast(sender()); Fm::Path uri = dlg->searchUri(); Fm::PathList paths; paths.pushTail(uri); MainWindow* window = MainWindow::lastActive(); Launcher(window).launchPaths(NULL, paths); } void Application::onConnectToServerAccepted() { ConnectServerDialog* dlg = static_cast(sender()); QString uri = dlg->uriText(); Fm::Path path = Fm::Path::newForStr(uri.toUtf8().constData()); qDebug() << uri << " => " << path.toStr(); Fm::PathList paths; paths.pushTail(path); MainWindow* window = MainWindow::lastActive(); Launcher(window).launchPaths(NULL, paths); } void Application::findFiles(QStringList paths) { // launch file searching utility. Fm::FileSearchDialog* dlg = new Fm::FileSearchDialog(paths); connect(dlg, &QDialog::accepted, this, &Application::onFindFileAccepted); dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); dlg->show(); } void Application::connectToServer() { ConnectServerDialog* dlg = new ConnectServerDialog(); connect(dlg, &QDialog::accepted, this, &Application::onConnectToServerAccepted); dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); dlg->show(); } void Application::launchFiles(QString cwd, QStringList paths, bool inNewWindow) { Fm::PathList pathList; Fm::Path cwd_path; QStringList::iterator it; Q_FOREACH(const QString& it, paths) { QByteArray pathName = it.toLocal8Bit(); Fm::Path path; if(pathName[0] == '/') // absolute path path = Fm::Path::newForPath(pathName.constData()); else if(pathName.contains(":/")) // URI path = Fm::Path::newForUri(pathName.constData()); else if(pathName == "~") // special case for home dir path = Fm::Path::getHome(); else // basename { if(Q_UNLIKELY(!cwd_path)) cwd_path = Fm::Path::newForStr(cwd.toLocal8Bit().constData()); path = cwd_path.newRelative(pathName.constData()); } fm_path_list_push_tail(pathList, path); } Launcher(NULL).launchPaths(NULL, pathList); } void Application::openFolders(Fm::FileInfoList files) { Launcher(NULL).launchFiles(NULL, files); } void Application::openFolderInTerminal(Fm::Path path) { if(!settings_.terminal().isEmpty()) { char* cwd_str; if(path.isNative()) cwd_str = path.toStr(); else { // gio will map remote filesystems to local FUSE-mounted paths here. GFile* gf = path.toGfile(); cwd_str = g_file_get_path(gf); g_object_unref(gf); } GError* err = NULL; if(!Fm::Terminal::launch(cwd_str, &err)) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Error"), QString::fromUtf8(err->message)); g_error_free(err); } g_free(cwd_str); } else { // show an error message and ask the user to set the command QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Error"), tr("Terminal emulator is not set.")); preferences("advanced"); } } void Application::preferences(QString page) { // open preference dialog if(!preferencesDialog_) { preferencesDialog_ = new PreferencesDialog(page); } else { preferencesDialog_.data()->selectPage(page); } preferencesDialog_.data()->show(); preferencesDialog_.data()->raise(); preferencesDialog_.data()->activateWindow(); } void Application::setWallpaper(QString path, QString modeString) { static const char* valid_wallpaper_modes[] = {"color", "stretch", "fit", "center", "tile"}; DesktopWindow::WallpaperMode mode = settings_.wallpaperMode(); bool changed = false; if(!path.isEmpty() && path != settings_.wallpaper()) { if(QFile(path).exists()) { settings_.setWallpaper(path); changed = true; } } // convert mode string to value for(std::size_t i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(valid_wallpaper_modes); ++i) { if(modeString == valid_wallpaper_modes[i]) { // We don't take safety checks because valid_wallpaper_modes[] is // defined in this function and we can clearly see that it does not // overflow. mode = static_cast(i); if(mode != settings_.wallpaperMode()) changed = true; break; } } // FIXME: support different wallpapers on different screen. // update wallpaper if(changed) { if(enableDesktopManager_) { Q_FOREACH(DesktopWindow * desktopWindow, desktopWindows_) { if(!path.isEmpty()) desktopWindow->setWallpaperFile(path); if(mode != settings_.wallpaperMode()) desktopWindow->setWallpaperMode(mode); desktopWindow->updateWallpaper(); } settings_.save(); // save the settings to the config file } } } void Application::onScreenResized(int num) { if(desktop()->isVirtualDesktop()) { // in virtual desktop mode, we only have one desktop window. that is the first one. DesktopWindow* window = desktopWindows_.at(0); window->setGeometry(desktop()->geometry()); } else { DesktopWindow* window = desktopWindows_.at(num); QRect rect = desktop()->screenGeometry(num); window->setGeometry(rect); } } DesktopWindow* Application::createDesktopWindow(int screenNum) { DesktopWindow* window = new DesktopWindow(screenNum); if(screenNum == -1) { // one large virtual desktop only QRect rect = desktop()->geometry(); window->setGeometry(rect); } else { QRect rect = desktop()->screenGeometry(screenNum); window->setGeometry(rect); } window->updateFromSettings(settings_); window->show(); return window; } void Application::onScreenCountChanged(int newCount) { QDesktopWidget* desktopWidget = desktop(); bool oldVirtual = (desktopWindows_.size() == 1 && desktopWindows_.at(0)->screenNum() == -1); bool isVirtual = desktopWidget->isVirtualDesktop(); if(oldVirtual && isVirtual) { // if we are using virtual desktop mode previously, and the new mode is sitll virtual // no further change is needed, only do relayout. desktopWindows_.at(0)->queueRelayout(); return; } // we used non-virtual mode originally, but now we're switched to virtual mode if(isVirtual) newCount = 1; // we only want one desktop window for all screens in virtual mode if(newCount > desktopWindows_.size()) { // add more desktop windows for(int i = desktopWindows_.size(); i < newCount; ++i) { DesktopWindow* desktop = createDesktopWindow(i); desktopWindows_.push_back(desktop); } } else if(newCount < desktopWindows_.size()) { // delete excessive desktop windows for(int i = newCount; i < desktopWindows_.size(); ++i) { DesktopWindow* desktop = desktopWindows_.at(i); delete desktop; } desktopWindows_.resize(newCount); } if(newCount == 1) { // now only 1 screen is in use DesktopWindow* desktop = desktopWindows_.at(0); if(isVirtual) desktop->setScreenNum(-1); else // non-virtual mode, and we only have 1 screen desktop->setScreenNum(0); desktop->updateWallpaper(); } } // called when Settings is changed to update UI void Application::updateFromSettings() { // if(iconTheme.isEmpty()) // Fm::IconTheme::setThemeName(settings_.fallbackIconThemeName()); // update main windows and desktop windows QWidgetList windows = this->topLevelWidgets(); QWidgetList::iterator it; for(it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { QWidget* window = *it; if(window->inherits("PCManFM::MainWindow")) { MainWindow* mainWindow = static_cast(window); mainWindow->updateFromSettings(settings_); } } if(desktopManagerEnabled()) updateDesktopsFromSettings(); } void Application::updateDesktopsFromSettings() { QVector::iterator it; for(it = desktopWindows_.begin(); it != desktopWindows_.end(); ++it) { DesktopWindow* desktopWindow = static_cast(*it); desktopWindow->updateFromSettings(settings_); } } void Application::editBookmarks() { if(!editBookmarksialog_) { FmBookmarks* bookmarks = fm_bookmarks_dup(); editBookmarksialog_ = new Fm::EditBookmarksDialog(bookmarks); g_object_unref(bookmarks); } editBookmarksialog_.data()->show(); } void Application::initVolumeManager() { g_signal_connect(volumeMonitor_, "volume-added", G_CALLBACK(onVolumeAdded), this); if(settings_.mountOnStartup()) { /* try to automount all volumes */ GList* vols = g_volume_monitor_get_volumes(volumeMonitor_); for(GList* l = vols; l; l = l->next) { GVolume* volume = G_VOLUME(l->data); if(g_volume_should_automount(volume)) autoMountVolume(volume, false); g_object_unref(volume); } g_list_free(vols); } } bool Application::autoMountVolume(GVolume* volume, bool interactive) { if(!g_volume_should_automount(volume) || !g_volume_can_mount(volume)) return FALSE; GMount* mount = g_volume_get_mount(volume); if(!mount) { // not mounted, automount is needed // try automount Fm::MountOperation* op = new Fm::MountOperation(interactive); op->mount(volume); if(!op->wait()) return false; if(!interactive) return true; mount = g_volume_get_mount(volume); } if(mount) { if(interactive && settings_.autoRun()) { // show autorun dialog AutoRunDialog* dlg = new AutoRunDialog(volume, mount); dlg->show(); } g_object_unref(mount); } return true; } // static void Application::onVolumeAdded(GVolumeMonitor* monitor, GVolume* volume, Application* pThis) { if(pThis->settings_.mountRemovable()) pThis->autoMountVolume(volume, true); } #if 0 bool Application::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray & eventType, void * message, long * result) { if(eventType == "xcb_generic_event_t") { // XCB event // filter all native X11 events (xcb) xcb_generic_event_t* generic_event = reinterpret_cast(message); // qDebug("XCB event: %d", generic_event->response_type & ~0x80); Q_FOREACH(DesktopWindow * window, desktopWindows_) { } } return false; } #endif void Application::onScreenAdded(QScreen* newScreen) { if(enableDesktopManager_) { connect(newScreen, &QScreen::virtualGeometryChanged, this, &Application::onVirtualGeometryChanged); connect(newScreen, &QObject::destroyed, this, &Application::onScreenDestroyed); } } void Application::onScreenDestroyed(QObject* screenObj) { // NOTE by PCMan: This is a workaround for Qt 5 bug #40681. // With this very dirty workaround, we can fix lxde/lxde-qt bug #204, #205, and #206. // Qt 5 has two new regression bugs which breaks lxqt-panel in a multihead environment. // #40681: Regression bug: QWidget::winId() returns old value and QEvent::WinIdChange event is not emitted sometimes. (multihead setup) // #40791: Regression: QPlatformWindow, QWindow, and QWidget::winId() are out of sync. // Explanations for the workaround: // Internally, Qt mantains a list of QScreens and update it when XRandR configuration changes. // When the user turn off an monitor with xrandr --output --off, this will destroy the QScreen // object which represent the output. If the QScreen being destroyed contains our panel widget, // Qt will call QWindow::setScreen(0) on the internal windowHandle() of our panel widget to move it // to the primary screen. However, moving a window to a different screen is more than just changing // its position. With XRandR, all screens are actually part of the same virtual desktop. However, // this is not the case in other setups, such as Xinerama and moving a window to another screen is // not possible unless you destroy the widget and create it again for a new screen. // Therefore, Qt destroy the widget and re-create it when moving our panel to a new screen. // Unfortunately, destroying the window also destroy the child windows embedded into it, // using XEMBED such as the tray icons. (#206) // Second, when the window is re-created, the winId of the QWidget is changed, but Qt failed to // generate QEvent::WinIdChange event so we have no way to know that. We have to set // some X11 window properties using the native winId() to make it a dock, but this stop working // because we cannot get the correct winId(), so this causes #204 and #205. // // The workaround is very simple. Just completely destroy the window before Qt has a chance to do // QWindow::setScreen() for it. Later, we recreate the window ourselves. So this can bypassing the Qt bugs. if(enableDesktopManager_) { bool reloadNeeded = false; // FIXME: add workarounds for Qt5 bug #40681 and #40791 here. Q_FOREACH(DesktopWindow* desktop, desktopWindows_) { if(desktop->windowHandle()->screen() == screenObj) { desktop->destroy(); // destroy the underlying native window reloadNeeded = true; } } if(reloadNeeded) QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(reloadDesktopsAsNeeded())); } } void Application::reloadDesktopsAsNeeded() { if(enableDesktopManager_) { // workarounds for Qt5 bug #40681 and #40791 here. Q_FOREACH(DesktopWindow* desktop, desktopWindows_) { if(!desktop->windowHandle()) { desktop->create(); // re-create the underlying native window desktop->queueRelayout(); desktop->show(); } } } } // This slot is for Qt 5 onlt, but the stupid Qt moc cannot do conditional compilation // so we have to define it for Qt 4 as well. void Application::onVirtualGeometryChanged(const QRect& rect) { // NOTE: the following is a workaround for Qt bug 32567. // https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32567 // Though the status of the bug report is closed, it's not yet fixed for X11. // In theory, QDesktopWidget should emit "workAreaResized()" signal when the work area // of any screen is changed, but in fact it does not do it. // However, QScreen provided since Qt5 does not have the bug and // virtualGeometryChanged() is emitted correctly when the workAreas changed. // So we use it in Qt5. if(enableDesktopManager_) { // qDebug() << "onVirtualGeometryChanged"; Q_FOREACH(DesktopWindow* desktop, desktopWindows_) { desktop->queueRelayout(); } } } static int sigterm_fd[2]; static void sigtermHandler(int) { char c = 1; ::write(sigterm_fd[0], &c, sizeof(c)); } void Application::installSigtermHandler() { if(::socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sigterm_fd) == 0) { QSocketNotifier* notifier = new QSocketNotifier(sigterm_fd[1], QSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect(notifier, &QSocketNotifier::activated, this, &Application::onSigtermNotified); struct sigaction action; action.sa_handler = sigtermHandler; ::sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if(::sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, 0) != 0) { qWarning("Couldn't install SIGTERM handler"); } } else { qWarning("Couldn't create SIGTERM socketpair"); } } void Application::onSigtermNotified() { if (QSocketNotifier* notifier = qobject_cast(sender())) { notifier->setEnabled(false); char c; ::read(sigterm_fd[1], &c, sizeof(c)); quit(); notifier->setEnabled(true); } } } // namespace PCManFM