import-bug-from-debian: split big main function into smaller ones

This allows better understanding of the various parts of the code, by
naming important parts and defining boundaries on the used variables.
This commit is contained in:
Florent 'Skia' Jacquet 2024-07-26 14:59:11 +02:00 committed by Benjamin Drung
parent 9a94c9dea1
commit e328dc05c2

View File

@ -40,9 +40,7 @@ Logger = getLogger()
def main():
bug_re = re.compile(r"bug=(\d+)")
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
@ -72,28 +70,15 @@ def main():
"--no-conf", action="store_true", help="Don't read config files or environment variables."
parser.add_argument("bugs", nargs="+", help="Bug number(s) or URL(s)")
options = parser.parse_args()
return parser.parse_args()
config = UDTConfig(options.no_conf)
if options.lpinstance is None:
options.lpinstance = config.get_value("LPINSTANCE")
if options.dry_run:
launchpad = Launchpad.login_anonymously("ubuntu-dev-tools")
options.verbose = True
launchpad = Launchpad.login_with("ubuntu-dev-tools", options.lpinstance)
if options.verbose:
debian = launchpad.distributions["debian"]
ubuntu = launchpad.distributions["ubuntu"]
lp_debbugs = launchpad.bug_trackers.getByName(name="debbugs")
def get_bug_numbers(bug_list):
bug_re = re.compile(r"bug=(\d+)")
bug_nums = []
for bug_num in options.bugs:
for bug_num in bug_list:
if bug_num.startswith("http"):
# bug URL
match =
@ -105,59 +90,69 @@ def main():
bug_num = int(bug_num)
bugs = debianbts.get_status(bug_nums)
return bug_nums
if not bugs:
Logger.error("Cannot find any of the listed bugs")
def walk_multipart_message(message):
summary = ""
attachments = []
i = 1
for part in message.walk():
content_type = part.get_content_type()
if content_type.startswith("multipart/"):
# we're already iterating on multipart items
# let's just skip the multipart extra metadata
if content_type == "application/pgp-signature":
# we're not interested in importing pgp signatures
if part.is_attachment():
attachments.append((i, part))
elif content_type.startswith("image/"):
# images here are not attachment, they are inline, but Launchpad can't handle that,
# so let's add them as attachments
summary += f"Message part #{i}\n"
summary += f"[inline image '{part.get_filename()}']\n\n"
attachments.append((i, part))
elif content_type.startswith("text/html"):
summary += f"Message part #{i}\n"
summary += "[inline html]\n\n"
attachments.append((i, part))
elif content_type == "text/plain":
summary += f"Message part #{i}\n"
summary += part.get_content() + "\n"
raise RuntimeError(
f"""Unknown message part
Your Debian bug is too weird to be imported in Launchpad, sorry.
You can fix that by patching this script in ubuntu-dev-tools.
Faulty message part:
i += 1
return summary, attachments
def process_bugs(bugs, launchpad, package, dry_run=True, browserless=False):
debian = launchpad.distributions["debian"]
ubuntu = launchpad.distributions["ubuntu"]
lp_debbugs = launchpad.bug_trackers.getByName(name="debbugs")
err = False
for bug in bugs:
ubupackage = package = bug.source
if options.package:
ubupackage = options.package
if package:
ubupackage = package
bug_num = bug.bug_num
subject = bug.subject
log = debianbts.get_bug_log(bug_num)
message = log[0]["message"]
attachments = []
if message.is_multipart():
summary = ""
i = 1
for part in message.walk():
content_type = part.get_content_type()
if content_type.startswith("multipart/"):
# we're already iterating on multipart items
# let's just skip the multipart extra metadata
if content_type == "application/pgp-signature":
# we don't want to import pgp signature
if part.is_attachment():
attachments.append((i, part))
elif content_type.startswith("image/"):
# images here are not attachment, they are inline, but Launchpad can't handle
# that, so let's add them as attachments
summary += f"Message part #{i}\n"
summary += f"[inline image '{part.get_filename()}']\n\n"
attachments.append((i, part))
elif content_type.startswith("text/html"):
summary += f"Message part #{i}\n"
summary += "[inline html]\n\n"
attachments.append((i, part))
elif content_type == "text/plain":
summary += f"Message part #{i}\n"
summary += part.get_content() + "\n"
raise RuntimeError(
f"""Unknown message part
Your Debian bug is too weird to be imported in Launchpad, sorry.
You can fix that by patching this script in ubuntu-dev-tools.
Faulty message part:
i += 1
summary, attachments = walk_multipart_message(message)
summary = log[0]["message"].get_payload()
@ -193,7 +188,7 @@ Faulty message part:
if options.dry_run:
if dry_run:"Dry-Run: not creating Ubuntu bug.")
@ -210,17 +205,42 @@ Faulty message part:
comment=f"Imported from Debian bug{bug_num}",
d_sp = debian.getSourcePackage(name=package)
if d_sp is None and options.package:
d_sp = debian.getSourcePackage(name=options.package)
if d_sp is None and package:
d_sp = debian.getSourcePackage(name=package)
d_task = u_bug.addTask(target=d_sp)
d_watch = u_bug.addWatch(remote_bug=bug_num, bug_tracker=lp_debbugs)
d_task.bug_watch = d_watch
d_task.lp_save()"Opened %s", u_bug.web_link)
if not options.browserless:
if not browserless:
if err:
return err
def main():
options = parse_args()
config = UDTConfig(options.no_conf)
if options.lpinstance is None:
options.lpinstance = config.get_value("LPINSTANCE")
if options.dry_run:
launchpad = Launchpad.login_anonymously("ubuntu-dev-tools")
options.verbose = True
launchpad = Launchpad.login_with("ubuntu-dev-tools", options.lpinstance)
if options.verbose:
bugs = debianbts.get_status(get_bug_numbers(options.bugs))
if not bugs:
Logger.error("Cannot find any of the listed bugs")
if process_bugs(bugs, launchpad, options.package, options.dry_run, options.browserless):