* pbuilder-dist:

- Refactor to use subprocess.popen instead of os.system (LP: #398974)
This commit is contained in:
Stefano Rivera 2010-11-22 14:26:10 +02:00
parent 2f4abf3d71
commit 7126a9e894
2 changed files with 42 additions and 46 deletions

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ ubuntu-dev-tools (0.107) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
- Add --sort-binary-packages and --keep-first (LP: #681119)
* grab-merge, syncpackage: Export DEB_VENDOR=Ubuntu when unpacking source
packages. 3.0 (quilt) has optional per-vendor patch series.
* pbuilder-dist:
- Refactor to use subprocess.popen instead of os.system (LP: #398974)
[ Benjamin Drung ]
* wrap-and-sort: Remove duplicate items from sorted lists.

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Siegfried-A. Gevatter <rainct@ubuntu.com>
# With some changes by Iain Lane <iain@orangesquash.org.uk>
# With some changes by Iain Lane <iain@orangesquash.org.uk>,
# Stefano Rivera <stefanor@ubuntu.com>
# Based upon pbuilder-dist-simple by Jamin Collins and Jordan Mantha.
# ##################################################################
@ -28,8 +29,9 @@
# configurations. For example, a symlink called pbuilder-hardy will assume
# that the target distribution is always meant to be Ubuntu Hardy.
from sys import exit, argv, stderr
import os
import subprocess
from sys import exit, argv, stderr
import ubuntutools.misc
@ -102,10 +104,6 @@ class pbuilder_dist:
def __getitem__(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)
def set_target_distro(self, distro):
""" pbuilder_dist.set_target_distro(distro) -> None
@ -175,7 +173,7 @@ class pbuilder_dist:
self.chroot_string = self.target_distro
self.build_architecture = self.system_architecture
self.chroot_string = '%(target_distro)s-%(build_architecture)s' % self
self.chroot_string = self.target_distro + '-' + self.build_architecture
prefix = os.path.join(self.base, self.chroot_string)
result = '%s_result/' % prefix
@ -198,73 +196,69 @@ class pbuilder_dist:
arguments = [
'--%s' % self.operation,
'--distribution "%(target_distro)s"' % self,
'--buildresult "%s"' % result,
'--aptcache "/var/cache/apt/archives/"',
'--distribution', self.target_distro,
'--buildresult', result,
'--aptcache', '/var/cache/apt/archives/',
if self.logfile:
arguments.append('--logfile %s' % self.logfile)
arguments += ['--logfile', self.logfile]
if os.path.exists('/var/cache/archive/'):
arguments.append('--bindmounts "/var/cache/archive/"')
arguments += ['--bindmounts', '/var/cache/archive/']
localrepo = '/var/cache/archive/%(target_distro)s' % self
localrepo = '/var/cache/archive/' + self.target_distro
if os.path.exists(localrepo):
arguments.append('--othermirror ' +\
'"deb file:///var/cache/archive/ %(target_distro)s/"' % self)
arguments += [
'--othermirror ',
'deb file:///var/cache/archive/ %s/' % self.target_distro,
if self.target_distro in debian_distros:
arguments.append('--mirror "ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian"')
arguments += ['--mirror', 'http://ftp.debian.org/debian']
# work around bug #599695
arguments.append('--debootstrapopts --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg')
arguments += [
components = 'main'
if self.extra_components:
components += ' contrib non-free'
if self.build_architecture in ('amd64','i386'):
arguments.append('--mirror "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/"')
if self.build_architecture in ('amd64', 'i386'):
arguments += ['--mirror', 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/']
elif self.build_architecture == 'powerpc' and self.target_distro == 'dapper':
arguments.append('--mirror "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/"')
arguments += ['--mirror', 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/']
arguments.append('--mirror "http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/"')
arguments += ['--mirror',
components = 'main restricted'
if self.extra_components:
components += ' universe multiverse'
arguments.append('--components "%s"' % components)
arguments += ['--components', components]
if self.build_architecture != self.system_architecture:
arguments.append('--debootstrapopts --arch="%(build_architecture)s"' % self)
arguments += ['--debootstrapopts',
'--arch=' + self.build_architecture]
apt_conf_dir = os.path.join(self.base, 'etc/%(target_distro)s/apt.conf' % self)
apt_conf_dir = os.path.join(self.base, 'etc/%s/apt.conf' % self.target_distro)
if os.path.exists(apt_conf_dir):
arguments.append('--aptconfdir "%s"' % apt_conf_dir)
arguments += ['--aptconfdir', apt_conf_dir]
# Append remaining arguments
if remaining_arguments:
def quote(argument):
""" quote(argument) -> string
Try to guess any missing quotes around the arguments so that
their meaning doesn't get lost (see LP: #398989).
if argument.startswith('--'):
if '=' in argument:
return '%s="%s"' % tuple(argument.split('=', 1))
return argument
return '"%s"' % argument
# Export the distribution and architecture information to the
# environment so that it is accessible to ~/.pbuilderrc (LP: #628933).
return '%s ARCH="%s" DIST="%s" /usr/sbin/%s %s' % (self.auth,
self.build_architecture, self.target_distro, self.builder,
' '.join(map(quote, arguments)))
return [
'ARCH=' + self.build_architecture,
'DIST=' + self.target_distro,
] + arguments
def ask(question):
""" ask(question) -> string
@ -368,10 +362,10 @@ def main():
# Execute the pbuilder command
if not '--debug-echo' in args:
p = subprocess.Popen(app.get_command(args))
print app.get_command((args)).replace(
' --debug-echo', '')
print app.get_command([arg for arg in args if arg != '--debug-echo'])
if __name__ == '__main__':