Task-Per-Derivative: 1
Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu live CD (shared packages)
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the shared and extra packages installed on the Lubuntu live CD. It is neither useful nor recommended to install this task in other environments.
Task-Relevance: 2
Task-Test-new-install: skip show
Task-Seeds: live-common

 * Feature: no-follow-recommends

== Bootloader ==
 * grub-pc                  # no-follow-recommends doesn't put grub on the ISO (ubiquity recommends)
                            # See LP: 1649462

== Languages support ==

 # This is the same as what regular Ubuntu ships
 * Languages: en es zh-hans pt de fr it ru
 * language-pack-${Languages}
 * hunspell-en-us

== Lubuntu specifics ==

 * lubuntu-live-settings    # Add specific settings to the live image (like not starting light-locker)
# * zram-config              # enable zram support with an upstart job - commented out because encrypted LVM doesn't want to work, LP: #1759732
 * feh                      # Background support in ubiquity-dm mode

== Other ==

 * gparted
 * cifs-utils               # Needed by casper for CIFS root=