mirror of https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-dev-tools synced 2025-03-27 02:41:09 +00:00

* common.py: New function: isLPTeamMember() - checks if the user is a member of

the Launchpad team using cookies for authentication.
* requestsync: Adapt team checking with the function above.
* buildd: Adapt privilege checking code to the new function above.
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Patrick Davies 2008-08-28 19:21:45 +01:00
parent 839c167927
commit 3c25fca142
4 changed files with 59 additions and 15 deletions


@ -120,6 +120,20 @@ for m in re.finditer('"/ubuntu/\+source/%s/%s(/\+build/\d+)"[^\n]+\n\s*(\w+).*?<
if op == 'status':
# Leaving operations may only be done by Ubuntu developers (retry) or buildd
# admins (rescore). Check if the proper permissions are in place.
if op == "rescore": teamNeeded = "launchpad-buildd-admins"
if op == "retry": teamNeeded = "ubuntu-dev"
necessaryPrivs = common.isLPTeamMember(teamNeeded)
if not necessaryPrivs:
print >> sys.stderr, "You cannot perform the %s operation as you are not " \
"a member of the '%s' team on Launchpad." % (op, teamNeeded)
print "If this is incorrect, please log in to Launchpad using Firefox, " \
"delete the ~/.lpcookie.txt file and rerun this script."
for build, (arch, status) in buildstats.iteritems():
if oneArch and not options.architecture == arch:
# Skip this architecture.

@ -202,3 +202,34 @@ def setupLaunchpadUrlOpener(cookie):
return urlopener
def isLPTeamMember(team):
""" Checks if the user is a member of a certain team on Launchpad.
We do this by opening the team page on Launchpad and checking if the
text "You are not a member of this team" is present using the
user's cookie file for authentication.
If the user is a member of the team: return True.
If the user is not a member of the team: return False.
# TODO: Check if launchpadlib may be a better way of doing this.
# Prepare cookie.
cookieFile = prepareLaunchpadCookie()
# Prepare URL opener.
urlopener = setupLaunchpadUrlOpener(cookieFile)
# Try to open the Launchpad team page:
lpTeamPage = urlopener.open("https://launchpad.net/~%s" % team).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to connect to Launchpad. Received a %s." % error.code
# Check if text is present in page.
if ("You are not a member of this team") in lpTeamPage:
return False
return True

debian/changelog vendored

@ -4,8 +4,13 @@ ubuntu-dev-tools (0.43ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
* common.py:
- If loading a cookie file raises an exception exit.
- Improve cookie file writing.
* requestsync: Return an error when the script is unable to connect to
- New function: isLPTeamMember() - checks if the user is a member of the
Launchpad team using cookies for authentication.
* requestsync:
- Return an error when the script is unable to connect to
packages.debian.org (LP: #261916).
- Adapt team checking with the function above.
* buildd: Adapt privilege checking code to the new function above.
[ Ryan Kavanagh ]
* dgetlp.1: New manpage

@ -63,19 +63,10 @@ def checkNeedsSponsorship(component):
team = "ubuntu-dev"
sponsor = "ubuntu-universe-sponsors"
# Try and open up Launchpad.
try: teamLPPage = urlopener.open('https://launchpad.net/~%s' % team).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to connect to Launchpad."
# Check if they are a member of the team.
if "You are an indirect member of this team:" in teamLPPage or \
"You are a member of this team." in teamLPPage:
return False # Sponsorship not required.
teamMember = common.isLPTeamMember(team)
# Check if they are not.
if "You are not a member of this team" in teamLPPage:
if not teamMember:
print "You are not a member (direct or indirect) of the '%s' " \
"team on Launchpad." % team
print "Your sync request shall require an approval by a member of " \
@ -87,6 +78,9 @@ def checkNeedsSponsorship(component):
raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc() # Abort if necessary.
return True # Sponsorship required.
# Is a team member, no sponsorship required.
return False
def cur_version_component(sourcepkg, release):
'''Determine current package version in ubuntu.'''
madison = subprocess.Popen(['rmadison', '-u', 'ubuntu', '-a', 'source', \