@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Source: qt6base
Source: qt6-base
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>
Uploaders: Patrick Franz <deltaone@debian.org>
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ Standards-Version: 4.6.0
Section: libs
Homepage: https://www.qt.io/developers/
Rules-Requires-Root: no
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt6/qt6base.git
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt6/qt6base
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt6/qt6-base.git
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt6/qt6-base
Package: libqt6core6
Architecture: any
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ Description: Qt 6 print support module
The QtPrintSupport module provides classes to make printing easier and
Package: qt6base-dev
Package: qt6-base-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: any
Multi-Arch: same
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ Depends: libqt6concurrent6 (= ${binary:Version}),
libqt6test6 (= ${binary:Version}),
libqt6widgets6 (= ${binary:Version}),
libqt6xml6 (= ${binary:Version}),
qt6base-dev-tools (= ${binary:Version}),
qt6-base-dev-tools (= ${binary:Version}),
Description: Qt 6 base development files
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
@ -351,14 +351,14 @@ Description: Qt 6 base development files
If you are interested in packaging Qt 6 stuff please take a look at
Package: qt6base-private-dev
Package: qt6-base-private-dev
Architecture: any
Multi-Arch: same
Section: libdevel
Depends: libfontconfig1-dev,
libinput-dev [linux-any],
qt6base-dev (= ${binary:Version}),
qt6-base-dev (= ${binary:Version}),
Description: Qt 6 base private development files
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ Description: Qt 6 base private development files
Use at your own risk.
Package: qt6base-dev-tools
Package: qt6-base-dev-tools
Architecture: any
Multi-Arch: foreign
Section: devel
@ -386,14 +386,14 @@ Description: Qt 6 base development programs
syncqt and uic.
We do not recommend depending on this package directly. Please depend
on qt6base-dev instead.
on qt6-base-dev instead.
Package: libqt6opengl6-dev
Architecture: any
Multi-Arch: same
Section: libdevel
Depends: libqt6opengl6 (= ${binary:Version}),
qt6base-dev (= ${binary:Version}),
qt6-base-dev (= ${binary:Version}),
Description: Qt 6 OpenGL library development files
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature