AppChooserDialog Choose an Application Installed Applications Custom Command Command line to execute: Application name: <b>These special codes can be used in the command line:</b> <ul> <li><b>%f</b>: Represents a single file name</li> <li><b>%F</b>: Represents multiple file names</li> <li><b>%u</b>: Represents a single URI of the file</li> <li><b>%U</b>: Represents multiple URIs</li> </ul> Keep terminal window open after command execution Execute in terminal emulator Set selected application as default action of this file type EditBookmarksDialog Edit Bookmarks Name Location &Add Item &Remove Item Use drag and drop to reorder the items ExecFileDialog Execute file &Open E&xecute Execute in &Terminal Cancel FileOperationDialog Destination: Processing: Preparing... Progress Time remaining: FilePropsDialog File Properties General Location: File type: Mime type: File size: On-disk size: Last modified: Link target: Open With: Last accessed: Permissions Ownership Group: Owner: Access Control Other: Make the file executable Read Write Execute Sticky SetUID SetGID Advanced Mode Fm::AppChooserComboBox Customize Fm::AppChooserDialog Select an application to open "%1" files Fm::DirTreeModel Loading... <No sub folders> Fm::DndActionMenu Copy here Move here Create symlink here Cancel Fm::EditBookmarksDialog New bookmark Fm::ExecFileDialog This text file '%1' seems to be an executable script. What do you want to do with it? This file '%1' is executable. Do you want to execute it? Fm::FileMenu Open Cut Copy Paste &Move to Trash Output &Delete Rename Open With... Other Applications &Restore Extract to... Extract Here Compress Properties Fm::FileOperation Error Some files cannot be moved to trash can because the underlying file systems don't support this operation. Do you want to delete them instead? Confirm Do you want to delete the selected files? Do you want to move the selected files to trash can? Fm::FileOperationDialog Move files Moving the following files to destination folder: Copy Files Copying the following files to destination folder: Trash Files Moving the following files to trash can: Delete Files Deleting the following files Create Symlinks Creating symlinks for the following files: Change Attributes Changing attributes of the following files: Restore Trashed Files Restoring the following files from trash can: Error Fm::FilePropsDialog View folder content View and modify folder content Read Read and write Forbidden Files of different types Multiple Files Apply changes Do you want to recursively apply these changes to all files and sub-folders? Fm::FolderMenu Create &New &Paste Select &All Invert Selection Sorting Show Hidden Folder Pr&operties Folder Blank File By File Name By Modification Time By File Size By File Type By File Owner Ascending Descending Folder First Case Sensitive Fm::FolderModel Name Type Size Modified Owner Fm::FontButton Bold Italic Fm::MountOperationPasswordDialog &Connect Fm::PlacesModel Places Desktop Trash Computer Applications Network Devices Bookmarks Fm::PlacesView Empty Trash Rename Delete Unmount Mount Eject Fm::RenameDialog Type: %1 Size: %2 Modified: %3 Type: %1 Modified: %2 Type: %1 Modified: %3 &Overwrite &Rename Fm::SidePane Places Directory Tree Shows list of common places, devices, and bookmarks in sidebar Shows tree of directories in sidebar MountOperationPasswordDialog Mount Connect &anonymously Connect as u&ser: &Username: &Password: &Domain: Forget password &immediately Remember password until you &logout Remember &forever QObject Error Rename File Please enter a new name: Please enter a new file name: New text file Please enter a new folder name: New folder Enter a name for the new %1: Create File RenameDialog Confirm to replace files <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">There is already a file with the same name in this location.</span></p><p>Do you want to replace the existing file?</p></body></html> dest with the following file? src file info dest file info src &File name: Apply this option to all existing files