// prefs.cpp // // This program is free software. See the file COPYING for details. // Author: Mattias EngdegÄrd, 1997-1999 #include "prefs.h" #include "proc.h" #include "qps.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include "qps.h" extern Qps *qps; extern QFontComboBox *font_cb; // class that validates input for the "swap warning limit" field class Swapvalid : public QValidator { public: Swapvalid(QWidget *parent) : QValidator(parent) {} virtual State validate(QString &s, int &) const; }; struct Boxvar { const char *text; bool *variable; // CrossBox *cb; QCheckBox *cb; }; static Boxvar general_boxes[] = { // {"Graphic Load Display", &Qps::show_load_graph, 0}, // {"Graphic CPU Display", &Qps::show_cpu_bar, 0}, //{"Minimized on Close Button", &Qps::flag_systray, 0}, {"Exit On Close Button", &Qps::flag_exit, 0}, // TEMPO // {"Use Tab-View", &Qps::flag_useTabView, 0}, // {"Hide qps in Linear mode", &Qps::flag_qps_hide, 0}, // {"Load Graph in Icon", &Qps::load_in_icon, 0}, // {"Selection: Copy PIDs to Clipboard", &Qps::pids_to_selection, 0}, // {"show underdevelopment ", &Qps::flag_devel, 0}, // {"Vertical CPU Bar (under development)", &Qps::vertical_cpu_bar, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}; #ifdef LINUX static Boxvar sockinfo_boxes[] = { {"Host Name Lookup", &Qps::hostname_lookup, 0}, {"Service Name Lookup", &Qps::service_lookup, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}; #endif static Boxvar tree_boxes[] = {{"Disclosure Triangles", &Qps::tree_gadgets, 0}, {"Branch Lines", &Qps::tree_lines, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}; static Boxvar misc_boxes[] = { {"Auto Save Settings on Exit", &Qps::auto_save_options, 0}, {"Selection: Copy PIDs to Clipboard", &Qps::pids_to_selection, 0}, #ifdef SOLARIS {"Normalize NICE", &Qps::normalize_nice, 0}, {"Use pmap for Map Names", &Qps::use_pmap, 0}, #endif {0, 0, 0}}; struct Cbgroup { const char *caption; Boxvar *boxvar; }; static Cbgroup groups[] = {{"General", general_boxes}, #ifdef LINUX // {"Socket Info Window", sockinfo_boxes}, #endif // {"Tree View", tree_boxes}, // {"Miscellaneous", misc_boxes}, {0, 0}}; void find_fontsets(); // dual use function: both validate and apply changes QValidator::State Swapvalid::validate(QString &s, int &) const { // only accept /^[0-9]*[%kKmM]?$/ int len = s.length(); int i = 0; while (i < len && s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') i++; if ((i < len && QString("kKmM%").contains(s[i]) == 0) || i < len - 1) return Invalid; if (s[i] == 'k') s[i] = 'K'; if (s[i] == 'm') s[i] = 'M'; // int val = atoi((const char *)s); int val = s.toInt(); bool percent; if (s[i] == '%') { percent = true; } else { percent = false; if (s[i] == 'M') val <<= 10; } Qps::swaplimit = val; Qps::swaplim_percent = percent; return Acceptable; } Preferences::Preferences() : QDialog() { int flag_test = 0; setWindowTitle("Preferences"); QVBoxLayout *v_layout = new QVBoxLayout; if (flag_test) { QTabWidget *tbar = new QTabWidget(this); QWidget *w = new QWidget(this); tbar->addTab(w, "&Setting"); w->setLayout(v_layout); } else setLayout(v_layout); v_layout->setSpacing(1); // v_layout->setSpacing(1); const int border_x = 10; int min_x = 0; for (Cbgroup *g = groups; g->caption; g++) { QGroupBox *grp = new QGroupBox(g->caption, this); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout; for (Boxvar *b = g->boxvar; b->text; b++) { b->cb = new QCheckBox(b->text, grp); vbox->addWidget(b->cb); connect(b->cb, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(update_reality())); // -> EMIT prefs_change() } grp->setLayout(vbox); v_layout->addWidget(grp); } update_boxes(); /* QGroupBox *wgrp = new QGroupBox("Swap Warning", this); QHBoxLayout *hl = new QHBoxLayout; wgrp->setLayout(hl); QLabel *lbl = new QLabel("Warn when free swap below", wgrp); QLineEdit *swaped = new QLineEdit(wgrp); hl->addWidget(lbl); hl->addWidget(swaped); //swaped->setAlignment ( Qt::AlignRight ); QString s; if(Qps::swaplim_percent) { s.sprintf("%d%%", Qps::swaplimit); } else { if(Qps::swaplimit >= 1024 && (Qps::swaplimit & 0x7ff) == 0) s.sprintf("%dM", Qps::swaplimit >> 10); else s.sprintf("%dK", Qps::swaplimit); } swaped->setText(s); swaped->setValidator(new Swapvalid(this)); connect(swaped, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), SIGNAL(prefs_change())); v_layout->addWidget(wgrp); */ rb_totalcpu = NULL; // tmp if (QPS_PROCVIEW_CPU_NUM() > 1) { QGroupBox *grp_cpu = new QGroupBox("%CPU divided by", this); QVBoxLayout *vboxlayout = new QVBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout; vboxlayout->addLayout(hbox); // num_cpus QString str; str.sprintf("Total cpu: %d", QPS_PROCVIEW_CPU_NUM()); rb_totalcpu = new QRadioButton(str, grp_cpu); QRadioButton *rb2 = new QRadioButton("Single cpu: 1", grp_cpu); if (!Procview::flag_pcpu_single) rb_totalcpu->setChecked(true); else rb2->setChecked(true); rb_totalcpu->setToolTip("default"); rb2->setToolTip("for developer"); hbox->addWidget(rb_totalcpu); hbox->addWidget(rb2); grp_cpu->setLayout(vboxlayout); v_layout->addWidget(grp_cpu); connect(rb_totalcpu, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(update_config())); connect(rb2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(update_config())); } // Appearance ==================================== if (font_cb == NULL) { font_cb = new QFontComboBox(this); // preload font_cb->setWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::Latin); font_cb->setCurrentFont(QApplication::font()); // remove Some Ugly Font : hershey... // printf("size=%d\n",font_cb->count()); for (int i = 0; i < font_cb->count();) { QString name = font_cb->itemText(i); if (name.contains("hershey", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true) { // printf("%s\n",qPrintable(name)); font_cb->removeItem(i); } else i++; } } if (font_cb) { font_cb->show(); QGroupBox *gbox = new QGroupBox("Appearance", this); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); psizecombo = new QComboBox(this); hbox->addWidget(font_cb); hbox->addWidget(psizecombo); vbox->addLayout(hbox); gbox->setLayout(vbox); v_layout->addWidget(gbox); // connect(font_cb, SIGNAL(activated( int)),this, // SLOT(font_changed(int))); connect(font_cb, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(font_changed(int))); connect(psizecombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(font_changed(int))); // add to font size init_font_size(); } /* // Style, Themes ================================== QLabel *label3 = new QLabel("Themes", font_grp); QComboBox *theme_combo = new QComboBox(font_grp); QStringList styles = QStyleFactory::keys(); styles.sort(); theme_combo->insertStringList(styles); QString currentstyle; currentstyle = QApplication::style().className(); */ QPushButton *saveButton = new QPushButton("OK", this); // saveButton->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus); saveButton->setFocus(); saveButton->setDefault(true); v_layout->addWidget(saveButton); // v_layout->freeze(); connect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(closed())); } // void Preferences::init_font_size() { // QFontDatabase db; // QStringList families ( WritingSystem writingSystem = Any ) const // QStringList families = db.families(QFontDatabase::Latin); // QStringList extra; psizecombo->clear(); int i, idx = 0; for (i = 5; i < 24; i++) psizecombo->insertItem(idx++, QString::number(i)); // find current font size i = 0; for (int psize = QApplication::font().pointSize(); i < psizecombo->count(); ++i) { const int sz = psizecombo->itemText(i).toInt(); if (sz == psize) { psizecombo->setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } } // slot: update check boxes to reflect current status void Preferences::update_boxes() { for (Cbgroup *g = groups; g->caption; g++) for (Boxvar *b = g->boxvar; b->text; b++) b->cb->setChecked(*b->variable); } // slot: update flags and repaint to reflect state of check boxes void Preferences::update_reality() { for (Cbgroup *g = groups; g->caption; g++) for (Boxvar *b = g->boxvar; b->text; b++) *b->variable = b->cb->isChecked(); emit prefs_change(); } void Preferences::update_config() { if (rb_totalcpu and rb_totalcpu->isChecked() == true) Procview::flag_pcpu_single = false; else Procview::flag_pcpu_single = true; } void Preferences::closed() { // delete font_cb; font_cb==NULL; // font_cb->clear(); update_config(); hide(); emit prefs_change(); } // work void Preferences::font_changed(int i) { int size = psizecombo->currentText().toInt(); QFont font = font_cb->currentFont(); font.setPointSize(size); QApplication::setFont(font); } // DRAFT CODE: void Preferences::fontset_changed(int i) {}