AboutDialogAbout<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:16pt; font-weight:600;">PCManFM</span></p></body></html>Lightweight file manager<html><head/><body><p><a href="http://lxqt.org/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://lxqt.org/</span></a></p></body></html>PCMan File Manager
Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 洪任諭 (Hong Jen Yee)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.Programming:
* Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) <pcman.tw@gmail.com>
AuthorsLicenseAutoRunDialogRemovable medium is inserted<b>Removable medium is inserted</b>Type of medium:Detecting...Please select the action you want to perform:DesktopPreferencesDialogDesktop PreferencesBackgroundWallpaper mode:Wallpaper image file:Select background color:Image fileImage file path&BrowseLabel TextSelect text color:Select shadow color:Select font:GeneralWindow ManagerShow menus provided by window managers when desktop is clickedDesktopDesktop folder:Folder pathAdvancedFindFilesDialogFind FilesName/LocationFile name patternsPattern:Case insensitiveUse regular expressionPlaces to searchAddRemoveSearch in sub directoriesSearch hidden filesFile TypeOnly search for files of following types:Text filesImage filesAudio filesVideo filesDocumentsContentFile containsPropertiesFile SizeBigger than:Smaller than:Last Modified TimeEarlier than:Later than:MainWindowFile ManagerGo UpAlt+UpHomeAlt+HomeReloadF5&ReloadGoQuit&AboutNew WindowCtrl+NShow &HiddenCtrl+H&Computer&Trash&Network&Desktop&Add to Bookmarks&ApplicationsCtrl+X&CopyCtrl+C&PasteCtrl+VSelect &AllPr&eferences&Invert Selection&Delete&RenameCtrl+AGo &Up&New Window&Icon View&Compact View&Detailed List&Thumbnail ViewCu&tAscendingDescendingBy File NameBy Modification TimeBy File TypeBy OwnerFolder FirstNew &TabNew TabCtrl+TGo &BackGo BackAlt+LeftGo &ForwardGo ForwardAlt+RightDelF2C&lose TabFile &Properties&Folder PropertiesFolderCtrl+Shift+NBlank FileCtrl+Alt+NC&reate New&SortingMain ToolbarCtrl+WAlt+ReturnCase SensitiveBy File SizeClose WindowEdit BookmarksOpen &TerminalF4Open as &Root&Edit Bookmarks&File&Help&View&Edit&Bookmarks&Go&ToolPCManFM::ApplicationName of configuration profilePROFILERun PCManFM as a daemonQuit PCManFMLaunch desktop managerTurn off desktop manager if it's runningOpen desktop preference dialog on the page with the specified nameNAMEOpen new windowOpen Find Files utilitySet desktop wallpaper from image FILEFILESet mode of desktop wallpaper. MODE=(color|stretch|fit|center|tile)MODEOpen Preferences dialog on the page with the specified nameFiles or directories to open[FILE1, FILE2,...]ErrorTerminal emulator is not set.PCManFM::AutoRunDialogOpen in file managerRemovable DiskPCManFM::DesktopPreferencesDialogFill with background color onlyStretch to fill the entire screenStretch to fit the screenCenter on the screenTile the image to fill the entire screenImage FilesPCManFM::DesktopWindowStic&k to Current PositionDesktop PreferencesPCManFM::MainWindowVersion: %1&Move to Trash&DeleteErrorSwitch user command is not set.PCManFM::PreferencesDialogIcon ViewCompact Icon ViewThumbnail ViewDetailed List ViewPCManFM::TabPageErrorFree space: %1 (Total: %2)%n item(s) (%n hidden)%1 item(s) selectedPCManFM::ViewOpen in New T&abOpen in New Win&dowOpen in Termina&lPreferencesDialogPreferencesUser InterfaceBehaviorThumbnailVolumeAdvancedIconsSize of big icons:Size of small icons:Size of thumbnails:Size of side pane icons:Icon theme:WindowDefault width of new windows:Default height of new windows:Always show the tab barShow 'Close' buttons on tabs Remember the size of the last closed windowBrowsingOpen files with single clickDelay of auto-selection in single click mode (0 to disable)Default view mode: secFile OperationsConfirm before deleting filesMove deleted files to "trash bin" instead of erasing from disk.Show thumbnails of filesOnly show thumbnails for local filesDisplayBookmarks:Open in current tabOpen in new tabOpen in new windowErase files on removable media instead of "trash can" creationConfirm before moving files into "trash can"Don't ask options on launch executable fileUser interfaceTreat backup files as hiddenAlways show full file namesShow icons of hidden files shadowedShow in placesHomeDesktopTrash canComputerApplicationsDevicesNetworkDo not generate thumbnails for image files exceeding this size: KBAuto MountMount mountable volumes automatically on program startupMount removable media automatically when they are insertedShow available options for removable media when they are insertedWhen removable medium unmounted:Close &tab containing removable mediumChan&ge folder in the tab to home folderSwitch &user command:Archiver in&tegration:TemplatesShow only user defined templates in menuShow only one template for each MIME typeRun default application after creation from templateProgramsTerminal emulator:Examples: "xterm -e %s" for terminal or "gksu %s" for switching user.
%s = the command line you want to execute with terminal or su.Use SI decimal prefixes instead of IEC binary prefixes