diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog index a2e6963..571ac10 100644 --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ ubuntu-dev-tools (0.80) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * update-maintainer: Prefer updating control.in to control; this is used by some Debian packages, notably those maintained by pkg-gnome. - -- Iain Lane Thu, 24 Sep 2009 12:36:36 +0100 + [ Jonathan Davies ] + * debian/control: Included a short description of each script (LP: #406658). + + -- Iain Lane Thu, 24 Sep 2009 12:38:52 +0100 ubuntu-dev-tools (0.79) karmic; urgency=low diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control index d4d19e7..12f08f8 100644 --- a/debian/control +++ b/debian/control @@ -23,5 +23,41 @@ Description: useful tools for Ubuntu developers This is a collection of useful tools that Ubuntu developers use to make their packaging work a lot easier. . - Such tools can include bug filing, build rebuilding, packaging preparation - and package analysis, among other things. + Such tools include: + . + - 404main - used to check what components a package's deps are in, for + doing a main inclusion report for example. + - buildd - give commands to the Launchpad build daemons from the command line. + - check-symbols - will compare and give you a diff of the exported symbols of + all .so files in a binary package. + - dch-repeat - used to repeat a change log into an older release. + - dgetlp - download a source package from the Launchpad library. + - get-branches - used to branch/checkout all the bzr branches in a Launchpad + team. + - get-build-deps - install the build dependencies needed for a package + reading debian/control. + - grab-attachments - download all bug attachments from a Launchpad bug + report. + - grab-merge - grabs a merge from merges.ubuntu.com easily. + - hugdaylist - compile HugDay lists from bug list URLs. + - lp-set-dup - sets the "duplicate of" bug of a bug and its dups. + - manage-credentials - manage Launchpad token credentials. + - massfile - fill multiple bugs using a template. + - mk-sbuild-lv - script to create LVM snapshot chroots via schroot and + sbuild. + - pbuilder-dist - pbuilder wrapper script. + - pull-debian-debdiff - attempts to find and download a specific version of + a Debian package and its immediate parent to generate a debdiff. + - pull-debian-source - downloads the lastest source package available in + Debian of a package. + - pull-lp-source - downloads lastest source package from Launchpad. + - requestsync - files a sync request with Debian changelog and ratione. + - reverse-build-depends - find the reverse build dependencies that a package + has. + - submittodebian - automatically send your changes to Debian as a bug report. + - suspicious-source - outputs a list of files which are not common source + files. + - ubuntu-iso - output information of an Ubuntu ISO image. + - update-maintainer - script to update maintainer field in ubuntu packages. + - what-patch - determines what patch system, if any, a source package is + using.