2019-03-09 19:31:11 -06:00

536 lines
18 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Author: Stéphane Graber <stgraber@ubuntu.com>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib
except ImportError:
import xmlrpclib
import base64
from datetime import datetime
# Taken from qatracker/qatracker.modules (PHP code)
# cat qatracker.module | grep " = array" | sed -e 's/^\$//g' \
# -e 's/array(/[/g' -e 's/);/]/g' -e "s/t('/\"/g" -e "s/')/\"/g"
qatracker_build_milestone_status = ["Active", "Re-building", "Disabled",
"Superseded", "Ready"]
qatracker_milestone_notify = ["No", "Yes"]
qatracker_milestone_autofill = ["No", "Yes"]
qatracker_milestone_status = ["Testing", "Released", "Archived"]
qatracker_milestone_series_status = ["Active", "Disabled"]
qatracker_milestone_series_manifest_status = ["Active", "Disabled"]
qatracker_product_status = ["Active", "Disabled"]
qatracker_product_type = ["iso", "package", "hardware"]
qatracker_product_download_type = ["HTTP", "RSYNC", "ZSYNC",
"GPG signature", "MD5 checksum", "Comment",
qatracker_testsuite_testcase_status = ["Mandatory", "Disabled", "Run-once",
qatracker_result_result = ["Failed", "Passed", "In progress"]
qatracker_result_status = ["Active", "Disabled"]
qatracker_rebuild_status = ["Requested", "Queued", "Building", "Built",
"Published", "Canceled"]
class QATrackerRPCObject():
"""Base class for objects received over XML-RPC"""
def __init__(self, tracker, rpc_dict):
# Convert the dict we get from the API into an object
for key in rpc_dict:
if key in self.CONVERT_INT:
setattr(self, key, int(rpc_dict[key]))
except ValueError:
setattr(self, key, None)
elif key in self.CONVERT_BOOL:
setattr(self, key, rpc_dict[key] == "true")
elif key in self.CONVERT_DATE:
setattr(self, key, datetime.strptime(rpc_dict[key],
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
except ValueError:
setattr(self, key, None)
setattr(self, key, str(rpc_dict[key]))
self.tracker = tracker
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.title)
class QATrackerBug(QATrackerRPCObject):
"""A bug entry"""
CONVERT_INT = ['bugnumber', 'count']
CONVERT_DATE = ['earliest_report', 'latest_report']
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.bugnumber)
class QATrackerBuild(QATrackerRPCObject):
"""A build entry"""
CONVERT_INT = ['id', 'productid', 'userid', 'status']
CONVERT_DATE = ['date']
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
def add_result(self, testcase, result, comment='', hardware='', bugs={}):
"""Add a result to the build"""
if (self.tracker.access not in ("user", "admin") and
self.tracker.access is not None):
raise Exception("Access denied, you need 'user' but are '%s'" %
build_testcase = None
# FIXME: Supporting 'str' containing the testcase name would be nice
if isinstance(testcase, QATrackerTestcase):
build_testcase = testcase.id
elif isinstance(testcase, int):
build_testcase = testcase
if not build_testcase:
raise IndexError("Couldn't find testcase: %s" % (testcase,))
if isinstance(result, list):
raise TypeError("result must be a string or an integer")
build_result = self.tracker._get_valid_id_list(qatracker_result_result,
if not isinstance(bugs, dict):
raise TypeError("bugs must be a dict")
for bug in bugs:
if not isinstance(bug, int) or bug <= 0:
raise ValueError("A bugnumber must be a number >= 0")
if not isinstance(bugs[bug], int) or bugs[bug] not in (0, 1):
raise ValueError("A bugimportance must be in (0,1)")
resultid = int(self.tracker.tracker.results.add(self.id,
if resultid == -1:
raise Exception("Couldn't post your result.")
new_result = None
for entry in self.get_results(build_testcase, 0):
if entry.id == resultid:
new_result = entry
return new_result
def get_results(self, testcase, status=qatracker_result_status):
"""Get a list of results for the given build and testcase"""
build_testcase = None
# FIXME: Supporting 'str' containing the testcase name would be nice
if isinstance(testcase, QATrackerTestcase):
build_testcase = testcase.id
elif isinstance(testcase, int):
build_testcase = testcase
if not build_testcase:
raise IndexError("Couldn't find testcase: %s" % (testcase,))
record_filter = self.tracker._get_valid_id_list(
if len(record_filter) == 0:
return []
results = []
for entry in self.tracker.tracker.results.get_list(
self.id, build_testcase, list(record_filter)):
results.append(QATrackerResult(self.tracker, entry))
return results
class QATrackerMilestone(QATrackerRPCObject):
"""A milestone entry"""
CONVERT_INT = ['id', 'status', 'series']
CONVERT_BOOL = ['notify']
def get_bugs(self):
"""Returns a list of all bugs linked to this milestone"""
bugs = []
for entry in self.tracker.tracker.bugs.get_list(self.id):
bugs.append(QATrackerBug(self.tracker, entry))
return bugs
def add_build(self, product, version, note="", notify=True):
"""Add a build to the milestone"""
if self.status != 0:
raise TypeError("Only active milestones are accepted")
if self.tracker.access != "admin" and self.tracker.access is not None:
raise Exception("Access denied, you need 'admin' but are '%s'" %
if not isinstance(notify, bool):
raise TypeError("notify must be a boolean")
build_product = None
if isinstance(product, QATrackerProduct):
build_product = product
valid_products = self.tracker.get_products(0)
for entry in valid_products:
if (entry.title.lower() == str(product).lower() or
entry.id == product):
build_product = entry
if not build_product:
raise IndexError("Couldn't find product: %s" % product)
if build_product.status != 0:
raise TypeError("Only active products are accepted")
self.tracker.tracker.builds.add(build_product.id, self.id,
str(version), str(note), notify)
new_build = None
for entry in self.get_builds(0):
if (entry.productid == build_product.id
and entry.version == str(version)):
new_build = entry
return new_build
def get_builds(self, status=qatracker_build_milestone_status):
"""Get a list of builds for the milestone"""
record_filter = self.tracker._get_valid_id_list(
qatracker_build_milestone_status, status)
if len(record_filter) == 0:
return []
builds = []
for entry in self.tracker.tracker.builds.get_list(self.id,
builds.append(QATrackerBuild(self.tracker, entry))
return builds
class QATrackerProduct(QATrackerRPCObject):
CONVERT_INT = ['id', 'type', 'status']
def get_testcases(self, series,
"""Get a list of testcases associated with the product"""
record_filter = self.tracker._get_valid_id_list(
qatracker_testsuite_testcase_status, status)
if len(record_filter) == 0:
return []
if isinstance(series, QATrackerMilestone):
seriesid = series.series
elif isinstance(series, int):
seriesid = series
raise TypeError("series needs to be a valid QATrackerMilestone"
" instance or an integer")
testcases = []
for entry in self.tracker.tracker.testcases.get_list(
self.id, seriesid, list(record_filter)):
testcases.append(QATrackerTestcase(self.tracker, entry))
return testcases
class QATrackerRebuild(QATrackerRPCObject):
CONVERT_INT = ['id', 'seriesid', 'productid', 'milestoneid', 'requestedby',
'changedby', 'status']
CONVERT_DATE = ['requestedat', 'changedat']
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
def save(self):
"""Save any change that happened on this entry.
NOTE: At the moment only supports the status field."""
if (self.tracker.access != "admin" and
self.tracker.access is not None):
raise Exception("Access denied, you need 'admin' but are '%s'" %
retval = self.tracker.tracker.rebuilds.update_status(self.id,
if retval is not True:
raise Exception("Failed to update rebuild")
return retval
class QATrackerResult(QATrackerRPCObject):
CONVERT_INT = ['id', 'reporterid', 'revisionid', 'result', 'changedby',
CONVERT_DATE = ['date', 'lastchange']
__deleted = False
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
def delete(self):
"""Remove the result from the tracker"""
if (self.tracker.access not in ("user", "admin") and
self.tracker.access is not None):
raise Exception("Access denied, you need 'user' but are '%s'" %
if self.__deleted:
raise IndexError("Result has already been removed")
retval = self.tracker.tracker.results.delete(self.id)
if retval is not True:
raise Exception("Failed to remove result")
self.status = 1
self.__deleted = True
def save(self):
"""Save any change that happened on this entry"""
if (self.tracker.access not in ("user", "admin") and
self.tracker.access is not None):
raise Exception("Access denied, you need 'user' but are '%s'" %
if self.__deleted:
raise IndexError("Result no longer exists")
retval = self.tracker.tracker.results.update(self.id, self.result,
if retval is not True:
raise Exception("Failed to update result")
return retval
class QATrackerSeries(QATrackerRPCObject):
CONVERT_INT = ['id', 'status']
def get_manifest(self, status=qatracker_milestone_series_manifest_status):
"""Get a list of products in the series' manifest"""
record_filter = self.tracker._get_valid_id_list(
qatracker_milestone_series_manifest_status, status)
if len(record_filter) == 0:
return []
manifest_entries = []
for entry in self.tracker.tracker.series.get_manifest(
self.id, list(record_filter)):
self.tracker, entry))
return manifest_entries
class QATrackerSeriesManifest(QATrackerRPCObject):
CONVERT_INT = ['id', 'productid', 'status']
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.product_title)
class QATrackerTestcase(QATrackerRPCObject):
CONVERT_INT = ['id', 'status', 'weight', 'suite']
class QATracker():
def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None):
class AuthTransport(xmlrpclib.Transport):
def set_auth(self, auth):
self.auth = auth
def get_host_info(self, host):
host, extra_headers, x509 = \
xmlrpclib.Transport.get_host_info(self, host)
if extra_headers is None:
extra_headers = []
extra_headers.append(('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % auth))
return host, extra_headers, x509
if username and password:
auth = str(base64.b64encode(
bytes('%s:%s' % (username, password), 'utf-8')),
except TypeError:
auth = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (username, password))
transport = AuthTransport()
drupal = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url, transport=transport)
drupal = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
# Call listMethods() so if something is wrong we know it immediately
# Get our current access
self.access = drupal.qatracker.get_access()
self.tracker = drupal.qatracker
def _get_valid_id_list(self, status_list, status):
""" Get a list of valid keys and a list or just a single
entry of input to check against the list of valid keys.
The function looks for valid indexes and content, doing
case insensitive checking for strings and returns a list
of indexes for the list of valid keys. """
def process(status_list, status):
valid_status = [entry.lower() for entry in status_list]
if isinstance(status, int):
if status < 0 or status >= len(valid_status):
raise IndexError("Invalid status: %s" % status)
return int(status)
if isinstance(status, str):
status = status.lower()
if status not in valid_status:
raise IndexError("Invalid status: %s" % status)
return valid_status.index(status)
raise TypeError("Invalid status type: %s (expected str or int)" %
record_filter = set()
if isinstance(status, list):
for entry in status:
record_filter.add(process(status_list, entry))
record_filter.add(process(status_list, status))
return list(record_filter)
def get_bugs(self):
"""Get a list of all bugs reported on the site"""
bugs = []
for entry in self.tracker.bugs.get_list(0):
bugs.append(QATrackerBug(self, entry))
return bugs
def get_milestones(self, status=qatracker_milestone_status):
"""Get a list of all milestones"""
record_filter = self._get_valid_id_list(qatracker_milestone_status,
if len(record_filter) == 0:
return []
milestones = []
for entry in self.tracker.milestones.get_list(list(record_filter)):
milestones.append(QATrackerMilestone(self, entry))
return milestones
def get_products(self, status=qatracker_product_status):
"""Get a list of all products"""
record_filter = self._get_valid_id_list(qatracker_product_status,
if len(record_filter) == 0:
return []
products = []
for entry in self.tracker.products.get_list(list(record_filter)):
products.append(QATrackerProduct(self, entry))
return products
def get_rebuilds(self, status=qatracker_rebuild_status):
"""Get a list of all rebuilds"""
record_filter = self._get_valid_id_list(
qatracker_rebuild_status, status)
if len(record_filter) == 0:
return []
rebuilds = []
for entry in self.tracker.rebuilds.get_list(list(record_filter)):
rebuilds.append(QATrackerRebuild(self, entry))
return rebuilds
def get_series(self, status=qatracker_milestone_series_status):
"""Get a list of all series"""
record_filter = self._get_valid_id_list(
qatracker_milestone_series_status, status)
if len(record_filter) == 0:
return []
series = []
for entry in self.tracker.series.get_list(list(record_filter)):
series.append(QATrackerSeries(self, entry))
return series