Update split gtk - qt

Julien Lavergne 9 years ago
parent db2b263547
commit b8297a52b2

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ Task-Seeds: desktop-common
= LXDE / LXQt core packages =
* openbox
* lxsession
= Lubuntu core packages =
* lubuntu-default-settings
* lubuntu-artwork
* lubuntu-icon-theme
* plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo
* plymouth-theme-lubuntu-text

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu minimal installation
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides minimal packages for Lubuntu (Ubuntu LXDE environment).
Task-Key: lubuntu-core
Task-Seeds: desktop-common-gtk
Task-Seeds: desktop-common
* Feature: no-follow-recommends
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Task-Seeds: desktop-common-gtk
* pcmanfm
* lxpanel
* lxsession
* lxterminal
= Other needed packages =
* lightdm

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu minimal installation
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides minimal packages for Lubuntu (Ubuntu LXDE environment).
Task-Key: lubuntu-core
Task-Seeds: desktop-common-gtk
Task-Seeds: desktop-common
* Feature: no-follow-recommends
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Task-Seeds: desktop-common-gtk
* pcmanfm-qt
* lxqt-panel
* lxqt-common
* lxqt-session
* qterminal
= Display manager =
* sddm

@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop
* libfm-modules
== Accessories ==
* scrot
== Multimedia ==
* libmtp-runtime # needed by libmtp9 (normally seeded through recommends LP: #1061430)
@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop
* gvfs-fuse # for access of non gio applications to gvfs mounts
* gvfs-backends # for adding support for backends (photos, network etc ...) to gvfs
* ntp # Add support for synchronisation with time servers
* libgtk2-perl # Add GTK interface for synaptic (LP: #926581)
* compton
== Archive support ==
@ -42,12 +38,10 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop
== Artwork and Look & Feel ==
* lubuntu-icon-theme
* dmz-cursor-theme # LP: #923344
== Printing ==
* system-config-printer-gnome
* cups-driver-gutenprint
* cups # our preferred printer management infrastructure
* cups-bsd # gives us lpc, lpq, lpr, lprm
@ -91,7 +85,6 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop
== Low level system plumbery ==
* xterm # For fake mixer support in lxpanel (LP: #957749)
* pm-utils # Add to support suspend in some case.
* acpi-support
* laptop-detect
@ -106,9 +99,11 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop
* fonts-noto-cjk # Extra font to display asian characters
* fonts-nanum # LP: #1437875
* pcmciautils # PCMCIA support for >= 2.6.13-rc1 kernels
* pcmciautils # PCMCIA support for >= 2.6.13-rc1 kernels
* inputattach # needed for serial mice
* libsasl2-modules # allows integration with MTA and login system
* fcitx
* xkb-data

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-gtk
* lxinput
* lxshortcut
* gpicview
* lxterminal
* file-roller
* lxrandr
* obconf
@ -54,11 +53,14 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-gtk
* hardinfo [!powerpc]
* gucharmap [!powerpc]
* guvcview
* scrot
== Desktopish and/or GNOMEish tools which we do need ==
* xdg-user-dirs-gtk # in pcmanfm + standard directory
* libgtk2-perl # Add GTK interface for synaptic (LP: #926581)
* gnome-system-tools
* gnome-time-admin # Support for time configuration.
@ -93,6 +95,10 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-gtk
* network-manager-gnome
== Printing ==
* system-config-printer-gnome
== Low level system plumbery ==
* synaptic # for our purposes, it's plumbing ...
@ -101,7 +107,6 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-gtk
* ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk # For upgrade of L/Ubuntu releases.
* lubuntu-software-center
* fcitx
* fcitx-config-gtk2
* fcitx-frontend-gtk2
* fcitx-ui-classic
@ -111,7 +116,6 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-gtk
== Other ==
* lubuntu-desktop-gtk # metapackage for everything here
* python3-aptdaemon.pkcompat # preferred packagekit-system-interface alternative so that we don't end up with packagekit instead
== Removed ==
# * apturl # Remove, pulling webkit2 stack

@ -13,20 +13,16 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-qt
= LXQt =
* lxqt-common
* lxqt-session
* qterminal
* lxqt-about
* lxqt-admin
* lxqt-config
* lxqt-globalkeys
* lxqt-notificationd
* lxqt-openssh-askpass
* lxqt-policykit
* lxqt-powermanagement
* lxqt-openssh-askpass
* lxqt-runner
* lxqt-notificationd
* lxqt-config
* lxqt-qtplugin
* lxqt-admin
* lximage-qt
* lxqt-sudo
* qps
@ -38,22 +34,39 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-qt
* qupzilla
* transmission-qt
* quassel
== Network ==
* cmst
== Multimedia ==
* vlc
* smplayer
* smplayer-l10n
* smplayer-themes
* smtube
* calibre
== Accessories ==
* 2048-qt
* juffed
* noblenote
* xarchiver
* screengrap
* nomacs # Edit image capability, instead of lximage-qt
== Desktopish and/or GNOMEish tools which we do need ==
== Desktopish tools which we do need ==
* xscreensaver
* gdebi-kde
* pinentry-qt # LP: #1473952 - Install the gtk2 version of pinentry, along with gnome-keyring and gpg-agent.
* usb-creator-kde # Adding utility to make USB bootable
* compton-conf
* obconf-qt
* qlipper
* qtpass
== Office ==
@ -73,7 +86,6 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-qt
* software-properties-kde # Nice GUI to change reporsitory settings / extra drivers
* ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt
* fcitx
* fcitx-frontend-qt5
* fcitx-ui-qimpanel
@ -82,4 +94,3 @@ Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-qt
== Removed ==
# * apturl # Remove, pulling webkit2 stack
# * pidgin-microblog Mostly broken LP: #1190406

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Task-Seeds: live-common
== Languages support ==
* Languages: en
* language-pack-gnome-${Languages}
* firefox-locale-${Languages}
