Add getPublishedBinaries to lpapicache.Archive

This commit is contained in:
Stefano Rivera 2011-12-02 15:01:19 +02:00
parent 88fe0e1bb8
commit 75067b3cf3

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions import (AlreadyLoggedInError,
__all__ = [
@ -277,7 +278,9 @@ class Archive(BaseWrapper):
resource_type = 'archive'
def __init__(self, *args):
# Don't share _srcpkgs between different Archives
# Don't share between different Archives
if '_binpkgs' not in self.__dict__:
self._binpkgs = dict()
if '_srcpkgs' not in self.__dict__:
self._srcpkgs = dict()
@ -295,6 +298,34 @@ class Archive(BaseWrapper):
If the requested source package doesn't exist a
PackageNotFoundException is raised.
return self._getPublishedItem(name, series, pocket, cache=self._srcpkgs,
def getBinaryPackage(self, name, series=None, pocket=None):
Returns a BinaryPackagePublishingHistory object for the most
recent source package in the distribution 'dist', series and
series defaults to the current development series if not specified.
pocket may be a list, if so, the highest version will be returned.
It defaults to all pockets except backports.
If the requested binary package doesn't exist a
PackageNotFoundException is raised.
return self._getPublishedItem(name, series, pocket, cache=self._binpkgs,
def _getPublishedItem(self, name, series, pocket, cache, function, name_key,
'''Common code between getSourcePackage and getBinaryPackage
if pocket is None:
pockets = frozenset(('Proposed', 'Updates', 'Security', 'Release'))
elif isinstance(pocket, basestring):
@ -316,9 +347,9 @@ class Archive(BaseWrapper):
series = dist.getDevelopmentSeries()
index = (name,, pockets)
if index not in self._srcpkgs:
if index not in cache:
params = {
'source_name': name,
name_key: name,
'distro_series': series(),
'status': 'Published',
'exact_match': True,
@ -326,7 +357,7 @@ class Archive(BaseWrapper):
if len(pockets) == 1:
params['pocket'] = list(pockets)[0]
records = self.getPublishedSources(**params)
records = getattr(self, function)(**params)
latest = None
for record in records:
@ -347,8 +378,8 @@ class Archive(BaseWrapper):
msg += " in " + ', '.join(pockets)
raise PackageNotFoundException(msg)
self._srcpkgs[index] = SourcePackagePublishingHistory(latest)
return self._srcpkgs[index]
cache[index] = wrapper(latest)
return cache[index]
def copyPackage(self, source_name, version, from_archive, to_pocket,
to_series=None, include_binaries=False):