backportpackage: Improve upload question.

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Drung 2010-12-18 19:37:11 +01:00
parent d635434a5e
commit 5371195caa

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@ -199,8 +199,10 @@ def do_build(workdir, package, release, bp_version, builder, update):
def do_upload(workdir, package, bp_version, upload):
answer = YesNoQuestion().ask('Do you want to upload %s %s to %s' % \
(package, bp_version, upload), "yes")
print 'Please check %s %s in file://%s carefully!' % \
(package, bp_version, workdir)
question = 'Do you want to upload the package to %s' % upload
answer = YesNoQuestion().ask(question, "yes")
if answer == "yes":
changes_file = '%s_%s_source.changes' % (package, bp_version)
check_call(['dput', upload, changes_file], cwd=workdir)
@ -226,7 +228,6 @@ def do_backport(workdir, package, dscfile, version, release, build, builder,
if ':' in bp_version:
bp_version = bp_version[bp_version.find(':')+1:]
print 'Please check the package in file://%s carefully' % workdir
if build:
if 0 != do_build(workdir, package, release, bp_version, builder, update):
error('Package failed to build; aborting')