PreferencesDialog 0 0 736 497 Preferences 0 0 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff 0 User Interface Behavior Thumbnail Volume Advanced 0 0 0 Icons Size of big icons: Size of small icons: Size of thumbnails: Size of side pane icons: 0 0 Icon theme: 0 0 Window QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Always show the tab bar Show 'Close' buttons on tabs Remember the size of the last closed window Default width of new windows: Default height of new windows: 32768 32768 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Browsing QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Open files with single click false Delay of auto-selection in single click mode (0 to disable) Default view mode: false sec 0.100000000000000 File Operations Confirm before deleting files Move deleted files to "trash bin" instead of erasing from disk. Qt::Vertical 20 40 QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Show thumbnails of files Only show thumbnails for local files Do not generate thumbnails for image files exceeding this size: KB 1048576 Auto Mount Mount mountable volumes automatically on program startup Mount removable media automatically when they are inserted Show available options for removable media when they are inserted When removable medium unmounted: Close tab containing removable medium Change folder in the tab to home folder Qt::Vertical 20 40 Programs QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Terminal emulator: Switch user command: suCommand Examples: "xterm -e %s" for terminal or "gksu %s" for switching user. %s = the command line you want to execute with terminal or su. Qt::PlainText Archiver integration: archiver true false Use SI decimal prefixes instead of IEC binary prefixes Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok smallIconSize bigIconSize thumbnailIconSize sidePaneIconSize iconTheme alwaysShowTabs showTabClose singleClick viewMode configmDelete useTrash showThumbnails mountOnStartup suCommand archiver siUnit autoRun mountRemovable buttonBox listWidget thumbnailLocal maxThumbnailFileSize buttonBox accepted() PreferencesDialog accept() 261 487 157 274 buttonBox rejected() PreferencesDialog reject() 329 487 286 274 listWidget currentRowChanged(int) stackedWidget setCurrentIndex(int) 94 157 359 145 singleClick toggled(bool) label setEnabled(bool) 237 39 237 39 rememberWindowSize toggled(bool) fixedWindowWidth setDisabled(bool) 506 351 462 386 singleClick toggled(bool) autoSelectionDelay setEnabled(bool) 237 39 237 39 rememberWindowSize toggled(bool) fixedWindowHeight setDisabled(bool) 549 351 462 421 rememberWindowSize toggled(bool) label_12 setDisabled(bool) 211 342 211 374 rememberWindowSize toggled(bool) label_13 setDisabled(bool) 183 338 187 404