/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2013 by Artem 'DOOMer' Galichkin * * doomer3d@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/core.h" #include #ifdef SG_EXT_UPLOADS #include "modules/uploader/moduleuploader.h" #endif Core* Core::corePtr = 0; Core::Core() { qRegisterMetaType("StateNotifyMessage"); _conf = Config::instance(); _conf->loadSettings(); _pixelMap = new QPixmap; _selector = 0; _firstScreen = true; _cmdLine.setApplicationDescription("ScreenGrab " + tr("is a crossplatform application for fast creating screenshots of your desktop.")); _cmdLine.addHelpOption(); _cmdLine.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption optFullScreen(QStringList() << "f" << "fullscreen", tr("Take a fullscreen screenshot")); _cmdLine.addOption(optFullScreen); _screenTypeOpts.append(optFullScreen); QCommandLineOption optActiveWnd(QStringList() << "a" << "active", tr("Take a screenshot of the active window")); _cmdLine.addOption(optActiveWnd); _screenTypeOpts.append(optActiveWnd); QCommandLineOption optSelectedRect(QStringList() << "r" << "region", tr("Take a screenshot of a selection of the screen")); _cmdLine.addOption(optSelectedRect); _screenTypeOpts.append(optSelectedRect); QCommandLineOption optRunMinimized(QStringList() << "m" << "minimized", tr("Run the application with a hidden main window")); _cmdLine.addOption(optRunMinimized); sleep(250); _wnd = NULL; } Core::Core(const Core& ): QObject() { } Core& Core::operator=(const Core &) { return *this; } Core* Core::instance() { if (!corePtr) corePtr = new Core; return corePtr; } Core::~Core() { delete _pixelMap; _conf->killInstance(); } void Core::initWindow(const QString& ipcMessage) { if (!_wnd) { _wnd = new MainWindow; _wnd->setConfig(_conf); _wnd->updateModulesActions(_modules.generateModulesActions()); _wnd->updateModulesenus(_modules.generateModulesMenus()); screenShot(true); // first screenshot _wnd->resize(_conf->getRestoredWndSize()); if (_wnd) { if (runAsMinimized()) { if (_wnd->isTrayed()) _wnd->windowHideShow(); else _wnd->showMinimized(); } else _wnd->show(); } } else { _wnd->showWindow(ipcMessage); screenShot(); } } void Core::sleep(int msec) { QMutex mutex; mutex.lock(); QWaitCondition pause; pause.wait(&mutex, msec); // def 240 mutex.unlock(); } void Core::coreQuit() { _conf->setRestoredWndSize(_wnd->width(), _wnd->height()); _conf->saveWndSize(); if (_wnd) { _wnd->close(); } if (corePtr) { delete corePtr; corePtr = NULL; } qApp->quit(); } void Core::setScreen() { _wnd->hideToShot(); // new code experimental if (_conf->getDelay() == 0) QTimer::singleShot(200, this, SLOT(screenShot())); else QTimer::singleShot(1000 * _conf->getDelay(), this, SLOT(screenShot())); } // get screenshot void Core::screenShot(bool first) { sleep(400); // delay for hide "fade effect" bug in the KWin with compositing _firstScreen = first; // Update date last crenshot, if it is a first screen if (_firstScreen) _conf->updateLastSaveDate(); switch(_conf->getTypeScreen()) { case 0: { const QList screens = qApp->screens(); const QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); const int screenNum = desktop->screenNumber(QCursor::pos()); *_pixelMap = screens[screenNum]->grabWindow(desktop->winId()); checkAutoSave(first); _wnd->updatePixmap(_pixelMap); break; } case 1: { getActiveWindow(); checkAutoSave(first); _wnd->updatePixmap(_pixelMap); break; } case 2: { _selector = new RegionSelect(_conf); connect(_selector, &RegionSelect::processDone, this, &Core::regionGrabbed); break; } case 3: { _selector = new RegionSelect(_conf, _lastSelectedArea); connect(_selector, &RegionSelect::processDone, this, &Core::regionGrabbed); break; } default: *_pixelMap = QPixmap::grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId()); break; } _wnd->updatePixmap(_pixelMap); _wnd->restoreFromShot(); } void Core::checkAutoSave(bool first) { if (_conf->getAutoSave()) { // hack if (first) { if (_conf->getAutoSaveFirst()) QTimer::singleShot(600, this, SLOT(autoSave())); } else autoSave(); } else { if (!first) { StateNotifyMessage message(tr("New screen"), tr("New screen is getted!")); _wnd->showTrayMessage(message.header, message.message); } } } void Core::getActiveWindow() { const QList screens = qApp->screens(); const QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); const int screenNum = desktop->screenNumber(QCursor::pos()); WId wnd = KWindowSystem::activeWindow(); if (!wnd) { *_pixelMap = screens[screenNum]->grabWindow(desktop->winId()); exit(1); } // no decorations option is selected if (_conf->getNoDecoration()) { *_pixelMap = screens[screenNum]->grabWindow(wnd); return; } KWindowInfo info(wnd, NET::XAWMState | NET::WMFrameExtents); if (info.mappingState() != NET::Visible) qWarning() << "Window not visible"; QRect geometry = info.frameGeometry(); *_pixelMap = screens[screenNum]->grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId(), geometry.x(), geometry.y(), geometry.width(), geometry.height()); } QString Core::getSaveFilePath(QString format) { QString initPath; do { if (_conf->getDateTimeInFilename()) initPath = _conf->getSaveDir() + _conf->getSaveFileName() + "-" + getDateTimeFileName() + "." + format; else { if (_conf->getScrNum() != 0) initPath = _conf->getSaveDir() + _conf->getSaveFileName() + _conf->getScrNumStr() + "." + format; else initPath = _conf->getSaveDir() + _conf->getSaveFileName() + "." + format; } } while (checkExsistFile(initPath)); return initPath; } bool Core::checkExsistFile(QString path) { bool exist = QFile::exists(path); if (exist) _conf->increaseScrNum(); return exist; } QString Core::getDateTimeFileName() { QString currentDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(_conf->getDateTimeTpl()); if (currentDateTime == _conf->getLastSaveDate().toString(_conf->getDateTimeTpl()) && _conf->getScrNum() != 0) currentDateTime += "-" + _conf->getScrNumStr(); else _conf->resetScrNum(); return currentDateTime; } Config *Core::config() { return _conf; } void Core::updatePixmap() { if (QFile::exists(_tempFilename)) { _pixelMap->load(_tempFilename, "png"); _wnd->updatePixmap(_pixelMap); } } QString Core::getTempFilename(const QString& format) { _tempFilename = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); int size = _tempFilename.size() - 2; _tempFilename = _tempFilename.mid(1, size).left(8); _tempFilename = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + "screenshot-" + _tempFilename + "." + format; return _tempFilename; } void Core::killTempFile() { if (QFile::exists(_tempFilename)) { QFile::remove(_tempFilename); _tempFilename.clear(); } } bool Core::writeScreen(QString& fileName, QString& format, bool tmpScreen) { // adding extension format if (!fileName.contains("." + format)) fileName.append("." + format); // saving temp file (for uploader module) if (tmpScreen) { if (!fileName.isEmpty()) return _pixelMap->save(fileName, format.toLatin1(), _conf->getImageQuality()); else return false; } // writing file bool saved = false; if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { if (format == "jpg") saved = _pixelMap->save(fileName,format.toLatin1(), _conf->getImageQuality()); else saved = _pixelMap->save(fileName,format.toLatin1(), -1); if (saved) { StateNotifyMessage message(tr("Saved"), tr("Saved to ") + fileName); message.message = message.message + copyFileNameToCliipboard(fileName); _conf->updateLastSaveDate(); _wnd->showTrayMessage(message.header, message.message); } else qWarning() << "Error saving file " << fileName; } return saved; } QString Core::copyFileNameToCliipboard(QString file) { QString retString = ""; switch (_conf->getAutoCopyFilenameOnSaving()) { case Config::nameToClipboardFile: { file = file.section('/', -1); QApplication::clipboard()->setText(file); retString = QChar(QChar::LineSeparator) + tr("Name of saved file is copied to the clipboard"); break; } case Config::nameToClipboardPath: { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(file); retString = QChar(QChar::LineSeparator) + tr("Path to saved file is copied to the clipboard"); break; } default: break; } return retString; } void Core::copyScreen() { QApplication::clipboard()->setPixmap(*_pixelMap, QClipboard::Clipboard); StateNotifyMessage message(tr("Copied"), tr("Screenshot is copied to clipboard")); _wnd->showTrayMessage(message.header, message.message); } void Core::openInExtViewer() { if (_conf->getEnableExtView()) { QString format = _conf->getSaveFormat(); if (format.isEmpty()) format = "png"; QString tempFileName = getTempFilename(format); writeScreen(tempFileName, format, true); QString exec; exec = "xdg-open"; QStringList args; args << tempFileName; QProcess *execProcess = new QProcess(this); void (QProcess:: *signal)(int, QProcess::ExitStatus) = &QProcess::finished; connect(execProcess, signal, this, &Core::closeExtViewer); execProcess->start(exec, args); } } void Core::closeExtViewer(int, QProcess::ExitStatus) { sender()->deleteLater(); killTempFile(); } ModuleManager* Core::modules() { return &_modules; } void Core::addCmdLineOption(const QCommandLineOption& option) { _cmdLine.addOption(option); } bool Core::checkCmdLineOption(const QCommandLineOption& option) { return _cmdLine.isSet(option); } bool Core::checkCmdLineOptions(const QStringList &options) { for (int i = 0; i < options.count(); ++i) if (_cmdLine.isSet(options.at(i))) return true; return false; } void Core::processCmdLineOpts(const QStringList& arguments) { _cmdLine.process(arguments); // Check commandline parameters and set screenshot type for (int i=0; i < _screenTypeOpts.count(); ++i) if (_cmdLine.isSet(_screenTypeOpts.at(i))) _conf->setTypeScreen(i); #ifdef SG_EXT_UPLOADS /// FIXMA - In module interface need add the mthod for geting module cmdLine options const QString UPLOAD_CMD_PARAM = "upload"; const QString UPLOAD_CMD_PARAM_SHORT = "u"; QCommandLineOption u(QStringList() << UPLOAD_CMD_PARAM_SHORT << UPLOAD_CMD_PARAM); if (_cmdLine.isSet(u)) { ModuleUploader *uploader = static_cast(_modules.getModule(MOD_UPLOADER)); connect(uploader, &ModuleUploader::uploadCompleteWithQuit, qApp, &QApplication::quit); uploader->init(); } else initWindow(); #endif } bool Core::runAsMinimized() { return (_cmdLine.isSet("minimized") || _cmdLine.isSet("m")); } void Core::autoSave() { QString format = _conf->getSaveFormat(); QString fileName = getSaveFilePath(format); writeScreen(fileName, format); } QString Core::getVersionPrintable() { QString str = "ScreenGrab: " + qApp->applicationVersion() + QString("\n"); str += "Qt: " + QString(qVersion()) + QString("\n"); return str; } QPixmap* Core::getPixmap() { return _pixelMap; } QByteArray Core::getScreen() { QByteArray bytes; QBuffer buffer(&bytes); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); _pixelMap->save(&buffer, _conf->getSaveFormat().toLatin1()); return bytes; } void Core::regionGrabbed(bool grabbed) { if (grabbed) { *_pixelMap = _selector->getSelection(); int x = _selector->getSelectionStartPos().x(); int y = _selector->getSelectionStartPos().y(); int w = _pixelMap->rect().width(); int h = _pixelMap->rect().height(); _lastSelectedArea.setRect(x, y, w, h); checkAutoSave(); } _wnd->updatePixmap(_pixelMap); _selector->deleteLater(); }