/* Copyright (C) 2013 Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "tabpage.h" #include "launcher.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "settings.h" #include "application.h" #include #include #include using namespace Fm; namespace PCManFM { bool ProxyFilter::filterAcceptsRow(const Fm::ProxyFolderModel* model, FmFileInfo* info) const { if(!model || !info) return true; QString baseName(fm_file_info_get_name(info)); if(!virtHiddenList_.isEmpty() && !model->showHidden() && virtHiddenList_.contains(baseName)) return false; if(!filterStr_.isEmpty() && !baseName.contains(filterStr_, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return false; return true; } void ProxyFilter::setVirtHidden(FmFolder* folder) { virtHiddenList_ = QStringList(); // reset the list if(!folder) return; if(FmPath* path = fm_folder_get_path(folder)) { char* pathStr = fm_path_to_str(path); if(pathStr) { QString dotHidden = QString(pathStr) + QString("/.hidden"); g_free(pathStr); QFile file(dotHidden); if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in(&file); while(!in.atEnd()) virtHiddenList_.append(in.readLine()); file.close(); } } } } TabPage::TabPage(FmPath* path, QWidget* parent): QWidget(parent), folder_(NULL), folderModel_(NULL), overrideCursor_(false) { Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); // create proxy folder model to do item filtering proxyModel_ = new ProxyFolderModel(); proxyModel_->setShowHidden(settings.showHidden()); proxyModel_->setShowThumbnails(settings.showThumbnails()); connect(proxyModel_, &ProxyFolderModel::sortFilterChanged, this, &TabPage::onModelSortFilterChanged); verticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); verticalLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); folderView_ = new View(settings.viewMode(), this); folderView_->setMargins(settings.folderViewCellMargins()); // newView->setColumnWidth(Fm::FolderModel::ColumnName, 200); connect(folderView_, &View::openDirRequested, this, &TabPage::onOpenDirRequested); connect(folderView_, &View::selChanged, this, &TabPage::onSelChanged); connect(folderView_, &View::clickedBack, this, &TabPage::backwardRequested); connect(folderView_, &View::clickedForward, this, &TabPage::forwardRequested); proxyFilter_ = new ProxyFilter(); proxyModel_->addFilter(proxyFilter_); // FIXME: this is very dirty folderView_->setModel(proxyModel_); verticalLayout->addWidget(folderView_); chdir(path, true); } TabPage::~TabPage() { freeFolder(); if(proxyFilter_) delete proxyFilter_; if(proxyModel_) delete proxyModel_; if(folderModel_) folderModel_->unref(); if(overrideCursor_) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // remove busy cursor } } void TabPage::freeFolder() { if(folder_) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, (gpointer)onFolderStartLoading, this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, (gpointer)onFolderFinishLoading, this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, (gpointer)onFolderError, this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, (gpointer)onFolderFsInfo, this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, (gpointer)onFolderRemoved, this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, (gpointer)onFolderUnmount, this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, (gpointer)onFolderContentChanged, this); g_object_unref(folder_); folder_ = NULL; } } /*static*/ void TabPage::onFolderStartLoading(FmFolder* _folder, TabPage* pThis) { if(!pThis->overrideCursor_) { // FIXME: sometimes FmFolder of libfm generates unpaired "start-loading" and // "finish-loading" signals of uncertain reasons. This should be a bug in libfm. // Until it's fixed in libfm, we need to workaround the problem here, not to // override the cursor twice. QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); pThis->overrideCursor_ = true; } #if 0 #if FM_CHECK_VERSION(1, 0, 2) && 0 // disabled if(fm_folder_is_incremental(_folder)) { /* create a model for the folder and set it to the view it is delayed for non-incremental folders since adding rows into model is much faster without handlers connected to its signals */ FmFolderModel* model = fm_folder_model_new(folder, FALSE); fm_folder_view_set_model(fv, model); fm_folder_model_set_sort(model, app_config->sort_by, (app_config->sort_type == GTK_SORT_ASCENDING) ? FM_SORT_ASCENDING : FM_SORT_DESCENDING); g_object_unref(model); } else #endif fm_folder_view_set_model(fv, NULL); #endif } // slot void TabPage::restoreScrollPos() { // scroll to recorded position folderView_->childView()->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(browseHistory().currentScrollPos()); // if the current folder is the parent folder of the last browsed folder, // select the folder item in current view. if(lastFolderPath_.parent() == path()) { QModelIndex index = folderView_->indexFromFolderPath(lastFolderPath_.data()); if(index.isValid()) { folderView_->childView()->scrollTo(index, QAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible); folderView_->childView()->setCurrentIndex(index); } } } /*static*/ void TabPage::onFolderFinishLoading(FmFolder* _folder, TabPage* pThis) { // FIXME: is this needed? FmFileInfo* fi = fm_folder_get_info(_folder); if(fi) { // if loading of the folder fails, it's possible that we don't have FmFileInfo. pThis->title_ = QString::fromUtf8(fm_file_info_get_disp_name(fi)); Q_EMIT pThis->titleChanged(pThis->title_); } fm_folder_query_filesystem_info(_folder); // FIXME: is this needed? #if 0 FmFolderView* fv = folder_view; const FmNavHistoryItem* item; GtkScrolledWindow* scroll = GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(fv); /* Note: most of the time, we delay the creation of the * folder model and do it after the whole folder is loaded. * That is because adding rows into model is much faster when no handlers * are connected to its signals. So we detach the model from folder view * and create the model again when it's fully loaded. * This optimization, however, is not used for FmFolder objects * with incremental loading (search://) */ if(fm_folder_view_get_model(fv) == NULL) { /* create a model for the folder and set it to the view */ FmFolderModel* model = fm_folder_model_new(folder, app_config->show_hidden); fm_folder_view_set_model(fv, model); #if FM_CHECK_VERSION(1, 0, 2) /* since 1.0.2 sorting should be applied on model instead of view */ fm_folder_model_set_sort(model, app_config->sort_by, (app_config->sort_type == GTK_SORT_ASCENDING) ? FM_SORT_ASCENDING : FM_SORT_DESCENDING); #endif g_object_unref(model); } #endif // update status text QString& text = pThis->statusText_[StatusTextNormal]; text = pThis->formatStatusText(); Q_EMIT pThis->statusChanged(StatusTextNormal, text); if(pThis->overrideCursor_) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // remove busy cursor pThis->overrideCursor_ = false; } // After finishing loading the folder, the model is updated, but Qt delays the UI update // for performance reasons. Therefore at this point the UI is not up to date. // Of course, the scrollbar ranges are not updated yet. We solve this by installing an Qt timeout handler. QTimer::singleShot(10, pThis, SLOT(restoreScrollPos())); } /*static*/ FmJobErrorAction TabPage::onFolderError(FmFolder* _folder, GError* err, FmJobErrorSeverity severity, TabPage* pThis) { if(err->domain == G_IO_ERROR) { if(err->code == G_IO_ERROR_NOT_MOUNTED && severity < FM_JOB_ERROR_CRITICAL) { FmPath* path = fm_folder_get_path(_folder); MountOperation* op = new MountOperation(pThis); op->mount(path); if(op->wait()) { // blocking event loop, wait for mount operation to finish. // This will reload the folder, which generates a new "start-loading" // signal, so we get more "start-loading" signals than "finish-loading" // signals. FIXME: This is a bug of libfm. // Because the two signals are not correctly paired, we need to // remove busy cursor here since "finish-loading" is not emitted. QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // remove busy cursor pThis->overrideCursor_ = false; return FM_JOB_RETRY; } } } if(severity >= FM_JOB_ERROR_MODERATE) { /* Only show more severe errors to the users and * ignore milder errors. Otherwise too many error * message boxes can be annoying. * This fixes bug #3411298- Show "Permission denied" when switching to super user mode. * https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3411298&group_id=156956&atid=801864 * */ // FIXME: consider replacing this modal dialog with an info bar to improve usability QMessageBox::critical(pThis, tr("Error"), QString::fromUtf8(err->message)); } return FM_JOB_CONTINUE; } /*static*/ void TabPage::onFolderFsInfo(FmFolder* _folder, TabPage* pThis) { guint64 free, total; QString& msg = pThis->statusText_[StatusTextFSInfo]; if(fm_folder_get_filesystem_info(_folder, &total, &free)) { char total_str[64]; char free_str[64]; fm_file_size_to_str(free_str, sizeof(free_str), free, fm_config->si_unit); fm_file_size_to_str(total_str, sizeof(total_str), total, fm_config->si_unit); msg = tr("Free space: %1 (Total: %2)") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(free_str)) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(total_str)); } else msg.clear(); Q_EMIT pThis->statusChanged(StatusTextFSInfo, msg); } QString TabPage::formatStatusText() { if(proxyModel_ && folder_) { FmFileInfoList* files = fm_folder_get_files(folder_); int total_files = fm_file_info_list_get_length(files); int shown_files = proxyModel_->rowCount(); int hidden_files = total_files - shown_files; QString text = tr("%n item(s)", "", shown_files); if(hidden_files > 0) text += tr(" (%n hidden)", "", hidden_files); return text; } return QString(); } /*static*/ void TabPage::onFolderRemoved(FmFolder* _folder, TabPage* pThis) { // the folder we're showing is removed, destroy the widget qDebug("folder removed"); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); // NOTE: call pThis->deleteLater() directly from this GObject signal handler // does not work but I don't know why. // Maybe it's the problem of glib mainloop integration? // Call it when idle works, though. if(settings.closeOnUnmount()) QTimer::singleShot(0, pThis, SLOT(deleteLater())); else pThis->chdir(fm_path_get_home()); } /*static*/ void TabPage::onFolderUnmount(FmFolder* _folder, TabPage* pThis) { // the folder we're showing is unmounted, destroy the widget qDebug("folder unmount"); // NOTE: call pThis->deleteLater() directly from this GObject signal handler // does not work but I don't know why. // Maybe it's the problem of glib mainloop integration? // Call it when idle works, though. Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); // NOTE: call pThis->deleteLater() directly from this GObject signal handler // does not work but I don't know why. // Maybe it's the problem of glib mainloop integration? // Call it when idle works, though. if(settings.closeOnUnmount()) QTimer::singleShot(0, pThis, SLOT(deleteLater())); else pThis->chdir(fm_path_get_home()); } /*static */ void TabPage::onFolderContentChanged(FmFolder* _folder, TabPage* pThis) { /* update status text */ pThis->statusText_[StatusTextNormal] = pThis->formatStatusText(); Q_EMIT pThis->statusChanged(StatusTextNormal, pThis->statusText_[StatusTextNormal]); } QString TabPage::pathName() { char* disp_path = fm_path_display_name(path(), TRUE); QString ret = QString::fromUtf8(disp_path); g_free(disp_path); return ret; } void TabPage::chdir(FmPath* newPath, bool addHistory) { if(folder_) { // we're already in the specified dir if(fm_path_equal(newPath, fm_folder_get_path(folder_))) return; // remember the previous folder path that we have browsed. lastFolderPath_ = fm_folder_get_path(folder_); if(addHistory) { // store current scroll pos in the browse history BrowseHistoryItem& item = history_.currentItem(); QAbstractItemView* childView = folderView_->childView(); item.setScrollPos(childView->verticalScrollBar()->value()); } // free the previous model if(folderModel_) { proxyModel_->setSourceModel(NULL); folderModel_->unref(); // unref the cached model folderModel_ = NULL; } freeFolder(); } char* disp_name = fm_path_display_basename(newPath); title_ = QString::fromUtf8(disp_name); Q_EMIT titleChanged(title_); g_free(disp_name); folder_ = fm_folder_from_path(newPath); proxyFilter_->setVirtHidden(folder_); if(addHistory) { // add current path to browse history history_.add(path()); } g_signal_connect(folder_, "start-loading", G_CALLBACK(onFolderStartLoading), this); g_signal_connect(folder_, "finish-loading", G_CALLBACK(onFolderFinishLoading), this); g_signal_connect(folder_, "error", G_CALLBACK(onFolderError), this); g_signal_connect(folder_, "fs-info", G_CALLBACK(onFolderFsInfo), this); /* destroy the page when the folder is unmounted or deleted. */ g_signal_connect(folder_, "removed", G_CALLBACK(onFolderRemoved), this); g_signal_connect(folder_, "unmount", G_CALLBACK(onFolderUnmount), this); g_signal_connect(folder_, "content-changed", G_CALLBACK(onFolderContentChanged), this); folderModel_ = CachedFolderModel::modelFromFolder(folder_); proxyModel_->setSourceModel(folderModel_); proxyModel_->sort(proxyModel_->sortColumn(), proxyModel_->sortOrder()); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); proxyModel_->setFolderFirst(settings.sortFolderFirst()); proxyModel_->sort(settings.sortColumn(), settings.sortOrder()); if(fm_folder_is_loaded(folder_)) { onFolderStartLoading(folder_, this); onFolderFinishLoading(folder_, this); onFolderFsInfo(folder_, this); } else onFolderStartLoading(folder_, this); } void TabPage::selectAll() { folderView_->selectAll(); } void TabPage::invertSelection() { folderView_->invertSelection(); } void TabPage::onOpenDirRequested(FmPath* path, int target) { Q_EMIT openDirRequested(path, target); } // when the current selection in the folder view is changed void TabPage::onSelChanged(int numSel) { QString msg; if(numSel > 0) { /* FIXME: display total size of all selected files. */ if(numSel == 1) { /* only one file is selected */ FmFileInfoList* files = folderView_->selectedFiles(); FmFileInfo* fi = fm_file_info_list_peek_head(files); const char* size_str = fm_file_info_get_disp_size(fi); if(size_str) { msg = QString("\"%1\" (%2) %3") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(fm_file_info_get_disp_name(fi))) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(size_str ? size_str : "")) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(fm_file_info_get_desc(fi))); } else { msg = QString("\"%1\" %2") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(fm_file_info_get_disp_name(fi))) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(fm_file_info_get_desc(fi))); } /* FIXME: should we support statusbar plugins as in the gtk+ version? */ fm_file_info_list_unref(files); } else { goffset sum; GList* l; msg = tr("%1 item(s) selected", NULL, numSel).arg(numSel); /* don't count if too many files are selected, that isn't lightweight */ if(numSel < 1000) { sum = 0; FmFileInfoList* files = folderView_->selectedFiles(); for(l = fm_file_info_list_peek_head_link(files); l; l = l->next) { if(fm_file_info_is_dir(FM_FILE_INFO(l->data))) { /* if we got a directory then we cannot tell it's size unless we do deep count but we cannot afford it */ sum = -1; break; } sum += fm_file_info_get_size(FM_FILE_INFO(l->data)); } if(sum >= 0) { char size_str[128]; fm_file_size_to_str(size_str, sizeof(size_str), sum, fm_config->si_unit); msg += QString(" (%1)").arg(QString::fromUtf8(size_str)); } /* FIXME: should we support statusbar plugins as in the gtk+ version? */ fm_file_info_list_unref(files); } /* FIXME: can we show some more info on selection? that isn't lightweight if a lot of files are selected */ } } statusText_[StatusTextSelectedFiles] = msg; Q_EMIT statusChanged(StatusTextSelectedFiles, msg); } void TabPage::backward() { // remember current scroll position BrowseHistoryItem& item = history_.currentItem(); QAbstractItemView* childView = folderView_->childView(); item.setScrollPos(childView->verticalScrollBar()->value()); history_.backward(); chdir(history_.currentPath(), false); } void TabPage::forward() { // remember current scroll position BrowseHistoryItem& item = history_.currentItem(); QAbstractItemView* childView = folderView_->childView(); item.setScrollPos(childView->verticalScrollBar()->value()); history_.forward(); chdir(history_.currentPath(), false); } void TabPage::jumpToHistory(int index) { if(index >=0 && index < history_.size()) { // remember current scroll position BrowseHistoryItem& item = history_.currentItem(); QAbstractItemView* childView = folderView_->childView(); item.setScrollPos(childView->verticalScrollBar()->value()); history_.setCurrentIndex(index); chdir(history_.currentPath(), false); } } bool TabPage::canUp() { return (path() != NULL && fm_path_get_parent(path()) != NULL); } void TabPage::up() { FmPath* _path = path(); if(_path) { FmPath* parent = fm_path_get_parent(_path); if(parent) { chdir(parent, true); } } } void TabPage::onModelSortFilterChanged() { Q_EMIT sortFilterChanged(); } void TabPage::updateFromSettings(Settings& settings) { folderView_->updateFromSettings(settings); } void TabPage::setShowHidden(bool showHidden) { if(!proxyModel_ || showHidden == proxyModel_->showHidden()) return; proxyModel_->setShowHidden(showHidden); statusText_[StatusTextNormal] = formatStatusText(); Q_EMIT statusChanged(StatusTextNormal, statusText_[StatusTextNormal]); } void TabPage:: applyFilter() { if(!proxyModel_) return; proxyModel_->updateFilters(); statusText_[StatusTextNormal] = formatStatusText(); Q_EMIT statusChanged(StatusTextNormal, statusText_[StatusTextNormal]); } } // namespace PCManFM