* buildd:

- Do not rescore packages not in the build queue.
  - Sort archs in order.
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Patrick Davies 2008-08-14 11:20:28 +01:00
parent f48309fd48
commit d84d815050

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@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ if op not in ("retry", 'rescore') and options.architecture:
print >> sys.stderr, "Operation %s does not use the --arch option." % op
elif op in ("retry", "rescore") and options.architecture:
if options.architecture not in ("sparc", "powerpc", "lpia", "ia64", "i386",
"hppa", "amd64"):
if options.architecture not in ("amd64", "hppa", "i386", "ia64", "lpia",
"powerpc", "sparc"):
print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid architecture specified: %s." % options.architecture
@ -105,13 +105,14 @@ version = m.group(1)
print "The source version for '%s' in %s is at %s." % (package,
release.capitalize(), version)
print "Current build status for this package is as follows:"
# Parse out build URLs, states, and arches.
buildstats = {}
page = urlopener.open('https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s/%s' % (package, version))
url = page.geturl()
page = page.read()
print "Current build status for this package is as follows:"
for m in re.finditer('"/ubuntu/\+source/%s/%s(/\+build/\d+)"[^\n]+\n\s*(\w+).*?<span>(\w+)</span>.*?</a>\s*([^\n]+)\n' %
(package.replace('+', '\+'), version.replace('+', '\+')), page, re.S):
if m.group(2) == release:
@ -127,12 +128,19 @@ for build, (arch, status) in buildstats.iteritems():
# Skip this architecture.
# Check if our package is successfully built and retry/rescore requested.
if oneArch and options.architecture == arch:
if status in ('Successfully built'):
print "Package has been marked as successfully built on %s." % arch
print "A %s of this package shall not be requested." % op
# Check if package is building, before rescoring.
if oneArch and options.architecture == arch:
if op == "rescore" and status not in ("Needs building"):
print "Package is not in the build queue on %s - shall not " \
"rescore it." % arch
if op == 'rescore':
if status == 'Needs building':
print 'Rescoring', build, '(%s).' % arch