ubuntutools/archive: convert external rmadison call to native implementation

instead of a function that calls the system program rmadison, use
a fully-functional class to interface with the madison api, as well
as the debian snapshot api
This commit is contained in:
Dan Streetman 2017-03-31 11:26:26 -04:00 committed by Dan Streetman
parent f944d3146a
commit b96885f05e
4 changed files with 512 additions and 158 deletions

View File

@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ from ubuntutools.config import UDTConfig
from ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache import (Launchpad, Distribution,
from ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions import PackageNotFoundException
from ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions import (PackageNotFoundException,
from ubuntutools.logger import Logger
from ubuntutools.version import Version
@ -123,6 +125,7 @@ class SourcePackage(object):
distribution = None
spph_class = SourcePackagePublishingHistory
def __init__(self, package=None, version=None, component=None,
dscfile=None, lp=None, mirrors=(), workdir='.', quiet=False,
@ -139,6 +142,7 @@ class SourcePackage(object):
self.source = package
self._lp = lp
self.binary = None
self.try_binary = True
self.workdir = workdir
self.quiet = quiet
self._series = series
@ -193,10 +197,10 @@ class SourcePackage(object):
params['pocket'] = self._pocket
spphs = archive.getPublishedSources(source_name=self.source, **params)
if spphs:
self._spph = SourcePackagePublishingHistory(spphs[0])
self._spph = self.spph_class(spphs[0])
return self._spph
if not self.binary:
if self.try_binary and not self.binary:
if series:
arch_series = series.getArchSeries()
params['distro_arch_series'] = arch_series()
@ -310,6 +314,12 @@ class SourcePackage(object):
yield self._lp_url(name)
yield default_url
def _binary_files_info(self, arch, name):
for bpph in self.lp_spph.getBinaries(arch):
if name and not re.match(name, bpph.binary_package_name):
yield (bpph.getFileName(), bpph.getUrl(), 0)
def pull_dsc(self, verify_signature=False):
"Retrieve dscfile and parse"
if self._dsc_source:
@ -423,10 +433,9 @@ class SourcePackage(object):
(downloaded / 1024.0 / 1024,
size / 1024.0 / 1024))
def _download_file(self, url, filename, verify=True):
def _download_file(self, url, filename, verify=True, size=0):
"Download url to filename in workdir."
pathname = os.path.join(self.workdir, filename)
size = 0
if verify:
if self.dsc.verify_file(pathname):
Logger.debug('Using existing %s', filename)
@ -494,13 +503,11 @@ class SourcePackage(object):
if not arch:
raise RuntimeError("Must specify arch")
for bpph in self.lp_spph.getBinaries(arch):
if name and not re.match(name, bpph.binary_package_name):
for (fname, furl, fsize) in self._binary_files_info(arch, name):
found = False
for url in self._binary_urls(bpph.getFileName(), bpph.getUrl()):
for url in self._binary_urls(fname, furl):
if self._download_file(url, bpph.getFileName(), verify=False):
if self._download_file(url, fname, False, fsize):
found = True
except HTTPError as e:
@ -510,7 +517,7 @@ class SourcePackage(object):
if found:
total += 1
Logger.normal("Could not download from any location: %s", bpph.getFileName())
Logger.normal("Could not download from any location: %s", fname)
return total
def verify(self):
@ -562,41 +569,67 @@ class SourcePackage(object):
return os.path.abspath(difffn)
class DebianSPPH(SourcePackagePublishingHistory):
"""SPPH with getBinaries() overridden,
as LP doesn't have Debian binaries
resource_type = 'source_package_publishing_history'
def getBinaries(self, arch=None):
if not self._binaries:
Logger.normal('Using Snapshot to find binary packages')
srcpkg = Snapshot.getSourcePackage(self.getPackageName(),
self._binaries = [b.getBPPH() for b in srcpkg.getBinaryFiles()]
return super(DebianSPPH, self).getBinaries(arch)
class DebianSourcePackage(SourcePackage):
"Download / unpack a Debian source package"
distribution = 'debian'
spph_class = DebianSPPH
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DebianSourcePackage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Cached values:
self._snapshot_list = None
# Overridden methods:
# Cached values:
self._snapshot_package = None
self._snapshot_files = None
# Don't bother searching in LP for debian binaries, they aren't there
self.try_binary = False
# Debian doesn't have 'pockets'
if self._pocket:
if self._pocket.lower() != 'release':
Logger.error("Debian does not use 'pockets', ignoring pocket '%s'",
self._pocket = None
# Overridden properties/methods:
def lp_spph(self):
"Return the LP Source Package Publishing History entry"
if not self._spph:
# superclass will set self._spph
return super(DebianSourcePackage, self).lp_spph
except IndexError:
except PackageNotFoundException:
except SeriesNotFoundException:
Logger.normal('Using rmadison for component determination')
comp = 'main'
for record in rmadison(self.distribution, self.source):
if record.get('source') != self.source:
comp = record['component']
if record['version'] == self.version.full_version:
self._spph = FakeSPPH(record['source'], record['version'],
comp, 'debian')
Logger.normal('Package not found in Launchpad, using Snapshot')
self._spph = self.snapshot_package.getSPPH()
return self._spph
Logger.normal('Guessing component from most recent upload')
self._spph = FakeSPPH(self.source, self.version.full_version, comp,
return self._spph
def component(self):
"Cached archive component, in available"
if not self._component:
Logger.debug('Determining component from Snapshot')
self._component = Snapshot.getComponent(self.source, self.version)
return self._component
def _source_urls(self, name):
"Generator of sources for name"
@ -606,8 +639,13 @@ class DebianSourcePackage(SourcePackage):
yield next(wrapped_iterator)
except StopIteration:
if self.snapshot_list:
yield self._snapshot_url(name)
yield self.snapshot_files[name]
def _binary_files_info(self, arch, name):
for f in self.snapshot_package.getBinaryFiles(arch):
if name and not re.match(name, f.package_name):
yield (f.name, f.getUrl(), f.size)
def pull_dsc(self, verify_signature=True):
"Retrieve dscfile and parse"
@ -631,32 +669,37 @@ class DebianSourcePackage(SourcePackage):
# Local methods:
def snapshot_list(self):
"Return a filename -> hash dictionary from snapshot.debian.org"
if self._snapshot_list is None:
def snapshot_package(self):
if not self._snapshot_package:
if self._version or self._spph:
# as .version uses .lpph, and our .lpph might use us,
# only use .version if _version or _spph are set
version = self.version.full_version
srcpkg = Snapshot.getSourcePackage(self.source, version=version)
if not srcpkg:
msg = "Package {} {} not found".format(self.source, version)
raise PackageNotFoundException(msg)
self._snapshot_package = srcpkg
# we have neither version nor spph, so look up our version using madison
Logger.normal('Using madison to find latest version number')
series = self._series
params = {'series': series} if series else {}
srcpkg = Madison(self.distribution).getSourcePackage(self.source, **params)
if not srcpkg:
raise PackageNotFoundException("Package {} not found".format(self.source))
if self.source != srcpkg.name:
self.binary = self.source
self.source = srcpkg.name
self._snapshot_package = srcpkg
return self._snapshot_package
data = self.url_opener.open(
'http://snapshot.debian.org/mr/package/%s/%s/srcfiles?fileinfo=1' %
(self.source, self.version.full_version))
reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8')
srcfiles = json.load(reader(data))
except HTTPError:
Logger.error('Version %s of %s not found on '
self.version.full_version, self.source)
self._snapshot_list = False
return False
self._snapshot_list = dict((info[0]['name'], hash_)
for hash_, info
in srcfiles['fileinfo'].items())
return self._snapshot_list
def _snapshot_url(self, name):
"Return the snapshot.debian.org URL for name"
return os.path.join('http://snapshot.debian.org/file',
def snapshot_files(self):
if not self._snapshot_files:
files = self.snapshot_package.getFiles()
self._snapshot_files = {f.name: f.getUrl() for f in files}
return self._snapshot_files
class UbuntuSourcePackage(SourcePackage):
@ -678,25 +721,342 @@ class UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage(UbuntuSourcePackage):
'+files', filename)
class FakeSPPH(object):
"""Provide the same interface as
def __init__(self, name, version, component, distribution):
class _WebJSON(object):
def getHostUrl(self):
raise Exception("Not implemented")
def load(self, path=''):
reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8')
url = self.getHostUrl() + path
Logger.debug("Loading %s" % url)
with closing(urlopen(url)) as data:
return json.load(reader(data))
# DAKweb madison API
# https://github.com/Debian/dak/blob/master/dakweb/queries/madison.py
# This is really only useful to easily find the latest version of a
# package for a specific series (or unstable). This does not provide
# any details at all for older-than-latest package versions.
class Madison(_WebJSON):
urls = {
'debian': 'https://api.ftp-master.debian.org/madison',
'ubuntu': 'http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/madison.cgi',
def __init__(self, distro='debian'):
super(Madison, self).__init__()
self._distro = distro
# This currently will NOT work with ubuntu; it doesn't support f=json
if distro != 'debian':
raise InvalidDistroValueError("Madison currently only supports Debian")
def getHostUrl(self):
return self.urls[self._distro]
def getSourcePackage(self, name, series='unstable'):
url = "?f=json&package={name}&s={series}".format(name=name, series=series)
result = self.load(url)
except HTTPError:
result = None
if not result:
msg = "Package {} not found in '{}'".format(name, series)
raise PackageNotFoundException(msg)
versions = list(result[0][name].values())[0]
latest = versions[sorted(versions.keys(), reverse=True)[0]]
return Snapshot.getSourcePackage(name=latest['source'],
# Snapshot API
# https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/mirror/snapshot.debian.org.git/plain/API
class _Snapshot(_WebJSON):
DEBIAN_COMPONENTS = ["main", "contrib", "non-free"]
def getHostUrl(self):
return "http://snapshot.debian.org"
def getComponent(self, name, version):
# unfortunately there is no (easy) way to find the component for older
# package versions (madison only lists the most recent versions).
# so we have to parse the file path to determine the component :(
url = "/mr/package/{}/{}/srcfiles".format(name, version)
response = self.load("{}?fileinfo=1".format(url))
except HTTPError:
msg = "Package {} version {} not found"
raise PackageNotFoundException(msg.format(name, version))
result = response.get('result')
info = response.get('fileinfo')
if len(result) < 1:
msg = "No source files for package {} version {}"
raise PackageNotFoundException(msg.format(name, version))
path = info[result[0]['hash']][0]['path']
# this expects the 'component' to follow 'pool[-*]' in the path
found_pool = False
component = None
for s in path.split('/'):
if found_pool:
component = s
if s.startswith('pool'):
found_pool = True
if not component:
Logger.warn("could not determine component from path %s" % path)
return self.DEBIAN_COMPONENTS[0]
if component not in self.DEBIAN_COMPONENTS:
Logger.warn("unexpected component %s" % component)
return component
def _get_package(self, name, url, pkginit, version, sort_key):
results = self.load("/mr/{}/{}/".format(url, name))['result']
except HTTPError:
raise PackageNotFoundException("Package {} not found.".format(name))
results = sorted(results, key=lambda r: r[sort_key], reverse=True)
results = [pkginit(r) for r in results if version == r['version']]
if not results:
msg = "Package {name} version {version} not found."
raise PackageNotFoundException(msg.format(name=name, version=version))
return results
def getSourcePackages(self, name, version):
return self._get_package(name, "package",
lambda obj: SnapshotSourcePackage(obj, name),
version, "version")
def getSourcePackage(self, name, version):
return self.getSourcePackages(name, version)[0]
def getBinaryPackages(self, name, version):
return self._get_package(name, "binary",
lambda obj: SnapshotBinaryPackage(obj),
version, "binary_version")
def getBinaryPackage(self, name, version):
return self.getBinaryPackages(name, version)[0]
Snapshot = _Snapshot()
class SnapshotPackage(object):
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
self._files = None
self._component = None
def version(self):
return self._obj['version']
def component(self):
if not self._component:
self._component = Snapshot.getComponent(self.name, self.version)
return self._component
class SnapshotSourcePackage(SnapshotPackage):
def __init__(self, obj, name):
# obj required fields: 'version'
super(SnapshotSourcePackage, self).__init__(obj)
self.name = name
self.version = version
self._binary_files = None
self._spph = None
def getSPPH(self):
if not self._spph:
self._spph = SnapshotSPPH(self)
return self._spph
def getAllFiles(self):
return self.getFiles() + self.getBinaryFiles()
def getBinaryFiles(self, arch=None):
if not self._binary_files:
url = "/mr/package/{}/{}/allfiles".format(self.name, self.version)
response = Snapshot.load("{}?fileinfo=1".format(url))
info = response['fileinfo']
files = [SnapshotBinaryFile(b['name'], b['version'], self.component,
info[r['hash']][0], r['hash'],
r['architecture'], self.name)
for b in response['result']['binaries'] for r in b['files']]
self._binary_files = files
if not arch:
return list(self._binary_files)
return filter(lambda f: f.isArch(arch), self._binary_files)
def getFiles(self):
if not self._files:
url = "/mr/package/{}/{}/srcfiles".format(self.name, self.version)
response = Snapshot.load("{}?fileinfo=1".format(url))
info = response['fileinfo']
self._files = [SnapshotSourceFile(self.name, self.version, self.component,
info[r['hash']][0], r['hash'])
for r in response['result']]
return list(self._files)
class SnapshotBinaryPackage(SnapshotPackage):
def __init__(self, obj):
# obj required fields: 'version', 'binary_version', 'name', 'source'
super(SnapshotBinaryPackage, self).__init__(obj)
def name(self):
return self._obj['name']
def binary_version(self):
return self._obj['binary_version']
def source(self):
return self._obj['source']
def getBPPH(self, arch):
f = self.getFiles(arch)
if not f:
return None
# Can only be 1 binary file for this pkg name/version/arch
return f[0].getBPPH()
def getFiles(self, arch=None):
if not self._files:
url = "/mr/binary/{}/{}/binfiles".format(self.name, self.version)
response = Snapshot.load("{}?fileinfo=1".format(url))
info = response['fileinfo']
self._files = [SnapshotBinaryFile(self.name, self.version, self.component,
info[r['hash']][0], r['hash'],
r['architecture'], self.source)
for r in response['result']]
if not arch:
return list(self._files)
return filter(lambda f: f.isArch(arch), self._files)
class SnapshotFile(object):
def __init__(self, pkg_name, pkg_version, component, obj, h):
self.package_name = pkg_name
self.package_version = pkg_version
self.component = component
self.distribution = distribution
self._changelog = None
self._obj = obj
self._hash = h
def getType(self):
return None
def archive_name(self):
return self._obj['archive_name']
def name(self):
return self._obj['name']
def path(self):
return self._obj['path']
def size(self):
return self._obj['size']
def date(self):
if 'run' in self._obj:
return self._obj['run']
elif 'first_seen' in self._obj:
return self._obj['first_seen']
Logger.error('File {} has no date information', self.name)
return 'unknown'
def getHash(self):
return self._hash
def getUrl(self):
return "{}/file/{}".format(Snapshot.getHostUrl(), self.getHash())
def __repr__(self):
return "{}/{} {} bytes {}".format(self.path, self.name, self.size, self.date)
class SnapshotSourceFile(SnapshotFile):
def __init__(self, name, version, component, obj, h):
super(SnapshotSourceFile, self).__init__(name, version, component, obj, h)
def getType(self):
return 'source'
class SnapshotBinaryFile(SnapshotFile):
def __init__(self, name, version, component, obj, h, arch, source):
super(SnapshotBinaryFile, self).__init__(name, version, component, obj, h)
self.source = source
self.arch = arch
self._bpph = None
def isArch(self, arch):
if not arch:
return True
if self.arch == 'all':
return True
return arch == self.arch
def getType(self):
return 'binary'
def getBPPH(self):
if not self._bpph:
self._bpph = SnapshotBPPH(self)
return self._bpph
class SnapshotSPPH(object):
"""Provide the same interface as SourcePackagePublishingHistory"""
def __init__(self, snapshot_pkg):
self._pkg = snapshot_pkg
# LP API defined fields
def component_name(self):
return self.getComponent()
def display_name(self):
return ("{name} {version}"
def pocket(self):
# Debian does not use 'pockets'
return 'Release'
def source_package_name(self):
return self.getPackageName()
def source_package_version(self):
return self.getVersion()
# SPPH functions
def getPackageName(self):
return self.name
return self._pkg.name
def getVersion(self):
return self.version
return self._pkg.version
def getComponent(self):
return self.component
return self._pkg.component
def getChangelog(self, since_version=None):
@ -704,28 +1064,23 @@ class FakeSPPH(object):
May return None if the changelog isn't available
if self._changelog is None:
if self.name.startswith('lib'):
subdir = 'lib%s' % self.name[3]
name = self.getPackageName()
if name.startswith('lib'):
subdir = 'lib%s' % name[3]
subdir = self.name[0]
# Strip epoch from version
pkgversion = self.version.split(':', 1)[-1]
extension = ''
if self.distribution == 'debian':
subdir = name[0]
pkgversion = Version(self.getVersion()).strip_epoch()
base = 'http://packages.debian.org/'
extension = '.txt'
elif self.distribution == 'ubuntu':
base = 'http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/'
url = os.path.join(base, 'changelogs', 'pool',
self.component, subdir, self.name,
self.name + '_' + pkgversion,
'changelog' + extension)
self.getComponent(), subdir, name,
name + '_' + pkgversion,
with closing(urlopen(url)) as f:
self._changelog = f.read()
except HTTPError as error:
print(('%s: %s' % (url, error)), file=sys.stderr)
Logger.error('{}: {}'.format(url, error))
return None
if since_version is None:
@ -741,59 +1096,66 @@ class FakeSPPH(object):
return ''.join(new_entries)
def getBinaries(self, arch=None):
return [b.getBPPH() for b in self._pkg.getBinaryFiles(arch)]
def rmadison(url, package, suite=None, arch=None):
"Call rmadison and parse the result"
cmd = ['rmadison', '-u', url]
if suite:
cmd += ['-s', suite]
if arch:
cmd += ['-a', arch]
process = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
output, error_output = process.communicate()
if process.wait() != 0:
if error_output:
Logger.error('rmadison failed with: %s', error_output)
Logger.error('rmadison failed')
# rmadison uses some shorthand
if suite:
suite = suite.replace('-proposed-updates', '-p-u')
class SnapshotBPPH(object):
"""Provide the same interface as BinaryPackagePublishingHistory"""
def __init__(self, snapshot_binfile):
self._file = snapshot_binfile
for line in output.strip().splitlines():
pkg, ver, dist, archs = [x.strip() for x in line.split('|')]
comp = 'main'
if '/' in dist:
dist, comp = dist.split('/')
archs = set(x.strip() for x in archs.split(','))
# LP API defined fields
def architecture_specific(self):
return self._file.arch != 'all'
# rmadison returns some results outside the requested set.
# It'll include backports, and when given an unknown suite,
# it ignores that argument
# some versions (2.14.1ubuntu0.1) of rmadison return 'sid' when
# asked about 'unstable'. Others return 'unstable'. Accept either.
if (suite and dist != suite and not
(suite == 'sid' and dist == 'unstable')):
def binary_package_name(self):
return self.getPackageName()
if 'source' in archs:
yield {
'source': pkg,
'version': ver,
'suite': dist,
'component': comp,
if archs:
yield {
'binary': pkg,
'version': ver,
'suite': dist,
'component': comp,
'architectures': archs,
def binary_package_version(self):
return self.getVersion()
def component_name(self):
return self.getComponent()
def display_name(self):
return ("{name} {version}"
def pocket(self):
# Debian does not use 'pockets'
return 'Release'
# BPPH functions
def arch(self):
return self._file.arch
def getSourcePackageName(self):
return self._file.source
def getPackageName(self):
return self._file.package_name
def getVersion(self):
return self._file.package_version
def getComponent(self):
return self._file.component
def getBuild(self):
return None
def getUrl(self):
return self._file.getUrl()
def getFileName(self):
return self._file.name

View File

@ -26,3 +26,8 @@ class AlreadyLoggedInError(Exception):
class ArchSeriesNotFoundException(BaseException):
"""Thrown when a distroarchseries is not found."""
class InvalidDistroValueError(ValueError):
""" Thrown when distro value is invalid """

View File

@ -31,11 +31,10 @@ import tempfile
from debian.changelog import Changelog
from distro_info import DebianDistroInfo, DistroDataOutdated
from ubuntutools.archive import rmadison, FakeSPPH
from ubuntutools.archive import DebianSourcePackage, UbuntuSourcePackage
from ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions import PackageNotFoundException
from ubuntutools.logger import Logger
from ubuntutools.question import confirmation_prompt, YesNoQuestion
from ubuntutools.version import Version
__all__ = [
@ -48,32 +47,21 @@ __all__ = [
def _get_srcpkg(distro, name, release):
if distro == 'debian':
def get_debian_srcpkg(name, release):
# Canonicalise release:
debian_info = DebianDistroInfo()
codename = debian_info.codename(release, default=release)
return DebianSourcePackage(package=name, series=codename).lp_spph
except DistroDataOutdated as e:
lines = list(rmadison(distro, name, suite=codename, arch='source'))
if not lines:
lines = list(rmadison(distro, name, suite=release, arch='source'))
if not lines:
raise PackageNotFoundException("'%s' doesn't appear to exist in %s '%s'" %
(name, distro.capitalize(), release))
pkg = max(lines, key=lambda x: Version(x['version']))
return FakeSPPH(pkg['source'], pkg['version'], pkg['component'], distro)
def get_debian_srcpkg(name, release):
return _get_srcpkg('debian', name, release)
except PackageNotFoundException:
return DebianSourcePackage(package=name, series=release).lp_spph
def get_ubuntu_srcpkg(name, release):
return _get_srcpkg('ubuntu', name, release)
return UbuntuSourcePackage(package=name, series=release).lp_spph
def need_sponsorship(name, component, release):

View File

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ class LocalSourcePackageTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='udt-test')
self.mock_http = self._stubout('httplib2.Http.request')
self.mock_http.side_effect = self.request_proxy