Switch from system-config-printer-gnome to system-config-printer, following packaging (thanks Jeremy Bicha).

Julien Lavergne 8 years ago
commit b4d84cc266

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Task-Seeds: desktop-share core-gtk
* indicator-application-gtk2 # Add indicator icons in notification area by default,
# to workaroud bugs in fallback mode
* indicator-sound-gtk2 # SOund menu indicator with pulseaudio
* indicator-sound-gtk2 # Sound menu indicator with pulseaudio
* usb-creator-gtk # Adding utility to make USB bootable
@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ Task-Seeds: desktop-share core-gtk
== Printing ==
* system-config-printer-gnome
* system-config-printer
== Packages and upgrade management ==
* gnome-software # GTK Software Center
* synaptic # for our purposes, it's plumbing ...
* software-properties-gtk # Nice GUI to change reporsitory settings / extra drivers
* update-notifier # For crash report and updates notifications
* update-notifier # For crash report and updates notifications
* ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk # For upgrade of L/Ubuntu releases.
== Input method ==
