Description: <short summary of the patch> TODO: Put a short summary on the line above and replace this paragraph with a longer explanation of this change. Complete the meta-information with other relevant fields (see below for details). To make it easier, the information below has been extracted from the changelog. Adjust it or drop it. . pcmanfm-qt (0.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=low . * Initial release (Closes: #747605) Author: ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <> Bug-Debian: --- The information above should follow the Patch Tagging Guidelines, please checkout to learn about the format. Here are templates for supplementary fields that you might want to add: Origin: <vendor|upstream|other>, <url of original patch> Bug: <url in upstream bugtracker> Bug-Debian:<bugnumber> Bug-Ubuntu:<bugnumber> Forwarded: <no|not-needed|url proving that it has been forwarded> Reviewed-By: <name and email of someone who approved the patch> Last-Update: <YYYY-MM-DD> --- /dev/null +++ pcmanfm-qt-0.8.0/libfm-qt/translations/libfm-qt_template-it.ts @@ -0,0 +1,835 @@ +<!DOCTYPE TS> +<TS version="2.0" language="it"> +<context> + <name>EditBookmarksDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../edit-bookmarks.ui" line="14"/> + <source>Edit Bookmarks</source> + <translation>Modifica segnalibri</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../edit-bookmarks.ui" line="42"/> + <source>Name</source> + <translation>Nome</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../edit-bookmarks.ui" line="47"/> + <source>Location</source> + <translation>Posizione</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../edit-bookmarks.ui" line="67"/> + <source>&Add Item</source> + <translation>&Aggiungi elemento</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../edit-bookmarks.ui" line="77"/> + <source>&Remove Item</source> + <translation>&Rimuovi elemento</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../edit-bookmarks.ui" line="102"/> + <source>Use drag and drop to reorder the items</source> + <translation>Trascina per riordinare gli elementi</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>FileOperationDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../file-operation-dialog.ui" line="32"/> + <source>Destination:</source> + <translation>Destinazione:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-operation-dialog.ui" line="55"/> + <source>Processing:</source> + <translation>Elaborazione:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-operation-dialog.ui" line="68"/> + <source>Preparing...</source> + <translation>Preparazione...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-operation-dialog.ui" line="75"/> + <source>Progress</source> + <translation>Avanzamento</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-operation-dialog.ui" line="95"/> + <source>Time remaining:</source> + <translation>Tempo rimanente:</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>FilePropsDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="14"/> + <source>File Properties</source> + <translation>Proprietà file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="32"/> + <source>General</source> + <translation>Generali</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="71"/> + <source>Location:</source> + <translation>Posizione:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="94"/> + <source>File type:</source> + <translation>Tipo file:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="114"/> + <source>Mime type:</source> + <translation>Tipo MIME:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="134"/> + <source>File size:</source> + <translation>Dimensione file:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="154"/> + <source>On-disk size:</source> + <translation>Dimensione sul disco:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="174"/> + <source>Last modified:</source> + <translation>Ultima modifica:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="194"/> + <source>Link target:</source> + <translation>Collegamento a:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="217"/> + <source>Open With:</source> + <translation>Apri con:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="234"/> + <source>Last accessed:</source> + <translation>Ultimo accesso:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="249"/> + <source>Permissions</source> + <translation>Permessi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="264"/> + <source>Ownership</source> + <translation>Proprietario</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="288"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="353"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="467"/> + <source>Group:</source> + <translation>Gruppo:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="301"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="336"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="415"/> + <source>Owner:</source> + <translation>Proprietario:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="317"/> + <source>Access Control</source> + <translation>Controllo accessi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="370"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="519"/> + <source>Other:</source> + <translation>Altri:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="387"/> + <source>Make the file executable</source> + <translation>Rendi il file eseguibile</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="428"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="480"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="532"/> + <source>Read</source> + <translation>Lettura</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="441"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="493"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="545"/> + <source>Write</source> + <translation>Scrittura</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="454"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="506"/> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="558"/> + <source>Execute</source> + <translation>Esecuzione</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="567"/> + <source>Sticky</source> + <translation>Sticky</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="574"/> + <source>SetUID</source> + <translation>SetUID</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="581"/> + <source>SetGID</source> + <translation>SetGID</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../file-props.ui" line="617"/> + <source>Advanced Mode</source> + <translation>Modalità avanzata</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::DndActionMenu</name> + <message> + <location filename="../dndactionmenu.cpp" line="26"/> + <source>Copy here</source> + <translation>Copia qui</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../dndactionmenu.cpp" line="27"/> + <source>Move here</source> + <translation>Sposta qui</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../dndactionmenu.cpp" line="28"/> + <source>Create symlink here</source> + <translation>Crea collegamento qui</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../dndactionmenu.cpp" line="30"/> + <source>Cancel</source> + <translation>Annulla</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::EditBookmarksDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../editbookmarksdialog.cpp" line="87"/> + <source>New bookmark</source> + <translation>Nuovo segnalibro</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::FileMenu</name> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="92"/> + <source>Open</source> + <translation>Apri</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="96"/> + <source>OpenWith</source> + <translation>ApriCon</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="126"/> + <source>Cut</source> + <translation>Taglia</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="130"/> + <source>Copy</source> + <translation>Copia</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="134"/> + <source>Paste</source> + <translation>Incolla</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="138"/> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="239"/> + <source>&Move to Trash</source> + <translation>Cestin&a</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="239"/> + <source>&Delete</source> + <translation>&Rimuovi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="142"/> + <source>Rename</source> + <translation>Rinomina</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="154"/> + <source>Extract to...</source> + <translation>Estrai in...</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="159"/> + <source>Extract Here</source> + <translation>Estrai qui</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="165"/> + <source>Compress</source> + <translation>Comprimi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filemenu.cpp" line="175"/> + <source>Properties</source> + <translation>Proprietà</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::FileOperation</name> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperation.cpp" line="213"/> + <location filename="../fileoperation.cpp" line="229"/> + <source>Confirm</source> + <translation>Conferma</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperation.cpp" line="214"/> + <source>Do you want to delete the selected files?</source> + <translation>Rimuovere i file selezionati?</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperation.cpp" line="230"/> + <source>Do you want to move the selected files to trash can?</source> + <translation>Spostare nel cestino i file selezionati?</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::FileOperationDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="41"/> + <source>Move files</source> + <translation>Sposta file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="42"/> + <source>Moving the following files to destination folder:</source> + <translation>Spostamento dei file seguenti nella cartella di destinazione:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="45"/> + <source>Copy Files</source> + <translation>Copia file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="46"/> + <source>Copying the following files to destination folder:</source> + <translation>Copia dei file seguenti nella cartella di destinazione:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="49"/> + <source>Trash Files</source> + <translation>Cestina file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="50"/> + <source>Moving the following files to trash can:</source> + <translation>Spostamento dei file seguenti nel cestino:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="53"/> + <source>Delete Files</source> + <translation>Rimuovi file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="54"/> + <source>Deleting the following files</source> + <translation>Rimozione dei file seguenti</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="59"/> + <source>Create Symlinks</source> + <translation>Crea collegamenti simbolici</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="60"/> + <source>Creating symlinks for the following files:</source> + <translation>Creazione collegamenti simbolici per i seguenti file:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="63"/> + <source>Change Attributes</source> + <translation>Cambia attributi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="64"/> + <source>Changing attributes of the following files:</source> + <translation>Cambiamento attributi per i seguenti file:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="69"/> + <source>Restore Trashed Files</source> + <translation>Ripristina file cestinati</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="70"/> + <source>Restoring the following files from trash can:</source> + <translation>Ripristino dei file seguenti dal cestino:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fileoperationdialog.cpp" line="137"/> + <source>Error</source> + <translation>Errore</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::FilePropsDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="167"/> + <source>View folder content</source> + <translation>Visualizza contenuti cartella</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="168"/> + <source>View and modify folder content</source> + <translation>Visualizza e modifica contenuti cartella</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="172"/> + <source>Read</source> + <translation>Lettura</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="173"/> + <source>Read and write</source> + <translation>Lettura e scrittura</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="175"/> + <source>Forbidden</source> + <translation>Vietato</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="277"/> + <source>Files of different types</source> + <translation>File di tipi diversi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="307"/> + <source>Multiple Files</source> + <translation>File multipli</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="439"/> + <source>Apply changes</source> + <translation>Applica modifiche</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../filepropsdialog.cpp" line="440"/> + <source>Do you want to recursively apply these changes to all files and sub-folders?</source> + <translation>Applicare ricorsivamente queste modifiche a tutti i file e a tutte le sotto-cartelle?</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::FolderMenu</name> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="35"/> + <source>Create &New</source> + <translation>Crea &nuovo</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="43"/> + <source>&Paste</source> + <translation>&Incolla</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="49"/> + <source>Select &All</source> + <translation>Seleziona t&utto</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="53"/> + <source>Invert Selection</source> + <translation>Inverti selezione</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="59"/> + <source>Sorting</source> + <translation>Ordinamento</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="64"/> + <source>Show Hidden</source> + <translation>Mostra nascosti</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="72"/> + <source>Folder Pr&operties</source> + <translation>Pr&oprietà cartella</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="82"/> + <source>Folder</source> + <translation>Cartella</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="86"/> + <source>File</source> + <translation>File</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="112"/> + <source>By File Name</source> + <translation>Per nome file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="113"/> + <source>By Modification Time</source> + <translation>Per data modifica</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="114"/> + <source>By File Size</source> + <translation>Per dimensione file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="115"/> + <source>By File Type</source> + <translation>Per tipo file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="116"/> + <source>By File Owner</source> + <translation>Per proprietario file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="127"/> + <source>Ascending</source> + <translation>Crescente</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="132"/> + <source>Descending</source> + <translation>Decrescente</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="147"/> + <source>Folder First</source> + <translation>Prima le cartelle</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermenu.cpp" line="154"/> + <source>Case Sensitive</source> + <translation>Distingui MAIUSCOLE/minuscole</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::FolderModel</name> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermodel.cpp" line="235"/> + <source>Name</source> + <translation>Nome</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermodel.cpp" line="238"/> + <source>Type</source> + <translation>Tipo</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermodel.cpp" line="241"/> + <source>Size</source> + <translation>Dimensione</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermodel.cpp" line="244"/> + <source>Modified</source> + <translation>Modificato</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../foldermodel.cpp" line="247"/> + <source>Owner</source> + <translation>Proprietario</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::FontButton</name> + <message> + <location filename="../fontbutton.cpp" line="46"/> + <source>Bold</source> + <translation>Grassetto</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../fontbutton.cpp" line="50"/> + <source>Italic</source> + <translation>Corsivo</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::MountOperationPasswordDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../mountoperationpassworddialog.cpp" line="40"/> + <source>&Connect</source> + <translation>&Connetti</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::PlacesModel</name> + <message> + <location filename="../placesmodel.cpp" line="108"/> + <source>Places</source> + <translation>Luoghi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesmodel.cpp" line="117"/> + <source>Desktop</source> + <translation>Scrivania</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesmodel.cpp" line="121"/> + <source>Trash</source> + <translation>Cestino</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesmodel.cpp" line="126"/> + <source>Computer</source> + <translation>Computer</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesmodel.cpp" line="131"/> + <source>Applications</source> + <translation>Applicazioni</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesmodel.cpp" line="136"/> + <source>Network</source> + <translation>Rete</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesmodel.cpp" line="141"/> + <source>Devices</source> + <translation>Periferiche</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesmodel.cpp" line="184"/> + <source>Bookmarks</source> + <translation>Segnalibri</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::PlacesView</name> + <message> + <location filename="../placesview.cpp" line="178"/> + <source>Rename</source> + <translation>Rinomina</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesview.cpp" line="181"/> + <source>Delete</source> + <translation>Rimuovi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesview.cpp" line="191"/> + <location filename="../placesview.cpp" line="209"/> + <source>Unmount</source> + <translation>Smonta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesview.cpp" line="195"/> + <source>Mount</source> + <translation>Monta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../placesview.cpp" line="201"/> + <source>Eject</source> + <translation>Espelli</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>Fm::RenameDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../renamedialog.cpp" line="50"/> + <location filename="../renamedialog.cpp" line="69"/> + <source>Type: %1 +Size: %2 +Modified: %3</source> + <translation>Tipo: %1 +Dimensione: %2 +Ultima modifica: %3</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../renamedialog.cpp" line="56"/> + <source>Type: %1 +Modified: %2</source> + <translation>Tipo: %1 +Ultima modifica: %2</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../renamedialog.cpp" line="75"/> + <source>Type: %1 +Modified: %3</source> + <translation>Tipo: %1 +Ultima modifica: %3</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../renamedialog.cpp" line="89"/> + <source>&Overwrite</source> + <translation>S&ovrascrivi</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../renamedialog.cpp" line="91"/> + <source>&Rename</source> + <translation>&Rinomina</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>MountOperationPasswordDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="20"/> + <source>Mount</source> + <translation>Monta</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="48"/> + <source>Connect &anonymously</source> + <translation>Connetti _anonimamente</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="58"/> + <source>Connect as u&ser:</source> + <translation>Connetti come &utente:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="79"/> + <source>&Username:</source> + <translation>&Nome utente:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="102"/> + <source>&Password:</source> + <translation>&Password:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="112"/> + <source>&Domain:</source> + <translation>&Dominio:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="127"/> + <source>Forget password &immediately</source> + <translation>Dimentica la password &immediatamente</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="137"/> + <source>Remember password until you &logout</source> + <translation>Ricorda &la password fino al termine sessione</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../mount-operation-password.ui" line="147"/> + <source>Remember &forever</source> + <translation>Ricorda per &sempre</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>QObject</name> + <message> + <location filename="../mountoperation.cpp" line="149"/> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="134"/> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="201"/> + <source>Error</source> + <translation>Errore</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="116"/> + <source>Rename File</source> + <translation>Rinomina file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="117"/> + <source>Please enter a new name:</source> + <translation>Inserire il nuovo nome:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="154"/> + <source>Please enter a new file name:</source> + <translation>Inserire il nuovo nome del file:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="155"/> + <source>New text file</source> + <translation>Nuovo file di testo</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="158"/> + <source>Please enter a new folder name:</source> + <translation>Inserire il nuovo nome della cartella:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="159"/> + <source>New folder</source> + <translation>Nuova cartella</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../utilities.cpp" line="166"/> + <source>Create File</source> + <translation>Crea file</translation> + </message> +</context> +<context> + <name>RenameDialog</name> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="14"/> + <source>Confirm to replace files</source> + <translation>Conferma sostituzione dei file</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="35"/> + <source><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">There is already a file with the same name in this location.</span></p><p>Do you want to replace the existing file?</p></body></html></source> + <translation><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">C'è già un file con lo stesso nome in questa posizione.</span></p><p>Sostituire il file esistente?</p></body></html></translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="56"/> + <source>dest</source> + <translation>dest</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="63"/> + <source>with the following file?</source> + <translation>con il file seguente?</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="76"/> + <source>src file info</source> + <translation>info file sorg</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="89"/> + <source>dest file info</source> + <translation>info file dest</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="102"/> + <source>src</source> + <translation>sorg</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="122"/> + <source>&File name:</source> + <translation>Nome &file:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <location filename="../rename-dialog.ui" line="137"/> + <source>Apply this option to all existing files</source> + <translation>Applica questa opzione a tutti i file esistenti</translation> + </message> +</context> +</TS>