#! /usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2014 Canonical Ltd. # Author: Colin Watson # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Requires germinate >= 2.18. """Copy a subset of one distribution into a derived distribution.""" from __future__ import print_function import atexit from collections import OrderedDict from contextlib import closing, contextmanager import io import logging from optparse import OptionParser, Values import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen import apt_pkg from dateutil import parser as dateutil_parser from germinate.archive import TagFile from germinate.germinator import Germinator from germinate.seeds import Seed, SeedError, SeedStructure from launchpadlib.errors import HTTPError from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad import pytz from ubuntutools.question import YesNoQuestion import lputils _bzr_cache_dir = None @contextmanager def open_url_as_text(url): with closing(urlopen(url)) as raw: with closing(io.BytesIO(raw.read())) as binary: with closing(io.TextIOWrapper(binary)) as text: yield text class ManifestError(Exception): pass class TimeTravellingSeed(Seed): def __init__(self, options, *args): self.options = options super(TimeTravellingSeed, self).__init__(*args, bzr=True) def _bzr_revision_at_date(self, branch_url, date_obj): """Work out the bzr revision of a branch at a particular date. Unfortunately, bzr's date: revisionspec is unhelpful for this, as it asks for the first revision *after* the given date, and fails if the given date is after the last revision on the branch. We could probably do this properly with bzrlib, but life's too short and this will do. This assumes all sorts of things like the exact ordering of field names in log output. Since bzr is no longer being heavily developed, hopefully this won't be a problem until we can switch the seeds to git ... """ command = ["bzr", "log", branch_url] bzr_log = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) revno = None for line in bzr_log.stdout: line = line.rstrip("\n") if line.startswith("revno: "): revno = line[len("revno: "):].split(" ", 1)[0] elif line.startswith("timestamp: "): timestamp = dateutil_parser.parse(line[len("timestamp: "):]) if timestamp < date_obj: break else: revno = None bzr_log.stdout.close() bzr_log.wait() if revno is None: raise SeedError("No revision found at %s in %s" % ( date_obj, branch_url)) return revno def _open_seed(self, base, branch, name, bzr=False): if not bzr: raise Exception("Non-bzr-based time travel is not supported.") global _bzr_cache_dir if _bzr_cache_dir is None: _bzr_cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="derive-distribution-") atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, _bzr_cache_dir, ignore_errors=True) path = os.path.join(base, branch) checkout = os.path.join(_bzr_cache_dir, branch) if not os.path.isdir(checkout): revno = self._bzr_revision_at_date(path, self.options.date) logging.info("Checking out %s at r%s" % (path, revno)) command = [ "bzr", "checkout", "--lightweight", "-r%s" % revno, path, checkout, ] status = subprocess.call(command) if status != 0: raise SeedError( "Command failed with exit status %d:\n '%s'" % ( status, " ".join(command))) return open(os.path.join(checkout, name)) class TimeTravellingSeedStructure(SeedStructure): def __init__(self, options, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["bzr"] = True self.options = options super(TimeTravellingSeedStructure, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def make_seed(self, bases, branches, name, bzr=False): if not bzr: raise Exception("Non-bzr-based time travel is not supported.") return TimeTravellingSeed(self.options, bases, branches, name) class TimeTravellingGerminator: apt_mirror = "http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/apt-mirror.cgi" def __init__(self, options): self.options = options @property def components(self): return ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"] @property def mirror(self): if self.options.date is not None: timestamp = int(time.mktime(self.options.date.timetuple())) return "%s/%d" % (self.apt_mirror, timestamp) else: return self.apt_mirror def makeSeedStructures(self, suite, flavours, extra_packages): series_name = suite.split("-")[0] if self.options.seed_source is None: seed_bases = None else: seed_bases = self.options.seed_source.split(",") structures = {} for flavour in flavours: try: structure = TimeTravellingSeedStructure( self.options, "%s.%s" % (flavour, series_name), seed_bases=seed_bases) if len(structure): extra_seed = [] for extra_package in extra_packages: extra_seed.append(" * " + extra_package) if extra_seed: structure.add("extra-packages", extra_seed, "required") # Work around inability to specify extra packages # with no parent seeds. structure._inherit["extra-packages"] = [] structures[flavour] = structure # TODO: We could save time later by mangling the # structure to remove seeds we don't care about. else: logging.warning( "Skipping empty seed structure for %s.%s", flavour, series_name) except SeedError as e: logging.warning( "Failed to fetch seeds for %s.%s: %s", flavour, series_name, e) return structures def germinateArchFlavour(self, germinator, suite, arch, flavour, structure, seed_names): """Germinate seeds on a single flavour for a single architecture.""" germinator.plant_seeds(structure) germinator.grow(structure) germinator.add_extras(structure) # Unfortunately we have to use several bits of Germinate internals # here. I promise not to change them under myself without notifying # myself. all_seeds = OrderedDict() for seed_name in seed_names: seed = germinator._get_seed(structure, seed_name) for inner_seed in germinator._inner_seeds(seed): if inner_seed.name not in all_seeds: all_seeds[inner_seed.name] = inner_seed if "extra-packages" in structure: seed = germinator._get_seed(structure, "extra-packages") for inner_seed in germinator._inner_seeds(seed): if inner_seed.name not in all_seeds: all_seeds[inner_seed.name] = inner_seed for seed in all_seeds.values(): sources = seed._sourcepkgs | seed._build_sourcepkgs for source in sources: version = germinator._sources[source]["Version"] if (source in self._versions and self._versions[source] != version): # This requires manual investigation, as the resulting # derived distribution series can only have one version # of any given source package. raise Exception( "Conflicting source versions: seed %s/%s requires " "%s %s, but already present at version %s" % ( flavour, seed, source, version, self._versions[source])) self._versions[source] = version def checkImageManifest(self, germinator, arch, manifest_url): ok = True with open_url_as_text(manifest_url) as manifest: for line in manifest: try: package, version = line.split() if package.startswith("click:"): continue package = package.split(":", 1)[0] if package not in germinator._packages: raise ManifestError( "%s not found for %s (from %s)" % ( package, arch, manifest_url)) gpkg = germinator._packages[package] if gpkg["Version"] != version: raise ManifestError( "Found %s %s for %s, but wanted %s " "(from %s)" % ( package, gpkg["Version"], arch, version, manifest_url)) if gpkg["Source"] not in self._versions: raise ManifestError( "%s not copied (from %s)" % ( gpkg["Source"], manifest_url)) except ManifestError as e: logging.error(e.message) ok = False return ok def germinateArch(self, suite, components, arch, flavours, structures): """Germinate seeds on all flavours for a single architecture.""" germinator = Germinator(arch) # Read archive metadata. logging.info("Reading archive for %s/%s", suite, arch) archive = TagFile(suite, components, arch, self.mirror, cleanup=True) germinator.parse_archive(archive) if self.options.all_packages: for source in germinator._sources: self._versions[source] = germinator._sources[source]["Version"] else: for flavour, seed_names in flavours.items(): logging.info("Germinating for %s/%s/%s", flavour, suite, arch) self.germinateArchFlavour( germinator, suite, arch, flavour, structures[flavour], seed_names) ok = True if self.options.check_image_manifest: for manifest_id in self.options.check_image_manifest: manifest_arch, manifest_url = manifest_id.split(":", 1) if arch != manifest_arch: continue if not self.checkImageManifest(germinator, arch, manifest_url): ok = False return ok def getVersions(self, full_seed_names, extra_packages): self._versions = {} suite = self.options.suite components = self.components architectures = [ a.architecture_tag for a in self.options.architectures] flavours = OrderedDict() for full_seed_name in full_seed_names: flavour, seed_name = full_seed_name.split("/") flavours.setdefault(flavour, []).append(seed_name) if self.options.all_packages: structures = None else: logging.info("Reading seed structures") structures = self.makeSeedStructures( suite, flavours, extra_packages) if self.options.all_packages or structures: ok = True for arch in architectures: if not self.germinateArch( suite, components, arch, flavours, structures): ok = False if not ok: sys.exit(1) return self._versions def retry_on_error(func, *args, **kwargs): # Since failure will be expensive to restart from scratch, we try this a # few times in case of failure. for i in range(3): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except HTTPError as e: print(e.content, file=sys.stderr) if i == 2: raise time.sleep(15) def derive_distribution(options, args): full_seed_names = [ arg[len("seed:"):] for arg in args if arg.startswith("seed:")] if not full_seed_names and not options.all_packages: raise Exception( "You must specify at least one seed name (in the form " "seed:COLLECTION/NAME).") extra_packages = [arg for arg in args if not arg.startswith("seed:")] ttg = TimeTravellingGerminator(options) versions = ttg.getVersions(full_seed_names, extra_packages) if options.excludes: for exclude in options.excludes: versions.pop(exclude, None) # Skip anything we already have, to simplify incremental copies. original_versions = dict(versions) removable = {} newer = {} for spph in options.destination.archive.getPublishedSources( distro_series=options.destination.series, pocket=options.destination.pocket, status="Published"): source = spph.source_package_name if source not in versions: removable[source] = spph.source_package_version else: diff = apt_pkg.version_compare( versions[source], spph.source_package_version) if diff < 0: newer[source] = spph elif diff == 0: del versions[source] print("Copy candidates:") for source, version in sorted(versions.items()): print("\t%s\t%s" % (source, version)) print() if newer: print("These packages previously had newer version numbers:") for source, spph in sorted(newer.items()): print( "\t%s\t%s -> %s" % ( source, spph.source_package_version, versions[source])) print() if removable: print("These packages could possibly be removed:") for source, version in sorted(removable.items()): print("\t%s\t%s" % (source, version)) print() if options.dry_run: print("Dry run; no packages copied.") else: if YesNoQuestion().ask("Copy", "no") == "no": return False print("Setting packaging information ...") for source in sorted(versions.keys()): sp = options.series.getSourcePackage(name=source) if sp.productseries_link is not None: derived_sp = options.destination.series.getSourcePackage( name=source) if derived_sp.productseries_link is None: retry_on_error( derived_sp.setPackaging, productseries=sp.productseries_link) print(".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() print() # Wouldn't it be lovely if we could do a single copyPackages call # with a giant dictionary of source package names to versions? As # it is we need to call copyPackage a few thousand times instead. archive = options.destination.archive for source, version in sorted(versions.items()): print("\t%s\t%s" % (source, version)) if source in newer: retry_on_error( newer[source].requestDeletion, removal_comment=( "derive-distribution rewinding to %s" % version)) retry_on_error( archive.copyPackage, source_name=source, version=version, from_archive=options.archive, to_pocket=options.destination.pocket, to_series=options.destination.series.name, include_binaries=True, auto_approve=True, silent=True) print("Checking package sets ...") found_any_set = False for source_set in options.launchpad.packagesets.getBySeries( distroseries=options.series): sources = source_set.getSourcesIncluded(direct_inclusion=True) if set(sources) & set(original_versions): print("\t%s" % source_set.name) found_any_set = True if found_any_set: print( "A member of ~techboard needs to copy the above package sets " "to the new series.") return True def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("germinate").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) apt_pkg.init() parser = OptionParser( usage="usage: %prog --to-distribution distribution [options]") parser.add_option( "-l", "--launchpad", dest="launchpad_instance", default="production") parser.add_option( "-n", "--dry-run", default=False, action="store_true", help="only show actions that would be performed") parser.add_option( "-d", "--distribution", default="ubuntu", metavar="DISTRIBUTION", help="copy from DISTRIBUTION") parser.add_option("-s", "--suite", metavar="SUITE", help="copy from SUITE") parser.add_option( "-a", "--architecture", dest="architectures", action="append", metavar="ARCHITECTURE", help="architecture tag (may be given multiple times)") parser.add_option( "--to-distribution", metavar="DISTRIBUTION", help="copy to DISTRIBUTION") parser.add_option( "--to-suite", metavar="SUITE", help="copy to SUITE (default: copy from suite)") parser.add_option( "--date", metavar="DATE", help=( "copy from suite as it existed on DATE; assumes UTC if timezone " "not specified")) parser.add_option("--seed-source", help="fetch seeds from SOURCE") parser.add_option( "--check-image-manifest", action="append", metavar="ARCH:URL", help=( "ensure that all packages from the manifest at URL for " "architecture ARCH are copied (may be given multiple times)")) parser.add_option( "--exclude", dest="excludes", action="append", metavar="PACKAGE", help="don't copy PACKAGE (may be given multiple times)") parser.add_option( "--all-packages", default=False, action="store_true", help="copy all packages in source suite rather than germinating") options, args = parser.parse_args() if not args and not options.all_packages: parser.error("You must specify some seeds or packages to copy.") if options.launchpad_instance == "dogfood": # Work around old service root in some versions of launchpadlib. options.launchpad_instance = "https://api.dogfood.paddev.net/" options.launchpad = Launchpad.login_with( "derive-distribution", options.launchpad_instance, version="devel") lputils.setup_location(options) options.destination = Values() options.destination.launchpad = options.launchpad options.destination.distribution = options.to_distribution options.destination.suite = options.to_suite options.destination.architectures = [ a.architecture_tag for a in options.architectures] # In cases where source is specified, but destination is not, default to # destination = source. if options.destination.distribution is None: options.destination.distribution = options.distribution if options.destination.suite is None: options.destination.suite = options.suite if options.date is not None: options.date = dateutil_parser.parse(options.date) if options.date.tzinfo is None: options.date = options.date.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) lputils.setup_location(options.destination) if (options.distribution == options.destination.distribution and options.suite == options.destination.suite): parser.error("copy destination must differ from source") if derive_distribution(options, args): return 0 else: return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())