Task-Per-Derivative: 1 Task-Section: user Task-Description: Lubuntu minimal installation Task-Extended-Description: This task provides minimal packages for Lubuntu (Ubuntu LXDE environment). Task-Key: lubuntu-core Task-Seeds: desktop-common * Feature: no-follow-recommends = LXDE core packages = * pcmanfm * lxpanel * lxsession * openbox = Lubuntu core packages = * lubuntu-default-settings * lubuntu-artwork * plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo * plymouth-theme-lubuntu-text = Other needed packages = * dbus-x11 * lightdm * lightdm-gtk-greeter = Other = * xserver-xorg-video-all # Depend on the driver-all packages, xorg doesn't provide them * xserver-xorg-input-all # and desktop-common seed only recommend them. LP: #1441843 * xserver-xorg-video-intel # Not installed by default, better for old Intel cards