    This file is part of Konsole

    Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Robert Knight <robertknight@gmail.com>
    Copyright (C) 1997,1998 by Lars Doelle <lars.doelle@on-line.de>

    Rewritten for QT4 by e_k <e_k at users.sourceforge.net>, Copyright (C)2008

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
    02110-1301  USA.

// Own
#include "Session.h"

// Standard
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Qt
#include <QApplication>
#include <QByteRef>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QFile>
#include <QtDebug>

#include "Pty.h"
//#include "kptyprocess.h"
#include "TerminalDisplay.h"
#include "ShellCommand.h"
#include "Vt102Emulation.h"

using namespace Konsole;

int Session::lastSessionId = 0;

Session::Session(QObject* parent) :
        , _emulation(0)
        , _monitorActivity(false)
        , _monitorSilence(false)
        , _notifiedActivity(false)
        , _autoClose(true)
        , _wantedClose(false)
        , _silenceSeconds(10)
        , _addToUtmp(false)  // disabled by default because of a bug encountered on certain systems
        // which caused Konsole to hang when closing a tab and then opening a new
        // one.  A 'QProcess destroyed while still running' warning was being
        // printed to the terminal.  Likely a problem in KPty::logout()
        // or KPty::login() which uses a QProcess to start /usr/bin/utempter
        , _flowControl(true)
        , _fullScripting(false)
        , _sessionId(0)
//   , _zmodemBusy(false)
//   , _zmodemProc(0)
//   , _zmodemProgress(0)
        , _hasDarkBackground(false)
    //prepare DBus communication
//    new SessionAdaptor(this);
    _sessionId = ++lastSessionId;
//    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(QLatin1String("/Sessions/")+QString::number(_sessionId), this);

    //create teletype for I/O with shell process
    _shellProcess = new Pty();
    ptySlaveFd = _shellProcess->pty()->slaveFd();

    //create emulation backend
    _emulation = new Vt102Emulation();

    connect( _emulation, SIGNAL( titleChanged( int, const QString & ) ),
             this, SLOT( setUserTitle( int, const QString & ) ) );
    connect( _emulation, SIGNAL( stateSet(int) ),
             this, SLOT( activityStateSet(int) ) );
//    connect( _emulation, SIGNAL( zmodemDetected() ), this ,
//            SLOT( fireZModemDetected() ) );
    connect( _emulation, SIGNAL( changeTabTextColorRequest( int ) ),
             this, SIGNAL( changeTabTextColorRequest( int ) ) );
    connect( _emulation, SIGNAL(profileChangeCommandReceived(const QString &)),
             this, SIGNAL( profileChangeCommandReceived(const QString &)) );

    connect(_emulation, SIGNAL(imageResizeRequest(QSize)),
            this, SLOT(onEmulationSizeChange(QSize)));
    connect(_emulation, SIGNAL(imageSizeChanged(int, int)),
            this, SLOT(onViewSizeChange(int, int)));

    //connect teletype to emulation backend

    connect( _shellProcess,SIGNAL(receivedData(const char *,int)),this,
             SLOT(onReceiveBlock(const char *,int)) );
    connect( _emulation,SIGNAL(sendData(const char *,int)),_shellProcess,
             SLOT(sendData(const char *,int)) );
    connect( _emulation,SIGNAL(lockPtyRequest(bool)),_shellProcess,SLOT(lockPty(bool)) );
    connect( _emulation,SIGNAL(useUtf8Request(bool)),_shellProcess,SLOT(setUtf8Mode(bool)) );

    connect( _shellProcess,SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(done(int)) );
    // not in kprocess anymore connect( _shellProcess,SIGNAL(done(int)), this, SLOT(done(int)) );

    //setup timer for monitoring session activity
    _monitorTimer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(_monitorTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(monitorTimerDone()));

WId Session::windowId() const
    // On Qt5, requesting window IDs breaks QQuickWidget and the likes,
    // for example, see the following bug reports:
    // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-40765
    // https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/94880/
    return 0;

void Session::setDarkBackground(bool darkBackground)
    _hasDarkBackground = darkBackground;
bool Session::hasDarkBackground() const
    return _hasDarkBackground;
bool Session::isRunning() const
    return _shellProcess->state() == QProcess::Running;

void Session::setCodec(QTextCodec * codec)

void Session::setProgram(const QString & program)
    _program = ShellCommand::expand(program);
void Session::setInitialWorkingDirectory(const QString & dir)
    _initialWorkingDir = ShellCommand::expand(dir);
void Session::setArguments(const QStringList & arguments)
    _arguments = ShellCommand::expand(arguments);

QList<TerminalDisplay *> Session::views() const
    return _views;

void Session::addView(TerminalDisplay * widget)
    Q_ASSERT( !_views.contains(widget) );


    if ( _emulation != 0 ) {
        // connect emulation - view signals and slots
        connect( widget , SIGNAL(keyPressedSignal(QKeyEvent *)) , _emulation ,
                 SLOT(sendKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *)) );
        connect( widget , SIGNAL(mouseSignal(int,int,int,int)) , _emulation ,
                 SLOT(sendMouseEvent(int,int,int,int)) );
        connect( widget , SIGNAL(sendStringToEmu(const char *)) , _emulation ,
                 SLOT(sendString(const char *)) );

        // allow emulation to notify view when the foreground process
        // indicates whether or not it is interested in mouse signals
        connect( _emulation , SIGNAL(programUsesMouseChanged(bool)) , widget ,
                 SLOT(setUsesMouse(bool)) );

        widget->setUsesMouse( _emulation->programUsesMouse() );


    //connect view signals and slots
    QObject::connect( widget ,SIGNAL(changedContentSizeSignal(int,int)),this,

    QObject::connect( widget ,SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject *)) , this ,
                      SLOT(viewDestroyed(QObject *)) );
//slot for close
    QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), widget, SLOT(close()));


void Session::viewDestroyed(QObject * view)
    TerminalDisplay * display = (TerminalDisplay *)view;

    Q_ASSERT( _views.contains(display) );


void Session::removeView(TerminalDisplay * widget)


    if ( _emulation != 0 ) {
        // disconnect
        //  - key presses signals from widget
        //  - mouse activity signals from widget
        //  - string sending signals from widget
        //  ... and any other signals connected in addView()
        disconnect( widget, 0, _emulation, 0);

        // disconnect state change signals emitted by emulation
        disconnect( _emulation , 0 , widget , 0);

    // close the session automatically when the last view is removed
    if ( _views.count() == 0 ) {

void Session::run()
    //check that everything is in place to run the session
    if (_program.isEmpty()) {
        qDebug() << "Session::run() - program to run not set.";
    else {
        qDebug() << "Session::run() - program:" << _program;

    if (_arguments.isEmpty()) {
        qDebug() << "Session::run() - no command line arguments specified.";
    else {
        qDebug() << "Session::run() - arguments:" << _arguments;

    // Upon a KPty error, there is no description on what that error was...
    // Check to see if the given program is executable.

    /* ok iam not exactly sure where _program comes from - however it was set to /bin/bash on my system
     * Thats bad for BSD as its /usr/local/bin/bash there - its also bad for arch as its /usr/bin/bash there too!
     * So i added a check to see if /bin/bash exists - if no then we use $SHELL - if that does not exist either, we fall back to /bin/sh
     * As far as i know /bin/sh exists on every unix system.. You could also just put some ifdef __FREEBSD__ here but i think these 2 filechecks are worth
     * their computing time on any system - especially with the problem on arch linux beeing there too.
    QString exec = QFile::encodeName(_program);
    // if 'exec' is not specified, fall back to default shell.  if that
    // is not set then fall back to /bin/sh

    // here we expect full path. If there is no fullpath let's expect it's
    // a custom shell (eg. python, etc.) available in the PATH.
    if (exec.startsWith("/"))
        QFile excheck(exec);
        if ( exec.isEmpty() || !excheck.exists() ) {
            exec = getenv("SHELL");

        if ( exec.isEmpty() || !excheck.exists() ) {
            exec = "/bin/sh";

    // _arguments sometimes contain ("") so isEmpty()
    // or count() does not work as expected...
    QString argsTmp(_arguments.join(" ").trimmed());
    QStringList arguments;
    arguments << exec;
    if (argsTmp.length())
        arguments << _arguments;

    QString cwd = QDir::currentPath();
    if (!_initialWorkingDir.isEmpty()) {
    } else {


    // this is not strictly accurate use of the COLORFGBG variable.  This does not
    // tell the terminal exactly which colors are being used, but instead approximates
    // the color scheme as "black on white" or "white on black" depending on whether
    // the background color is deemed dark or not
    QString backgroundColorHint = _hasDarkBackground ? "COLORFGBG=15;0" : "COLORFGBG=0;15";

    /* if we do all the checking if this shell exists then we use it ;)
     * Dont know about the arguments though.. maybe youll need some more checking im not sure
     * However this works on Arch and FreeBSD now.
    int result = _shellProcess->start(exec,
                                      _environment << backgroundColorHint,

    if (result < 0) {
        qDebug() << "CRASHED! result: " << result;

    _shellProcess->setWriteable(false);  // We are reachable via kwrited.
    qDebug() << "started!";
    emit started();

void Session::runEmptyPTY()

    // disconnet send data from emulator to internal terminal process
    disconnect( _emulation,SIGNAL(sendData(const char *,int)),
                _shellProcess, SLOT(sendData(const char *,int)) );


    qDebug() << "started!";
    emit started();

void Session::setUserTitle( int what, const QString & caption )
    //set to true if anything is actually changed (eg. old _nameTitle != new _nameTitle )
    bool modified = false;

    // (btw: what=0 changes _userTitle and icon, what=1 only icon, what=2 only _nameTitle
    if ((what == 0) || (what == 2)) {
        if ( _userTitle != caption ) {
            _userTitle = caption;
            modified = true;

    if ((what == 0) || (what == 1)) {
        if ( _iconText != caption ) {
            _iconText = caption;
            modified = true;

    if (what == 11) {
        QString colorString = caption.section(';',0,0);
        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": setting background colour to " << colorString;
        QColor backColor = QColor(colorString);
        if (backColor.isValid()) { // change color via \033]11;Color\007
            if (backColor != _modifiedBackground) {
                _modifiedBackground = backColor;

                // bail out here until the code to connect the terminal display
                // to the changeBackgroundColor() signal has been written
                // and tested - just so we don't forget to do this.
                Q_ASSERT( 0 );

                emit changeBackgroundColorRequest(backColor);

    if (what == 30) {
        if ( _nameTitle != caption ) {

    if (what == 31) {
        QString cwd=caption;
        cwd=cwd.replace( QRegExp("^~"), QDir::homePath() );
        emit openUrlRequest(cwd);

    // change icon via \033]32;Icon\007
    if (what == 32) {
        if ( _iconName != caption ) {
            _iconName = caption;

            modified = true;

    if (what == 50) {
        emit profileChangeCommandReceived(caption);

    if ( modified ) {
        emit titleChanged();

QString Session::userTitle() const
    return _userTitle;
void Session::setTabTitleFormat(TabTitleContext context , const QString & format)
    if ( context == LocalTabTitle ) {
        _localTabTitleFormat = format;
    } else if ( context == RemoteTabTitle ) {
        _remoteTabTitleFormat = format;
QString Session::tabTitleFormat(TabTitleContext context) const
    if ( context == LocalTabTitle ) {
        return _localTabTitleFormat;
    } else if ( context == RemoteTabTitle ) {
        return _remoteTabTitleFormat;

    return QString();

void Session::monitorTimerDone()
    //FIXME: The idea here is that the notification popup will appear to tell the user than output from
    //the terminal has stopped and the popup will disappear when the user activates the session.
    //This breaks with the addition of multiple views of a session.  The popup should disappear
    //when any of the views of the session becomes active

    //FIXME: Make message text for this notification and the activity notification more descriptive.
    if (_monitorSilence) {
        emit silence();
        emit stateChanged(NOTIFYSILENCE);
    } else {
        emit stateChanged(NOTIFYNORMAL);


void Session::activityStateSet(int state)
    if (state==NOTIFYBELL) {
        QString s;
        s.sprintf("Bell in session '%s'",_nameTitle.toUtf8().data());

        emit bellRequest( s );
    } else if (state==NOTIFYACTIVITY) {
        if (_monitorSilence) {

        if ( _monitorActivity ) {
            //FIXME:  See comments in Session::monitorTimerDone()
            if (!_notifiedActivity) {
                emit activity();

    if ( state==NOTIFYACTIVITY && !_monitorActivity ) {
        state = NOTIFYNORMAL;
    if ( state==NOTIFYSILENCE && !_monitorSilence ) {
        state = NOTIFYNORMAL;

    emit stateChanged(state);

void Session::onViewSizeChange(int /*height*/, int /*width*/)
void Session::onEmulationSizeChange(QSize size)

void Session::updateTerminalSize()
    QListIterator<TerminalDisplay *> viewIter(_views);

    int minLines = -1;
    int minColumns = -1;

    // minimum number of lines and columns that views require for
    // their size to be taken into consideration ( to avoid problems
    // with new view widgets which haven't yet been set to their correct size )
    const int VIEW_LINES_THRESHOLD = 2;
    const int VIEW_COLUMNS_THRESHOLD = 2;

    //select largest number of lines and columns that will fit in all visible views
    while ( viewIter.hasNext() ) {
        TerminalDisplay * view = viewIter.next();
        if ( view->isHidden() == false &&
                view->lines() >= VIEW_LINES_THRESHOLD &&
                view->columns() >= VIEW_COLUMNS_THRESHOLD ) {
            minLines = (minLines == -1) ? view->lines() : qMin( minLines , view->lines() );
            minColumns = (minColumns == -1) ? view->columns() : qMin( minColumns , view->columns() );

    // backend emulation must have a _terminal of at least 1 column x 1 line in size
    if ( minLines > 0 && minColumns > 0 ) {
        _emulation->setImageSize( minLines , minColumns );
        _shellProcess->setWindowSize( minLines , minColumns );

void Session::refresh()
    // attempt to get the shell process to redraw the display
    // this requires the program running in the shell
    // to cooperate by sending an update in response to
    // a window size change
    // the window size is changed twice, first made slightly larger and then
    // resized back to its normal size so that there is actually a change
    // in the window size (some shells do nothing if the
    // new and old sizes are the same)
    // if there is a more 'correct' way to do this, please
    // send an email with method or patches to konsole-devel@kde.org

    const QSize existingSize = _shellProcess->windowSize();

bool Session::sendSignal(int signal)
    int result = ::kill(_shellProcess->pid(),signal);

     if ( result == 0 )
         return true;
         return false;

void Session::close()
    _autoClose = true;
    _wantedClose = true;
    if (!_shellProcess->isRunning() || !sendSignal(SIGHUP)) {
        // Forced close.
        QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SIGNAL(finished()));

void Session::sendText(const QString & text) const

    delete _emulation;
    delete _shellProcess;
//  delete _zmodemProc;

void Session::setProfileKey(const QString & key)
    _profileKey = key;
    emit profileChanged(key);
QString Session::profileKey() const
    return _profileKey;

void Session::done(int exitStatus)
    if (!_autoClose) {
        _userTitle = ("This session is done. Finished");
        emit titleChanged();

    QString message;
    if (!_wantedClose || exitStatus != 0) {

        if (_shellProcess->exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit) {
            message.sprintf("Session '%s' exited with status %d.",
                          _nameTitle.toUtf8().data(), exitStatus);
        } else {
            message.sprintf("Session '%s' crashed.",

    if ( !_wantedClose && _shellProcess->exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit )
        message.sprintf("Session '%s' exited unexpectedly.",
        emit finished();


Emulation * Session::emulation() const
    return _emulation;

QString Session::keyBindings() const
    return _emulation->keyBindings();

QStringList Session::environment() const
    return _environment;

void Session::setEnvironment(const QStringList & environment)
    _environment = environment;

int Session::sessionId() const
    return _sessionId;

void Session::setKeyBindings(const QString & id)

void Session::setTitle(TitleRole role , const QString & newTitle)
    if ( title(role) != newTitle ) {
        if ( role == NameRole ) {
            _nameTitle = newTitle;
        } else if ( role == DisplayedTitleRole ) {
            _displayTitle = newTitle;

        emit titleChanged();

QString Session::title(TitleRole role) const
    if ( role == NameRole ) {
        return _nameTitle;
    } else if ( role == DisplayedTitleRole ) {
        return _displayTitle;
    } else {
        return QString();

void Session::setIconName(const QString & iconName)
    if ( iconName != _iconName ) {
        _iconName = iconName;
        emit titleChanged();

void Session::setIconText(const QString & iconText)
    _iconText = iconText;
    //kDebug(1211)<<"Session setIconText " <<  _iconText;

QString Session::iconName() const
    return _iconName;

QString Session::iconText() const
    return _iconText;

void Session::setHistoryType(const HistoryType & hType)

const HistoryType & Session::historyType() const
    return _emulation->history();

void Session::clearHistory()

QStringList Session::arguments() const
    return _arguments;

QString Session::program() const
    return _program;

// unused currently
bool Session::isMonitorActivity() const
    return _monitorActivity;
// unused currently
bool Session::isMonitorSilence()  const
    return _monitorSilence;

void Session::setMonitorActivity(bool _monitor)


void Session::setMonitorSilence(bool _monitor)
    if (_monitorSilence==_monitor) {

    if (_monitorSilence) {
    } else {


void Session::setMonitorSilenceSeconds(int seconds)
    if (_monitorSilence) {

void Session::setAddToUtmp(bool set)
    _addToUtmp = set;

void Session::setFlowControlEnabled(bool enabled)
    if (_flowControl == enabled) {

    _flowControl = enabled;

    if (_shellProcess) {

    emit flowControlEnabledChanged(enabled);
bool Session::flowControlEnabled() const
    return _flowControl;
//void Session::fireZModemDetected()
//  if (!_zmodemBusy)
//  {
//    QTimer::singleShot(10, this, SIGNAL(zmodemDetected()));
//    _zmodemBusy = true;
//  }

//void Session::cancelZModem()
//  _shellProcess->sendData("\030\030\030\030", 4); // Abort
//  _zmodemBusy = false;

//void Session::startZModem(const QString &zmodem, const QString &dir, const QStringList &list)
//  _zmodemBusy = true;
//  _zmodemProc = new KProcess();
//  _zmodemProc->setOutputChannelMode( KProcess::SeparateChannels );
//  *_zmodemProc << zmodem << "-v" << list;
//  if (!dir.isEmpty())
//     _zmodemProc->setWorkingDirectory(dir);
//  _zmodemProc->start();
//  connect(_zmodemProc,SIGNAL (readyReadStandardOutput()),
//          this, SLOT(zmodemReadAndSendBlock()));
//  connect(_zmodemProc,SIGNAL (readyReadStandardError()),
//          this, SLOT(zmodemReadStatus()));
//  connect(_zmodemProc,SIGNAL (finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),
//          this, SLOT(zmodemFinished()));
//  disconnect( _shellProcess,SIGNAL(block_in(const char*,int)), this, SLOT(onReceiveBlock(const char*,int)) );
//  connect( _shellProcess,SIGNAL(block_in(const char*,int)), this, SLOT(zmodemRcvBlock(const char*,int)) );
//  _zmodemProgress = new ZModemDialog(QApplication::activeWindow(), false,
//                                    i18n("ZModem Progress"));
//  connect(_zmodemProgress, SIGNAL(user1Clicked()),
//          this, SLOT(zmodemDone()));
//  _zmodemProgress->show();

/*void Session::zmodemReadAndSendBlock()
  _zmodemProc->setReadChannel( QProcess::StandardOutput );
  QByteArray data = _zmodemProc->readAll();

  if ( data.count() == 0 )

void Session::zmodemReadStatus()
  _zmodemProc->setReadChannel( QProcess::StandardError );
  QByteArray msg = _zmodemProc->readAll();
     int i = msg.indexOf('\015');
     int j = msg.indexOf('\012');
     QByteArray txt;
     if ((i != -1) && ((j == -1) || (i < j)))
       msg = msg.mid(i+1);
     else if (j != -1)
       txt = msg.left(j);
       msg = msg.mid(j+1);
       txt = msg;
     if (!txt.isEmpty())
void Session::zmodemRcvBlock(const char *data, int len)
  QByteArray ba( data, len );

  _zmodemProc->write( ba );
void Session::zmodemFinished()
  if (_zmodemProc)
    delete _zmodemProc;
    _zmodemProc = 0;
    _zmodemBusy = false;

    disconnect( _shellProcess,SIGNAL(block_in(const char*,int)), this ,SLOT(zmodemRcvBlock(const char*,int)) );
    connect( _shellProcess,SIGNAL(block_in(const char*,int)), this, SLOT(onReceiveBlock(const char*,int)) );

    _shellProcess->sendData("\030\030\030\030", 4); // Abort
    _shellProcess->sendData("\001\013\n", 3); // Try to get prompt back
void Session::onReceiveBlock( const char * buf, int len )
    _emulation->receiveData( buf, len );
    emit receivedData( QString::fromLatin1( buf, len ) );

QSize Session::size()
    return _emulation->imageSize();

void Session::setSize(const QSize & size)
    if ((size.width() <= 1) || (size.height() <= 1)) {

    emit resizeRequest(size);
int Session::foregroundProcessId() const
    return _shellProcess->foregroundProcessGroup();
int Session::processId() const
    return _shellProcess->pid();
int Session::getPtySlaveFd() const
    return ptySlaveFd;

        : _masterMode(0)
    // disconnect all
int SessionGroup::masterMode() const
    return _masterMode;
QList<Session *> SessionGroup::sessions() const
    return _sessions.keys();
bool SessionGroup::masterStatus(Session * session) const
    return _sessions[session];

void SessionGroup::addSession(Session * session)

    QListIterator<Session *> masterIter(masters());

    while ( masterIter.hasNext() ) {
void SessionGroup::removeSession(Session * session)

    QListIterator<Session *> masterIter(masters());

    while ( masterIter.hasNext() ) {

void SessionGroup::setMasterMode(int mode)
    _masterMode = mode;

QList<Session *> SessionGroup::masters() const
    return _sessions.keys(true);
void SessionGroup::connectAll(bool connect)
    QListIterator<Session *> masterIter(masters());

    while ( masterIter.hasNext() ) {
        Session * master = masterIter.next();

        QListIterator<Session *> otherIter(_sessions.keys());
        while ( otherIter.hasNext() ) {
            Session * other = otherIter.next();

            if ( other != master ) {
                if ( connect ) {
                } else {
void SessionGroup::setMasterStatus(Session * session, bool master)
    bool wasMaster = _sessions[session];
    _sessions[session] = master;

    if ((!wasMaster && !master)
            || (wasMaster && master)) {

    QListIterator<Session *> iter(_sessions.keys());
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Session * other = iter.next();

        if (other != session) {
            if (master) {
                connectPair(session, other);
            } else {
                disconnectPair(session, other);

void SessionGroup::connectPair(Session * master , Session * other)
//    qDebug() << k_funcinfo;

    if ( _masterMode & CopyInputToAll ) {
        qDebug() << "Connection session " << master->nameTitle() << "to" << other->nameTitle();

        connect( master->emulation() , SIGNAL(sendData(const char *,int)) , other->emulation() ,
                 SLOT(sendString(const char *,int)) );
void SessionGroup::disconnectPair(Session * master , Session * other)
//    qDebug() << k_funcinfo;

    if ( _masterMode & CopyInputToAll ) {
        qDebug() << "Disconnecting session " << master->nameTitle() << "from" << other->nameTitle();

        disconnect( master->emulation() , SIGNAL(sendData(const char *,int)) , other->emulation() ,
                    SLOT(sendString(const char *,int)) );

//#include "moc_Session.cpp"